Stupid (Logince)

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*Logan's POV*

I groaned. Group projects.

I hated group projects.

I hated them so much, that even I couldn't find the words to come even close to describing just how much I despised them.

Why did I despise them?

Well, it was because of people like Roman Prince. If I could be grouped with people like Joan, or Virgil, it would be fine. BUT NO.

Every. Single. Group. Project.
Without. Fail.
I would end up in a group with Roman Prince.

Roman didn't just not do the work, oh NO. Roman seemed to actively slow down the process, by practically undoing the work that I had already done. He insisted on including "glitter-barf", as I like to call it, and was just so... mind-numbingly dumb (okay sorry, but I couldn't think of a nicer way to say it).

So today, after the groups had been assigned, and I had been paired with, SURE ENOUGH, Roman Mother-Fucking Prince, and an hour had gone by and nothing had been done, I slammed my head on the table.

"What's wrong, Microsoft Nerd?" Roman asked.

I sighed. "We always get paired together."

"Well, I don't exactly like this partnership either." Roman said defensively. "You're very self-centred."

"I'm self-centred?!" I was loosing my cool at this point. After an hour of this, I was at the end of my rope.

"Well, yeah." Roman said it like it was obvious. "You just do all the work and never listen to my input. There's no 'I' in 'team', you know."

"Oh really? Well you can't spell 'stupid', without the 'U'." I spat.

Roman looked offended, and flustered. "W-Well... there's an 'I' in 'stupid', too! So...!"

And I just sat there, and stared at him for a really long time.

Based on true events^^^

Also looooooooooollllll that was awful (:

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