Chapter 17

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Evelyn: "Strap in now!"

Lionheart: "Why should we? This isn't right!"

Elastigirl, Voyd, Telekibunny, Mystery Girl, Indestructadog, and Hiro rush to the top of the ship. Hiro pulled Baymax by the hand. Mr. Incredible, Superdog, and Armstrong hurried to the engine room until Alpha stood in their way. Then the ground rose up thanks to Boulder. And finally, Krushauer crumbled the pipes together to crush the heroes. Superdog tried to wiggle his way through, but Alpha pulled him back and wrestled him to the ground. Krushauer continued throwing pipes down at Armstrong and Mr. Incredible. Boulder then began to control the ceiling and started pulling the metal down.

Outside, Frozone and Shazam stood at the front of the ship. Frozone shot ice at the water to slow the ship down. Shazam pushed the front of the ship. Instead of slowing it down, he began making it tip upward. He quickly flew up next to Frozone and pushed the ship down.

Bellwether: "We're not gonna tell you again!"

Evelyn: "It's for your own good!"

Winston: "No! This is!"

He jumps out the plane before it got any higher.

Lionheart: "Winston, look out!"

Winston moved out of the way, but Lionheart missed the landing pad and started to fall towards the water. Before he hit the water, Tails grabbed him while swishing his two tails around to help him fly.

Lionheart: "Whoo, nice catch, kiddo."

Tails: "Haha. Got your back. Oh boy you're heavy."

Lionheart: "I'm a lion. What, you took me light as a feather?"

Superdog pinned Alpha against the wall and reached for the glasses. Alpha kicked him away. Mr. Incredible and Armstrong pushed some of the pipes away from them. Mr. Incredible throws one at Krushauer and hits him in the face, knocking the glasses off. Armstrong bashed at the ceiling, throwing Boulder off. Superdog got away from Alpha and punched Boulder to knock the glasses off. Boulder ended up falling onto Alpha and led to him losing his screen glasses.

Elastigirl, Telekibunny, Indestructadog, Voyd, Mystery Girl, Hiro and Baymax reach the top. By then, the plane had already taken off.

Voyd: "We're too late!"

Elastigirl: "Get me up to the jet!"

Voyd created a portal that led to the jet. Elastigirl jumped in and missed the plane. Voyd created a portal again. Elastigirl fell through it and landed on the jet. However, she couldn't grab a hold of it.

Telekibunny flew to try and reach the jet, but she was unable to get through with the altitude. Mystery Girl, in the form of a bat, flew up and grabbed her, then locked on to the tail of the plane. Baymax held on to Indestructadog and he flew at high speed to the jet. They all hang on tight.

Telekibunny: "Someone try to catch her!"

Voyd created another portal for Elastigirl to fall through. She hit the bottom of the jet and continued falling.

Hiro: "Wait, we can't get in through here!"

Indestructadog: "I'm here for a reason,"

He bit down on the plane and removed a piece of metal to enter the plane. It was big enough for him and Telekibunny to get in. Voyd created a hole in the plane for Elastigirl to get in. She stretched her arm and pulled herself in by grabbing a rod in the engine. The portal closes just in time for her to get in.

Hiro raised his arms in celebration, then slid off then plane. Baymax and Mystery Girl went to get him. Mystery Girl caught him and she put him on Baymax's back. By then, the plane was too high for them to chase.

At the ship, Mr. Incredible, Armstrong, and Superdog tried pushing the pipes out of the way.

Armstrong: "Oh it's no use! This'll take forever."

Mr. Incredible: "Hey, you did this, can you undo it?"

Krushauer: "You want me to uncrush?"

Superdog: "What do you think, rookie?"

Mr. Incredible: "What? No one's ever asked for that?"

Krushauer: "No! To uncrush is silly. Why uncrush?"

Mr. Incredible: "To get into the engine..."

Armstrong: "Bob, let it go. He's not gonna do it."

Mr. Incredible: "Oh forget it, we don't have enough time. Barley get up!"

Krushauer: "What if I said to unpunch someone, what you do?"

Boulder quickly realized he was sitting on Alpha.

