Chapter 1

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Mr. Incredible, Armstrong, Gold Rush, Demolition Bird, Superdog, Mightydog, and Colossal Hamster slowly crawl to the front of the ship drilling through the ground. Giant pieces of rock hit hit them and they fly off the ship. Colossal Hamster used his metal body to keep himself from being injured.

Superdog: "Get up! He's getting away!"

The drill enters a path which The Underminer once drilled through. He holds a button and looks at holes on the walls.

Underminer: "Consider yourself, UNDERMINED!!"

Bombs began exploding beneath buildings and they start collapsing.

MysticalBoy: "Aloft elevar!"

He uses his staff to stop a building from falling. Telekibunny uses her telekinesis powers to hold a skyscraper. Shazam jumps to catch a falling building and places it down carefully with his strength. A bank fell through the ground. The Underminer got into the safe and started sucking in the money with a giant vacuum. Little did he know that some of the heroes were behind him.

Mr. Incredible: "Underminer, we meet..."

He turned around and vacuumed them.

Underminer: "Oh great. Now they're on the agenda."

He continues vacuuming the money. When he's finished, the ship moves along.

Demolition Bird: "I got this!"

He explodes the safe. Mightydog does his laser eyes to cut the safe door. Mr. Incredible punches the door to get himself and the others out.

Mightydog: "Where'd he go?"

Underminer: "Incredible, Armstrong! Meet Jackhammer!"

He uses his metal fists to punch the two heroes. Superdog trips him, allowing Mr. Incredible to punch back. Underminer grabbed Mr. Incredible's fists. Mr. Incredible throws Underminer backward towards his controls.

Gold Rush: "Oh that's not good."

The drill ship began to go up. The heroes hung on to the wall.

Underminer: "Buh bye! Haha!"

He hops into his safe and it turns into an escape pod.

Colossal Hamster: "He's getting away!"

Armstrong: "Let him go! Right now, we have to stop this thing!"

Mr. Incredible attempts to stop the drill ship, but he breaks the switch. "No no no no no no!!"

The drill ship returns to the city and begins destroying the area. Dash and The Glitch see the dust cloud it creates. They run around telling people to stay back. Then they take off.


Elastigirl, Firefox, Telekibunny, Shazam, Tails, Heatbeam, Ricatchet, Boulder, and MysticalBoy catch up to the drill. The other heroes inside come out from the top.

Heatbeam: "There you are!"

Mr. Incredible: "I can't steer it or stop it!"

Gold Rush: "Because you broke the controls."

Armstrong: "Stop it!"

Heatbeam: "Where's the Underminer?"

Mr. Incredible: "He's escaped."

Elastigirl: "We'll have to stop it from..."

Tails: "Look out!"

Boulder: "The Monorail!"

The train passes by on a bridge. The bridge was destroyed and the train began to fall. Ricatchet jumped as hard as she could off a building to nudge the drill away from the bridge. Frozone and Ace (Indestructadog) came to the action. Frozone created an ice path so the train didn't crash. The other Super-Pets came in from behind.

Elastigirl: "We have to stop this thing before it gets to the overpass!"

Mr. Incredible: "I'll try to keep it away from the buildings! Krypto, Judy, Bomb, Barley, this way!"

Superdog: "Ace, PB, you go with them!"

The heroes drop to the ground and push against the wheels. PB (Wonder Pig) grows large enough to push it away from a nearby building. A car was thrown into the air. Dash and Glitch approach the scene.

Glitch: "Dash! Incoming!"

He sees an old lady on the road and pushes her out of the way. She thanks them, then Jack-Jack came by and was on his stroller with no one watching him.

Glitch: "What the?"

Dash: "Violet!"

She runs past the smoke and towards the drill, leaving the two with Jack-Jack.

Telekibunny: "Ugh, none of this is working!"

Indestructadog: "I gotta bite off the wheel!"

Boulder: "No! It'll risk more buildings being destroyed!"

Mr. Incredible tries getting in front of the wheel, but gets run over. He tries pulling it back with Superdog and Indestructadog helping out.

Merton (Sparks): "The bridge! The traffic!"

Elastigirl, Mightydog, and Armstrong jump from the drill to the bridge. Shazam and Tails fly to the bridge, carrying Firefox.

MysticalBoy: "Bridgregar invisia!"

He takes steps towards the bridge with invisible platforms protecting him from falling. Elastigirl stretches her arms to stop the cars. Firefox created small lines of fire in front of the cars. The drill wouldn't stop.

Shazam: "Out of the way!"

He flies up. Tails grabs Firefox and flies away. Elastigirl grabs Ian and Mightydog and swings away from the bridge. Armstrong jumps off the bridge and lands next to the drill. The drill runs straight through the bridge. A few cars fell off the edge. Elastigirl catches one of the drivers. Armstrong caught another car and put it down. Violet throws a few forcefields to protect citizens from large debris.

Armstrong: "Violet? Wait, where's Vanellope?"

She runs past him. Armstrong follows her.

A pole fell on the ground next to the heroes pulling one of the drill's wheels.

Ricatchet: "Grab that!"

Mr. Incredible and Superdog grab the pole and put it inside the large wheel. It slows the drill down.

