↳ six.

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Some time later, the petit girl found herself stumbling through Beacon Hills Preserve - somewhere that she had certainly not expected herself to be.

Luna hadn't a clue as to where she was but by that time, she also didn't really care. All she cared about was getting out of the wood, back home safely, and to attend her appointment all in one piece. That was the main goal, for that moment in time; the priority. 

It would've been quite the lie to say that she wasn't scared, the blonde was practically wetting herself. She was terrified. Luna hadn't been around too long, but she had been around long enough to know that a body had been found in the very same woods she wakes through only the day prior and she [naturally] couldn't help but fear the worst. News travelled fast in Beacon Hills. But oddly, everywhere that she stepped, she felt as though she was being watched, which wasn't belong her feel any less petrified.

Although that probably wasn't the case, and she wasn't being watched at all, Luna just wanted to get out of the cluster of trees as quickly as she could.

Luckily, it was still light out by the time of five o'clock, which meant that the fear was maintained on a much lower scale than it could have been, but her heart still continued to beat rather erratically. The paranoia was enough to make her feel physically ill, though at the same time she felt somewhat intrigued by the scenario.

The idea of finding half of a body, as Scott had ever so eloquently stated that morning, was sickening yet also very exciting. Her personality mirrored Stiles' own in the fact that the unknown horror gave her some sort of adrenaline rush, the same most people would get from rollercoasters or watching scary movies, finding out about murder mysteries and conspiracy theories. One part of Luna was insanely, and understandably, creeped out and didn't want to get herself killed by being there, yet the other wanted to know more about the murder. A small part of Luna wanted to find the body.

However, she wasn't quite willing to risk her life to find a corpse. She would leave that to Stilinski.

After checking the time on her phone for the third time in ten minutes, the girl sighed exasperatedly. She had only been walking for half an hour but still had little to no clue as to where she was going. Her appointment was at six in the evening and it was currently five. All Luna could do was hope that there was less than an hours walk ahead of her.

    "Dude! That was Derek Hale-"


The blonde stopped dead in her tracks, focusing in one the voices with furrowed brows. She knew them from somewhere, and she also knew that they were nearing her quickly, speaking louder than they had anticipated. Their trainers hit the earth, leaves crunching under their feet as they sped through the forest.

Luna wasn't quite sure what to do, she knew that she had recognised the voices but that wasn't really the point. The only thought running through her mind was the part of the conversation that she had overheard.

Derek Hale.

The name was so familiar yet so unrecognisable, a simultaneous matter of knowing but not knowing for sure. Luna knew for a fact that she had heard of the man before but she didn't quite know where, his name simply sounded familiar. It was on the tip of her tongue, threatening to slip but refraining itself - almost tortuously taunting. Luna was certain that he had been at least mentioned or maybe even involved her in the past. Who was he?

But unfortunately (though sometimes fortunately) she had done too good of a job of forgetting her memories from the past. It had gotten to the point where Luna barely remembered her old friends. The names of her old schools were a mystery and her childhood was only was a faint memory.

The girl couldn't even recall who this man was, she didn't even know how important he had been to her a few years prior.

Something about the name had caused a shiver to tickle down her spine, for a reason unknown at the present time. Her guts had started to knot, stomach twisting and her breathing picked up as the name brought along a sense of negative nostalgia. The surname struck her more than the fore but both were equally as uninviting. Luna hadn't a clue as to why she was reacting in such a way, it was a name - not a horror film title. Hale. Why was it so familiar?

    "Y'know- the one whose family died in that freak fire a few years back."

    "I thought he moved away? What's he doing back here?"

The pair were only around a meter away from Luna herself by this point. By that time, she had known without a doubt that the two boys were her new found friends but that hadn't stopped the blonde from wondering as to why they were walking through the preserve, talking about Derek Hale. It seemed incredibly strange but when she thought about it, it seemed quite fitting for the duo.

For some reason, Luna found herself wanting to know more about the mystery man and felt the urge to mix herself within the discussion, to mingle with the mystery of it all. But she didn't do that, instead the girl held back her questions and started to walk towards the boys.

    "Stiles?" she called out, "Scott?"

The duos discussion come to a quick close, stopping alongside their footsteps. For a small moment, Luna debated as to whether they would answer her or not, but it wasn't as thought it were plausible. They had no choice in the matter, not really, if they didn't answer she would simply interrogate them the next day. They couldn't deny that they had been in the forest - Luna wasn't that stupid.

   To her surprise, however, the footsteps continued in her direction and she made no effort to venture away from them.

"Luna?" Stiles asked in confusion as the three came face to face, "What are you doing here?"

