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Dedicated to Sincerely_Little because she's a butthole 💁🏼 HI MICHAEL!

After Luke had turned up at the coffee shop, Calum didn't quite know whether he wanted to talk to Luke or not. He knew that he had been trying to avoid the inevitable for a while, but he didn't think that he would have to face Luke as soon as he did. Eventually, the two came up with an agreement. Numerous things they both had to do if they were going to at least try to see each other. Much to Luke's dismay, meeting his family was the first thing on the list.

Calum felt so bad that the first time he had met Luke's family, they ended up having to escort him out of their home. He didn't mean to cause any harm. He just wanted to get an explanation from Luke, but now he had that explanation and he could finally introduce himself to the Hemmings' without another disaster at hand. And that was how he found himself driving through the familiar iron gates he had walked through a while ago.

Calum felt like it was really unnecessary for Luke to send a car to pick him up. He could have easily gotten Ashton to drop him off, but instead he was in the back of a sleek black car that he didn't know the name off. He was pretty sure this was the one he saw Luke getting out of once. The car came to a halt before the driver was quickly opening his door, holding out a hand to help Calum step out of the car.

He took a deep breath as he walked up the stairs, pushing the doorbell like he had done the first time. Hopefully, not a disaster like the last, he thought. The door opened and Luke appeared wearing the exact opposite he expected. Wet hair flopped onto his forehead, shorts hanging low and his chest bare. "Did you forget I was coming?" Luke shook his head as he smiled at Calum. "Of course not, I was in the pool," He replied and Calum stood there awkwardly as he played with the holes in his jeans. "Come in, my sister hasn't shut up about you since I let them know you'd be coming again," Luke grumbled. He held out his hand for Calum who laced their fingers together as Luke lead them down a hallway he didn't recognise.

"Can you make sure your phone is never on silent? I think I might get lost if I need the bathroom or something," Luke nodded, chuckling at the smaller boy. "I'm not letting you out of my sight. As soon as I let you go, my step mum will have the baby albums out," Luke replied. Calum looked up, his eyebrows furrowed. "Step mum?"

"Yeah, um, my mum died when I was a year old and my dad got married again when I was four. Charlotte's great, though. She's always been there for me," Calum's hand gripped Luke's tighter. "I'm sorry," and Luke shook his head as he smiled down at the tanned boy. "Don't worry about it. I was so young and I don't even remember her. She's always going to be my mum and my dad always talks to me about her, but in my eyes Charlotte is the closest thing I've ever had to a mother figure and she was the one that brought me up,"

Luke pulled them down another hallway, leading Calum through the kitchen before they came to double doors that lead outside. "My family is crazy so I'm sorry in advance," Luke chuckled and Calum knew what he meant when Luke's sister came rushing towards them, practically taking Calum down to the floor when she hugged him. "I'm so happy you're here! I'm Alaska by the way," Luke quickly caught Calum as he fell forwards.

"Steady," He chuckled and Alaska stood back with a sheepish smile on her face. "Sorry," Calum laughed as he shook his head. "It's fine, honestly," he replied. "Didn't you have blonde hair last time I saw you?" He asked and Alaska furrowed her eyebrows as she ran her fingers through her pink hair. "Oh yeah! I let my natural colour come back,"

"Your natural colour is pink?" Calum asked and Alaska nodded her head in response. "I'm turning eighteen so I'm going through the change. You know discovering my true self as a Succubus,"

Calum turned to Luke. "Is your hair pink too?" He asked. "No just hers," the older one of the two replied. He wrapped his arms around Calum. "The others are sat near the pool," he said before he laced their fingers together again, letting Alaska trail behind them.

Calum could feel his heart beat picking up as they neared where the rest of Luke's family was sat. He didn't know that it would be so nerve-wracking, but honestly, he hadn't even dated before so he was going me to be at least a little nervous. Luke nudged Calum, smiling down at him as he brought their linked hands up, kissing the back of Calum's hand. "Don't be nervous, princess. My family really aren't as mean as they look,"

Calum's hand tightened around Luke's as soon as his family looked over their way. "They're going to hate me. They're going to think the way I dress is weird," Calum stated and Luke frowned at the smaller boy. "Stop putting yourself down. You're perfect," Luke whispered.
He lifted his head smiling as he walked over to Charlotte, kissing her hair. "Mum, Calum's here,"

Charlotte gasped standing from her lounge chair. She pushed her glasses up, smiling as she pulled Calum into a hug. Apparently the Hemmings family were huggers? "You're even prettier in person. Oh, Luke, you have a keeper. He's so beautiful," Calum blushed as he tried to hug back.

"Um, Thankyou. And in person?" He questioned. Charlotte pulled back with a smirk. Now Calum knew where Luke got that from. "Did you know that Luke has this--"

"Okay, mum! That's enough," Luke chuckled. He ran his hands through his hair, glancing at Calum's from the side. Calum rose his eyebrows. "Luke has a what?"


"A photo of you that he probably wanks over," Someone spoke up. Luke groaned as he glared over at the boy who was laid on a lounger, sunglasses covering his eyes. "Shut the fuck up, Cole," Luke snapped and Charlotte glared at both the boys. "Stop swearing," she scolded

Alaska laughed at the side of Calum as both of the boys glared at each other. "Just to stop you two from killing each other, Michael sent mum a Polaroid of you and Luke. Luke has it on his desk in his room. That's it,"

Calum smiled, remembering the day Michael had bought an old Polaroid camera. He had insisted on taking pictures every chance he had and Ashton sat looking like a kicked puppy because his boyfriend wasn't paying any attention to him.

"That's cute," Calum replied and Luke sent him a small smile as he pulled Calum to his side. "Can I see which one?" He asked.


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