Demolition Bird: "It's working!"

It didn't last long. The pole rolled under the wheel and the concrete attached to it was crushed. The rubble was thrown at the heroes. Then Dash hands Jack-Jack to Mr. Incredible.

Dash: "Heads up, Dad."

Glitch: "It's your turn!"

Mr. Incredible: "Dash!"

He sees Violet running on the other side of the drill.

Ian: "Is that Violet?"


Violet: "Dash is watching him!"

Mr. Incredible hands Jack-Jack over to Violet. Ian and Mightydog slide down the lantern while Elastigirl swings into the drill where Heatbeam, Gold Rush, Colossal Hamster, Sparks, and Chip (Green Lantern), were waiting inside. Shazam and Tails fly inside with Firefox.

Heatbeam: "What took you so long?"

Green Lantern: "We've been trying to figure out how to stop it from in here!"

Gold Rush: "Got any bright ideas?"

Elastigirl looks around and sees green liquid in a giant tank. They head towards the tank. Outside, most of the heroes regroup and are still chasing after the drill.

Mr. Incredible: "It's headed for City Hall!"

Boulder: "We can't stop it from out here!"

Dash: "Mom needs help!"

Mr. Incredible gives Dash and Vanellope a lift and they climb up the drill ship. Then he grabs Violet, who was holding Jack-Jack, and he climbs the drill, following the two kids. The rest either climb or fly to the top. The drill passes by two tycoons watching the action. Those were Winston Deavor and Lionheart.

Lionheart: "Look! Supers!"

Winston: "They're out in public again! This is our chance!"

Frozone, Wonder Pig, Armstrong, Mightydog, and MysticalBoy pass by them. He yells to his limo driver.

Winston: "Follow them! Follow Frozone and Armstrong!"

Lionheart: "Did I see new heroes too?"

The heroes reach the top. Frozone begins freezing the wheels. Armstrong throws Ian and Mightydog to the top of the drill then jumps to the top. Elastigirl pulls the tank with her legs while holding on to gears. Heatbeam and Colossal Hamster push the tank forward.

Elastigirl: "Bob, help me with the boiler!"

Mr. Incredible, Ricatchet, and Indestructadog rush to help. Mr. Incredible pushes the boiler, while Ricatchet bounces back and forth between that and the wall. Indestructadog bites down on the bottom to rip it apart. Frozone begins to create an ice wall to move the tip of the drill away from City Hall. Wonder Pig grew the same size as the drill and pushed against it to slow it down more. The heroes inside move the tank loose and liquid spills everywhere.

Elastigirl: "That should do it."

Indestructadog: "Now let's move!"

Before they left, Elastigirl sees the rest, including her kids.

Elastigirl: "What are you kids doing?! Get out of here! This thing's gonna blow!!"

Violet: "There is no time!"

Violet throws a shield just in time to protect them all.

The drill stops as the tip damages the front of the building. Frozone sees the cops arrive and flees. Wonder Pig shrunk and tried to escape. She slipped on ice and struggled to run away. The cops stopped her.

Wonder Pig: "Let me go! Krypto! Help!"

Inside, all the heroes were unharmed by the explosion, but were crunched together in the force field.

Tails: "Too tight!"

Superdog: "You can stop now!"

She stops the force field and everyone catches their breath.

Dash: "WE DID IT!"

Boulder: "We sure did!"

Gold Rush: "What could go wrong now?"

A bright light shines down on them.

Cop: "Freeze supers!"

Mr. Incredible: "Oh what did we do?"

Telekibunny (to Tails and Shazam): "Boys, get behind me!"

Superdog: "Wait, where's PB?"

While they were being arrested, Frozone created an ice path into an alley to hide. The limo driver approached him.

Driver: "Excuse me, Mr. Zone?"

Frozone freezes the driver's feet to prevent him from leaving.

Frozone: "Sorry but I'm not really supposed to be here."

Driver: "Which seems wrong, doesn't it? Perhaps you'd be interested in changing that law?"

Frozone thought about the offer.

Later on, the others were in rooms with agents yelling at them. One of those rooms had Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, Telekibunny and Firefox.

Mr. Incredible: "We didn't start this fight!"

Agent 1: "Well you didn't finish it either!"

Agent 2: "Did you stop the Underminer from inflicting more damage?"

Mr. Incredible: "No."

Agent 2: "Did you stop him from robbing the banks?"

Mr. Incredible: "No."

Agent 2: "Did you catch him?"

Telekibunny: "We needed..."

Agent 1: "Yes or no question!"

Mr. Incredible: "No!"

Agent 1: "The banks were insured. We have infrastructure in place to deal with these matters. If you would've simply done nothing, everything would now be proceeding in an orderly fashion."

Telekibunny: "If we would've done nothing, people would've died and more damage would have been caused!"

Mr. Incredible: "You would've preferred we do nothing?!"

Agent 2: "Without a doubt!"

They leave the heroes. Rick and Gru sat next to the door.

Mr. Incredible: "You weren't much help."

Gru: "This is our job. How can we stop them?"

Rick: "You want out of the hole? First you gotta put down the shovel."

They leave the room.

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