The blonde rose a brow, not understanding as to why she had been the one under interrogation as apposed to themselves. It didn't seem fair, "I could be asking you the same thing."

   "We were searching for my inhaler," Scott replied quickly, a nervous smile upon his lips. Stiles was fast to nod along hastily and agree with an identical smile upon his lips. It seemed suspicious, and Luna wasn't sure whether to believe them or not. The story was incredibly flawed.

   "Your inhaler?" Luna questioned, scrunching up her nose in a manner that a certain boy found adorable, "Why would your inhaler be out here?"

Scott's eyes widened slightly as they darted to the hyperactive kid for help, though he failed to be of any. The boy simply stuttered, his mouth opening and closing, gawping like a fish, whilst trying to find an acceptable and believable answer. Luna couldn't help but laugh lightly at the pair as they stumbled and stuttered; they were hopeless.

   "We went for a run last night and he dropped it," Stiles blurted out in blind panic, "Yeah- yeah, a run!"

   "A run?" she repeated slowly, processing the information but not quite believing it, "Last night? But Scott, you're asthmatic."

The puppy-eyed boy laughed nervously and chewed on his cheek. They had been caught out, he didn't know much but he knew that for sure. Luna was intelligent and logical so of course she was going to be good at figuring out things, much like Stiles. The girl was also good at knowing when someone was lying and in this case, it wasn't really that hard to discover. The two of them were utterly atrocious liars.

   "He isn't even that asthmatic," Stiles informed her, still attempting to cover their tracks, "He plays lacrosse, right?"

Obviously he was very wrong, even an idiot knew that that wasn't how asthma worked and although he had a fair point with the lacrosse thing, all of it just didn't add up.

Eyes narrowing, the blonde she stared at the dynamic duo disbelieving. The innocent smiles on their faces didn't help their case but Luna decided to let it slide, too much already on her mind to worry about it much more.

She sighed and nodded, "Well, I guess-"

   "Great!" Stiles clapped his hands and was a little too eager to change the subject, "Now, why are you here?"

Luna face flushed slightly as she shuffled awkwardly on her feet, her confident attitude slowly fading. If she had said that she wasn't embarrassed, it would've been a lie. The girl knew that if she told them that she hadn't called a tow truck for her car like any sane human, she would be ridiculed in an instant.

   "Oh, my car broke down," she replied bashfully, letting it sink in.

The boys shared a glance, eyebrows raised in what Luna could only assume to be curiosity. She couldn't know for certain, though.

   "And that leads to you walking through a forest, how?" Scott asked as he waited for more depth in her story.

   "You know- places to be, people to see." Luna chuckled awkwardly, "Walking was kind of my only option and then I got lost so, here I am?" It was one of a question than a statement.

Stiles eyebrows were now furrowed at her explanation. He didn't understand her reasoning, "Why didn't you ring anyone to pick you up?"

And there it was, one of the many questions that she hadn't really wanted to answer.

Luna rubbed her forehead and sighed, "I didn't have anyone to call."

An awkward discomfort filled the air as she awaited for the boys to press on with questions, asking whether anyone was at home or where her parents were. She dreaded having to ask them, to reply that her mother and father had left a sixteen year old girl at home alone, in a new town that just so happened to have had a murder in the past few days. It wouldn't exactly be favoured by many. Luna took a few moments to mentally prepared herself for the conversation but to her fortune, it never came.

   "Right," Stiles nodded his head a couple of times, brushing over the topic for her sake. He knew how it could feel, "Well, I could give you a ride? My cars not too far away."

Although tempted, Luna shook her head at the offer, "No, it's okay. I'll walk-"

"Seriously, it's fine. I have to bring Scott back anyway, the only thing this kid drives is a bike. Plus Lois' dad picked her up after school instead today, so there's definitely a free seat calling your name." he chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck, "I really don't mind."

She bit her lip, internally arguing with herself. To be truthful, she wanted nothing more than to accept his offer. Stiles was being extremely sweet and it was kind of rude to decline the help, especially when he was going out of his way to assure she got home. The three teens knew that it wasn't the safest out in Beacon Hills currently and a ride would be a saving grace for the blonde, she couldn't deny it. Luna was already running slim of time and it would help her get to get to her appointment, although that was the problem.

If Luna went with him, where would she say that she wanted to go? If she went home, she wouldn't have enough time to get to the psychiatrist office from there and she would be later than late. However, if the blonde asked for him to drive her directly there, he would probably be weirded out and either never speak to her again, or bombard her with questions.

It wasn't exactly the easiest thing to explain.