Boulder: "Oh, sorry buddy."

Alpha: "Oh, you smell. Get that suit washed, will ya!"

They leave the two behind.

At the jet, Elastigirl entered the main area of the plane through a vent and met with Telekibunny and Indestructadog. Evelyn and Bellwether noticed because of a button blinking on the control panel.

Evelyn: "Welcome aboard, Elastigirl, Telekibunny, and Indestructadog. Although we haven't yet reached our cruising altitude..."

She flies downward and makes them hit the ceiling.

Evelyn: "...feel free to roam about the cabin."

She began steering aggressively to make them bounce around the walls.

Evelyn: "Or just relax and let the cabin roam about you."

Bellwether: "Don't worry, it will not take long."

The plane flies upward and begins to hit a rather dangerous altitude. At the same time, Evelyn turned off the oxygen. Back at the ship, everyone watches as it continues heading for the city.

Mr. Incredible: "I can't get to the engine room."

Firefox: "Oh great. That's just great."

Frozone: "Well we gotta do something. Cuz trying to slow it down ain't working."

Dash: "Hey, what about turning the boat?"

All: "The steering's been destroyed."

Glitch: "No no no. He means..."

Violet: "Dash means from the outside."

Dash: "Yeah."

Glitch: "I was gonna say that."

Armstrong: "Can you further explain?"

Violet: "If we break off one of the foils and turn the rudder, we can veer the ship away from the city."

Mr. Incredible: "That might work."

Frozone: "I'll turn the front, you turn the rear."

Mr. Incredible: "Using the rudder? That's underwater! How am I supposed to get... oh great! Come on kids!"

Violet: "Dad. I know this is going to work, but if it doesn't, and we crash, my shields are probably better protection than the ship. I should stay here with Jack-Jack."

Mr. Incredible: "That's my girl."

Frozone: "Remember Bob! We're both turning right!"

Frozone begins shooting ice down at the water and continues hitting the foil. Superdog carried Heatbeam while Tails carried Firefox and they flew above the ship, aiming for the foil. Firefox shot small flames while Superdog and Heatbeam took turns shooting lasers. Beside the kids, the rest went back into the ship.

Back at the jet, Evelyn and Bellwether but masks on to breathe while the three heroes onboard struggled to reach the front.

Evelyn: "You know what's sad? If it weren't for your core beliefs, I think we could've been good friends."

Elastigirl: "At least I ha... have, core beliefs."

Indestructadog: "I can't con... c... concen... I can't say it."

Bellwether: "What? You don't think this high enough? Alright."

At the news station, Chad got an update.

Chad: "We have breaking news! While there is still no radio contact, the ship has changed direction, and is heading towards land at a high rate of speed."

The heroes continue trying to slow the ship down. Mr. Incredible throws down the anchor of the ship and wraps part of the chain around himself.

Mr. Incredible: "Dash, I am going to the rudder. Once I turn the ship, you hit the pull up button."

Dash: "Okay Dad!"

Mr. Incredible: "Now lower me DAAAHHH!!"

Dash hit the button before he could finish. Mr. Incredible hit the water quickly and floated to the back of the ship.

Evelyn: "The reputations of superheroes are ruined. You will never become legal. Ever."

Elastigirl: "Never?"

Evelyn: "Haha. No."

Elastigirl: "Ever?"

Evelyn: "No."

Bellwether: "Even if you stopped us."

Telekibunny: "But we're right here. Let's stop you."

Evelyn: "What?"

Elastigirl: "Not even a little sminchy winchy?"

Evelyn: "Oh, hypoxia. When you don't have enough oxygen, things seem really silly."

Indestructadog began rolling around the floor intentionally.

Mr. Incredible narrowly avoids the blades on the ship and continues trying to get to the rudder.

Evelyn: "Things get sillier and sillier, and then you die."

Telekibunny; "Die? Me? You funny."

Elastigirl: "I don't wanna die."

Evelyn: "Ah nobody does."

She kicks the weak heroes back.

Evelyn: "Really, not such a bad way to go."

Bellwether: "Want us to make it quicker? Nah. Forget it."

