Take (Prinxiety)

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"How dare you!"

Roman burst into the living room of his and Virgil's apartment with such anguish that Virgil half expected him to be followed by an entourage of people playing dramatic movie music. Roman came right up to him and stuck a finger against his chest, and repeated his words; this time in a low, dramatic whisper.

Virgil looked down at Roman's finger and then back up at his boyfriends face before cocking an eyebrow. "How dare I?"

Honestly, these bouts of over-the-top, flamboyant outbursts were nothing new to Virgil. It had become quite a common occurrence over the past two years of the two of them dating.

"How dare you take it." Roman said, trying his best to be as menacing as possible.

"How dare you take my heart!" Roman swooned, hand to his head like a damsel in distress in a badly performed children's play.

Virgil scoffed.


"How dare you!" Roman said, falling so that he was on one knee in front of the couch and could lean backwards further into his despair.

Virgil kicked his feet up onto the couch distractedly. "I mean... sorry? It's not like I can give it back to you." He sat up with his back against the arm.

Roman pouted. "Fair enough. I suppose, in this unfortunate circumstance, I will be forced to take something of yours in order to... even the playing field." Roman took his hand in his as he thought.

"Oh yeah?" Virgil teased. "Whatcha going to take, Roman?"

A faint smile danced on Roman's lips.

He hummed thoughtfully, before pulling a sparkly silver ring out of his pocket, and skillfully slipping it onto Virgil's ring finger.

"Your last name."

Virgil felt his breath leave his chest, and he looked between the silver band that was most definitely an engagement ring and Roman repeatedly.

Did he just...

Wait hold on just a fucking minute.

Can someone tell me how to ask someone out? Cause man I just... how?

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