Luna shook her head, "Really, Stiles-" she replied politely, "It's fine, I need the exercise anyway."

"No, I insist," he gave her a sheepish smile, "I, uh- I want to make sure you get back safely."

At his words, Luna's heart near fluttered. It was incredibly sweet of him to worry for her, another reason that was incredibly endearing alongside many others she had discovered throughout the day, and she couldn't help but become flustered. She had known this boy for as little as a day and he had already succeeded in making her blush multiple times, just by doing the littlest things.

There was certainly something about Stiles that made her feel this way but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

   "Okay, okay. I'll take the ride," Luna grinned, "Thanks."

"No problem," he returned the gesture as he looked down at her. Although wearing heals, the girl still wasn't much taller than usual and nearly everyone she met still had to tilt their heads down to see her. Stiles happened to be one of the tallest people she knew meaning that even though it wasn't a drastic difference right now, when she wasn't wearing heals it certainly would be.

The two stood, smiling at each other for a few moments and ignoring the existence of the third teen. It seemed as though they were in a trance with just the two of them - they couldn't break away.

Scott stood to the side, eyebrows raised and a small smirk on his lips. His eyes flickered between the pair and the urge to ruin their little moment became all too tempting.

   "Come on, guys!" he stated rather loudly whilst clapping his hands together. "Time to go!"

Stiles and Luna jumped back slightly and a blush grazed their cheeks. The girl hadn't a clue as to what just happened but the thoughts in the back of her mind still made her smile.

Stiles Stilinski made her smile.

The trio quickly headed off through the woods, in the direction Luna assumed was the buzzcut boys car. Seeing as she had shorter legs, the blonde was a bit behind as the pair stalked effortlessly through the pines and grass. It wasn't easy for her to catch up, though she tried her hardest and still failed miserably.

   "Would you mind slowing down?" She pouted like a four year old, half tempted to stamp her food, "It's harder for some of us."

Both of the boys let out a laugh at her efforts, finding it quite amusing to watch. They were nearing six feet in height and seeing as she was nowhere near that, it was clear as to why she was struggling. While Scott just found it straight up hilarious, Stiles couldn't help but smile at her adorability. He found her cute, very cute at that.

   "Hurry up, shorty," the boy snorted jokingly, "I thought you had places to be?"

Luna frowned at him but couldn't prevent the smile fighting to etch onto her pink lips. She knew that Stiles was simply messing around, his sarcasm getting the best of him. With a roll of her eyes, she continued to walk somewhat closer to them this time.

Though the blonde couldn't help but sigh, thinking about the fact that she indeed had places to be. She had time to get there, that wasn't the issue. It was that she still didn't have a clue what she was going to say. Did she ask them to bring her home? Tell them the truth? Luna just didn't know.

The trio made small talk and joked around as they walked, resulting in Scott shoving Luna into a tree at some point. She wasn't sure how it had happened but it had, for a reason she couldn't remember. How wonderful of him.

She still couldn't get over how quickly they had bonded in minimum hours. In as little as a day, they had managed to meet for the first time and become life long friends all at once. Never had Luna experienced that before. Sure, she had friends but for the past year or two, they had never been real. It was different but a good different.

By the time they had arrived at Stiles' jeep, it was around six o'clock. Fortunately, they hadn't died during their little escapade and made it to the vehicle perfectly in one piece, no casualties nor extremities. They weren't even directly in the woods anymore but for some reason, Luna still felt tetchy. She continued to feel paranoid, anxious at the thought of somebody watching her. It was a feeling that she couldn't shake and the blonde hated it.

Her green eyes scanned back over the deserted area once again, much like she had done throughout the entire travel. If someone, or something, was watching them, she was pretty sure that she'd be able to see it at least on the thirteenth time she had looked over her shoulder. They were out in the open and there weren't any places to hide other than behind a tree [something Stiles would do.] It would be physically impossible not to see anyone. Right?

With a frown, Luna clambered into the back seats of the soft blue jeep. Stiles took the drivers seat whilst the puppy took the front, making the girl scowl. She may have only been in this car once but there was no doubt in her mind that Scott had gotten countless of times in the front seat. It wasn't fair that she was shoved to the back straight away, he'd probably ha his fair share of journeys with shotgun.

"Why does he get the front seat?" Luna whined, pushing herself between the two chairs before her.

Scott shrugged, "Because I'm his best friend."

   "That's so not fair - I've only known you guys a day!" she pouted again. The pair laughed at her failed attempts as the car started up.

Seconds later, they were driving through the streets of Beacon Hills. Luna wasn't sure how she had gotten there, but she was glad she had.

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