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It had been almost three weeks since Calum had seen Luke. He still came to him in his dreams which he totally wasn't complaining about, but it was really weird not having Luke constantly bug him and show up at random times when Calum would've preferred to be alone.

Calum was starting to think that because Luke had gotten what he wanted, the older one of the two didn't want anything to do with him anymore. As much as Calum would deny it to anyone, it felt like a punch to the heart.

Luke had been doing this for years, but for Calum he was a complete virgin. He hadn't even felt a girl up when he was in high school because all his other friends had been doing it. This was completely new territory for him and that was why he was currently in his room, sulking while Ashton and Michael were trying to find the new Pokémon movie the vampire wouldn't shut up about.

The best part about being alone was that Calum could actually appreciate the little things he couldn't if Luke was around. Like the view from his bedroom windows which was totally amazing. The best thing about being in one of the highest apartments was that you could see across the city and the sunset made it look so surreal.

Music played quietly as Calum laid in his lilac panties, heat spreading across is body as the sun shone through his bedroom windows, his skin glowing as he continued to let his thoughts overtake him.

He wondered if he should call Luke. Maybe ask the blond if he wanted to come over and watch another movie. Not that they ended up watching the movie the last time Luke had paid a visit. Maybe he could send him a text. He sounded too desperate, Calum thought.

He turned onto his stomach as the front door banged shut and Michael's voice rang throughout the appointment which meant the couple had found the movie otherwise Michael would have dragged Ashton around the city looking for it.

Calum pulled his blanket across his torso to cover himself up just as Michael barged through his door. "Doesn't anyone know how to knock anymore?" He groaned and Michael sat against the leather head of his bed, scrolling though his phone.

"Um no, I don't think so," Michael replied and Calum scoffed at the blue haired boy as he didn't bother to even glance up from his phone. Calum sat up, stretching before he threw as small pillow at the vampire.

"Did you come in here for something? I'm practically naked and I'd prefer to have pants on if you're going to be in here for a while," Michael clicked the lock button on his phone before he decided to actually look at the tanned boy. "I don't plan on staying, Luke sent me in here to apologise,"

"What? Has he lost the ability to speak? I don't want to speak to that asshole," Calum replied and Michael grinned back at the smaller boy. "He's waiting out there," he laughed, nodding his head towards the door.

Calum let his back hit the mattress as he let out a loud groan. "Bite me, Dracula," Michael laughed as he walked towards the door, flipping him off. "You wish!"

The blanket fell to the side as Calum turned back onto his stomach, mentally hoping the bed would just swallow him up. As much as he thought about talking to Luke, he didn't actually think he'd have to face the blond today.

There was a knock on his door, although it was already open. Calum turned his head to the side, his eyes focusing on Luke who was leant against the door frame with his arms cross over his chest. The smaller boy licked his lips as he raked over Luke's body. He looked like God and Calum really had to restrain himself from licking him or something "What do you want, perv?"

"Am I not allowed to just stand here and stare at the view. You know, lilac really suits you," Luke replied, the right side of his mouth turning up into a smirk. Calum mentally wanted to wipe the smirk off of Luke's face as he turned away from him.

"What's wrong?" Luke asked, his arrogant self quickly switching to someone who actually showed an emotion other than horny college guy. "I was really enjoying the view until you came along," Calum replied.

"Baby, I am the view,"

"Why did you send Michael to do your dirty work?"

"I didn't send Michael in to do anything," Luke replied as he furrowed his eyebrows. Calum scoffed in response. So Luke didn't even plan on apologising. Luke had either bragged about getting to third base or Michael had probably earwigged when Calum had told Ashton. Either way, Michael was doing what any best friend would do; saving Luke's ass.

"Michael apologised for you, asshole. Just leave already. You're only digging yourself a bigger hole. Oh and by the way, you're already neck deep,"

Luke rand his fingers through his hair as stared at Calum's back. "I don't understand what I need to apologise for," he replied and Calum let out a deep groan in response.

This is what Calum really didn't like about the taller boy. He didn't think that he'd done anything wrong because he was so used to people just throwing themselves at him and then he'd just disappear from their lives. But Calum was different and maybe Luke didn't know Calum's a Virgin.

"You haven't spoken to me for three weeks, Luke,"

"I spoke to you last night,"

"Dreams don't count!"

Luke sighed as he sat on the edge of Calum's bed. "I'm sorry, okay? I've just been so busy with college. I should have at least called or something," Calum turned to his side so he was facing the older one of the two. He blushed, Luke's eyes flickering pink as he raked them over Calum's body. "I forgive you," he replied.

Luke leant forward, his fingers tracing Calum's curves. "Say the word and it's all over,"

"Shut up and kiss me already,"

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