Elastigirl noticed a flare gun laying next to them. She picks it up and aims for Evelyn. She shoots it at her oxygen tank on her back, which pushed her through the window and she began to fall. Bellwether put her hands up.

Indestructadog pushed Elastigirl towards the driver seat while she pulled Telekibunny towards it. Elastigirl grabbed an oxygen mask and breathed into it quickly. Then she put it to Telekibunny's face. She got up and saw Bellwether on the copilot seat.

Bellwether: "No! Give me that wheel!"

Indestructadog pulled her away from the wheel and held her down, even though she fought back. Elastigirl turned the ship around and downward.

Back inside the ship, Winston and Lionheart entered the meeting room again and destroyed part of the hypnotizing screen. It turned off and everyone stopped staring.

Winston: "Everyone, we need to get to the back of the ship. All supers, protect your ambassadors!"

Brick: "Follow."

Mr. Incredible continued trying to push the rudder. Dash waited for him, but was begin to get impatient.

Dash: "Dad's been underwater for too long!"

Elastigirl continued to fly the ship down and head for Evelyn. She turned on autopilot and got ready to jump out.

Dash: "We gotta pull him up!"

Violet: "Wait. It's too soon!"

Mr. Incredible was beginning to make progress, but was running out of time. Elastigirl slingshot herself out of the plane and caught Evelyn, but left the others.

Bellwether: "You're gonna kill all of us!"

Telekibunny: "Oh no we're not. We're all gonna come out of this alive."

Indestructadog held her by the back of her shirt and jumped out. Telekibunny followed and grabbed him. She struggled to fly because they were too heavy for them. The plane hit the water, with Voyd, Mystery Girl, Baymax, and Hiro watching.

Hiro: "I see them!"

Mystery Girl: "They're heading for the water! Get them."

Hiro climbs on Baymax and flies towards Telekibunny. Elastigirl expanded herself to be a parachute.

Dash: "I gotta press the button!"

Violet: "Not yet!"

Glitch: "Violet, we can't wait any longer!"

Violet: "Wait for Uncle Lucius to say yes!"

Mr. Incredible continued pushing the rudder to the left. Evelyn kicked Elastigirl in the face to make her let go. She continued falling. Baymax and Hiro were able to catch Telekibunny, Indestructadog, and Bellwether. They head back down to the ship. Voyd watched as Elastigirl went back to get Evelyn again.

Mr. Incredible pushed the rudder to the left and the ship began to turn slightly.

Violet: "It's turning! It's working!"

Superdog, Heatbeam, and Frozone stopped breaking the foil on the right.

Frozone: "Now!"

Violet: "Dash, now!"

Dash pushed the button and Mr. Incredible was pulled away from the rudder. Mystery Girl turned into a serpent and wrapped herself around Bellwether so she wouldn't escaped. Elastigirl dove for Evelyn and tried to catch her.

Voyd: "Save yourself, make a chute!"

Mr. Incredible was pulled out of the water.

Voyd: "Make a chute, make a chute. MAKE A CHUTE!!"

Elastigirl caught Evelyn and expanded into a parachute again, just as Voyd made a portal that led them to the ship. They land just near the edge.

Frozone: "Helen! Judy! Ace! Brace yourselves!"

Frozone finished breaking off the foil and the ship leaned to the right. Everyone fell towards the edge and hung on.

Mr. Incredible: "Crash positions!"

Frozone shot as much snow as he could at the land to keep the ship from hitting one of the buildings. It came to a rest on the hill of snow against a building. The heroes groaned. Armstrong came to the top of the ship and saw all the snow.

Armstrong: "Woah. Lucius, did you..."

Frozone: "Uh-huh."

Glitch: "Ralph!"

Armstrong: "Kid!"

They hug. Then the other heroes began coming out of the ship. As they reunite, Elastigirl thought of something.

Elastigirl: "I missed Jack-Jack's first power?!"

Mr. Incredible: "Actually you missed the first 17."

Jack-Jack began multiplying as they laugh. The citizens applauded as their city is safe and the heroes saved the day.

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