Why You Should Ship (Analogical)

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Hello! So, I've come to the realization that a lot of people have their biases towards a certain ship on this platform, and have a bit of a hard time expanding their horizons. I've been working very hard to try to give every ship a chance, and I've recently found a new love for a lot of them. So, I'm creating this little saga, to try to share with you the reasons I fell in love with each ship, and the potential I see there. Who knows? I might convince you. Here are some of the visions I get when I think about the relationship between Logan and Virgil.

What I See In: Analogical

- This ship is the embodiment of awkward, shy, and precious. Logan and Virgil are the two people who will be head over heels for each other forever and won't say anything because they get too nervous and they're scared they won't get the words right.

- Instead of straight up asking the other out, they'll start making little moves. Virgil choosing to sit right next to Logan on the couch, even though there's so much room and no one else on it. Logan making Virgil a coffee in the morning and giving it to him when he sits at the kitchen table without having to be asked. Virgil "accidentally" falling asleep on Logan's shoulder. Logan letting their legs touch a little under the kitchen table. Etc, etc.

- Logan and Virgil will team up to pick on Roman a little bit. Logan thinks very practically, and Virgil very cynically, which surprisingly leads them to agree on a lot of things. One of those being that Princey is stupid. Roman is more than happy to take them on.

- Logan is the most perfect person to help Virgil when his anxiety acts up too much. Logan is calm and stable, and is able to stay steady and give Virgil someone to hold onto while he calms down. I see visions of Logan placing headphones playing soft music over Virgil's ears, and scooting to sit with his back against the wall next to him. He just holds his hand, and reminds him to breathe every now and then. Logan also isn't really one to talk about feelings, so if Virgil wants privacy regarding his attack, Logan won't push. (Virgil appreciates that greatly)

- Their ideal date would be either a casual coffee at a coffee shop somewhere, or just staying at home and spending the night with each other. A nice home cooked (that Virgil probably burned) meal with some nice wine that Logan has picked up on his way home from work. They'd just sit and talk about meaningless things for hours.

- Conspiracy theories. Virgil and Logan will watch conspiracy videos and series' like Buzzfeed: Unsolved in the late hours of the evening. Or maybe early hours of the morning, they're not entirely sure. But they're sitting there, gripping each other's hand as they hunch over Virgil's laptop, watching all of these videos one after the other, until they're both babbling nonsense as they slip into an existential crisis.

- Weekends. Neither of them want to go anywhere. Logan might get some work done from home, but you want them to go outside? Have you met them?

- They're a very domestic couple, but quietly so. Their whole relationship is just quiet pureness. This can be in the form of many things, like Sunday mornings, when Logan will get up early and sit out on the porch with a coffee and watch the sun rise over the roofs of the houses across the way. When Virgil finally gets up, he'll know just where to find Logan, and he'll come outside in his pyjamas and a hoodie, clutching a coffee, and just silently sit down by Logan, and maybe cuddle up against him. They won't say anything besides maybe a soft good morning, because they're more than happy just to sit in each other's presence. They don't feel the need to fill a comfortable silence, one that isn't awkward.

- They aren't really big cuddle people. They're not a couple that will be curled up against each other at all times. But that leads to some nice cute and awkward moments when they do touch, like when Virgil will (very very slowly and cautiously) hook his foot around Logan's under the table, and watch him for a reaction. Logan might look up at Virgil from over his book, but he won't pull away. Or they'll lie in bed at night, their fingers just ghost touching each other's until one of them finally grabs the other's hand. Or they'll sit and watch a movie, and Virgil will play with Logan's fingers, like gently tugging on them, or running his own fingers across the back of Logan's hand. Little moments like that are what really build up Analogical as a relationship.

- Virgil stealing one of Logan's jackets? Logan saying things like "Isn't that my jacket?" And him not understanding why Virgil would want to wear it? Then Virgil explaining how he likes how it reminds him of Logan and also it just kind of makes him happy but he's all embarrassed and shy about it? Um... yes please???

- Virgil giving Logan a hoodie of his once when Logan was cold, and then Logan realizing how right Virgil was about the happy thing, and then BAM all of a sudden Logan never wants to take it off and is wearing Virgil's hoodies and sweaters like... all the time?? 24/7?? Yes please thank you.

- Both of the saying things like "Sorry Roman, I can't tonight." Just because tonight's the night that they go to the library and get new books and then come home just to sit beside each other and read for hours? Just because they like being in each other's company? And they don't have to be doing things together or talking all the time because they just love each other so much and just being together is enough.

- Also just some adorable scenarios for you to picture thanks:

- Virgil is in charge of laundry and carefully hangs up Logan's shirts so they're straight

- Logan makes breakfast on work days and it's always ready and on a plate when Virgil gets downstairs

- On their first date, Virgil walking Logan home at night, and at the door, Logan's about to go inside, until Virgil says "um, Logan?" And Logan turns around and then Virgil just quickly kisses him on the cheek before saying "okay, um, bye" and practically running away

- Virgil running after Logan in the morning saying "Logan, you forgot your wallet!!"

- Short, quick kisses until they're  both laughing

- Times where they have reservations at a restaurant or something and they look at each other when it's time to get ready, and Logan says "do you want to just not go and stay here and open some wine?" And Virgil's like "oh thank god yes please"

- They both really want to hold hands in public but they're too busy overthinking if the other one will be uncomfortable to do it, so they're just slowly letting their hands brush more and more until one of them just goes for it and hopes they don't spontaneously combust.

This is getting long so I'll stop now, but these are just some of the things that had me fall in love with Analogical as a ship. I hope for those of you who aren't as excited about it, that you might consider trying to give it a chance? No worries though! I just thought that this little series might help you find a new ship that you hadn't considered before!

If you have any other little reasons why you personally like Analogical, feel free to share it in the comments!

Yes, I'll try my best to make one of these for every ship :)

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