↳ thirteen.

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Allison had been switched to a different chemistry class. They weren't really sure why, but the girls had a sneaking suspicion that it was because Harris wanted to punish Scott McCall for something.

He and Stiles were always in trouble with Harris, and it seemed that Luna had been pulled down with that, too.

Sighing sadly as she waved her friend farewell until maybe lunch, Luna turned on her heal and started to make her way to first period. During that journey, she wished for nothing more than for Beacon Hills High to miraculously combust. Going to Chemistry meant that she would have to did next the guy that she really wished she hadn't been so awful to, the same guy that she also wished hadn't left her at the party: Stiles Stilinski.

It was going to be awkward. Luna knew that. But, most of all, she was dreading it. They had only known each other for a week. and they had somehow already managed to fall out - well, technically Luna had fallen out with him, and he had just dealt with it, but it was his fault nonetheless. Stiles shouldn't have left her at that party. What did he expect?

When entering her chemistry class, surprisingly on time for once, Luna had immediately scanned the room with surveying green eyes. Once she had made sure that it was clear of puppy eyes and buzzcuts, the teenager breathed in relief and darted over to her usual desk, dumping her pile of textbooks on top of it. She took a seat and pulled her notebook out put of her bag, starting to align it with the edge of her desk perfectly. Taking out a blue-pen, the girl placed it an almost exact inch away from the edge of the notebook, and smiled down at it just as Stiles and Scott walked in.

"She's already here-" Stiles muttered to his friend as he froze in the doorway, body stiff and bones rigid, "-no! I can't do it."

"Sure, you can!" Scott coached his best friend in a light and easy tone, one that should have soothed him but it didn't. His friend was a werewolf now, how could that ever be soothing? "I mean- what's the worst that could happen?"

Stiles scowled.

"The worst that could happen?" He mused, "Oh- I don't know, let me think..."

Scott sighed and rolled his eyes, watching as his best friend went into a verbal panic. He knew what was coming and had expected it, considering it was incredibly Stiles. He had been this boy's friend for years - Scott knew him like the back of his hand, now.

"Y'know, not that much! No, she could just reject me and laugh in my face, or not want to be my friend- maybe not even physically associated with me!" Stiles grinned sarcastically, jaw clenched. "She could become the next Lydia Martin and totally dismiss my existence for years, but yeah- what's the worst that could happen?"

With a mere shrug, Scott leant over and patted his back encouragingly, "She won't do any of that. It's Luna. Just apologise, and give her the flowers."

"They aren't just flowers," Stiles corrected with a slight smile as he peered down at the bouquet, his cheeks flushed red and pink. It was probably an awful idea to give her flowers in chemistry class, seeing as the girl would have nothing to do with them, but he hadn't really thought it that far through. Honestly, Stiles was expecting her to throw them back in his face. "They're primroses. Primroses are her favourite flowers."

Although the fact confused him, Scott smirked at the words. He had known her favourite flowers after only knowing Luna for a week; Stiles was falling for this girl, and he was falling for her hard.

The two boys peeked into the classroom again, glad that Harris wasn't present, and watched a the girl bit her tongue, making sure that her notebook and pen were lined up as straight as they could possibly be. Most people had thought that that her habits were strange, but Stiles didn't. He found them interesting, characteristic, almost.

Luna hadn't noticed that they had been stood by the door for a few minutes now, and Stiles had taken that as a good opportunity to admire her. The way that her blonde curls fell past her shoulders in waves, how the light through the window making each strand shine. Her green eyes also, shone in the light; emerald sparks glistening. And now her lips were pursed in concentration, her nose wrinkling ever so slightly. Earlier that week, when hopelessly admiring her as he did most days, he had noticed a light pepper of freckles across her cheek bones. Luna hadn't even noticed them, but he had.

He had noticed, a lot.

There had been flowers in Luna's house on the day of the party. He had seen them sat by the fireplace when he had followed her past the lounge and into the kitchen, and he had decided that she must have liked them. Stiles had also remembered her telling him about her favourite flowers when reciting a story about a friend who had loved them, just as much.

In then, Stiles was hoping that giving her an apology that came alongside the flowers, she might have been able to forgive him. He felt incredibly guilty about leaving her, he felt awful, and he didn't think that he could stand her being mad at him for much longer. It had only been a couple of days and he had already started to lose his mind; he missed her. More than he would ever want to admit. Stiles had decided that he couldn't let her slip through his fingers, not if he could prevent it. He wouldn't let her.

"Remember the deal?" Scott reminded his friend with a pointed look, "You talk to Luna, and I talk to Allison."

"I remember-" Stiles scoffed at the insulting thought that he would ever forget. They had only made it the night prior, both desperate to talk to the girls but knowing that if one did, then so would the other. "I'm the one who came up with it."

Scott nodded, "Exactly. Now, go talk to Luna before some other dude does."

"You make it sound like I'm asking her out," the boy spoke with a frown, the idea of another guy being with her making him angrier than he knew the reason for.

"So, you're saying you wouldn't ask her out?"

"What- no, of course I'd-" He stuttered nervously, unsure of what to say. Either way it sounded insulting to Luna, or to himself, and he felt the urge to clench his fists and knock down anyone who remotely tried to speak to her. Then he felt possessive, and blushed. "No- I wouldn't...well, okay, maybe I would-"

Cutting him off with a snicker under his breath, Scott quickly grew bored and shoved him forewords, "Break a leg!"

"Hey! Don't jinx it!" Stiles whined, watching closely as Scott walked straight past him and into the classroom, only stopping on his way to his seat to speak to Luna. Stiles sighed.

When Scott McCall leaned over her desk with a sly grin, Luna couldn't help but raise a brow. She was suspicious - he never looked sly, at least, not in her time knowing him.

"What?" She pressed immediately.

"Nothing," He shrugged his shoulders, "Is that how you greet all your friends?"

Luna smiled sarcastically, "Every single one of them."

Scott nodded his head in fake belief, taking note of how she smiled a bit more than before. He wondered if she'd had a rough morning, having seen her walk in the rain as he rode his bike, and made a note to watch over her. He'd only known her for a short time, but it was long enough to know that she deserved to smile.

After a moments silence, he spoke up again.

"Stiles is nervous." The boy chuckled awkwardly, in fear of saying the wrong thing. The comment had made Luna frown a bit, she was nervous too. "Go easy on him?"

"No promises," Luna shrugged her shoulders once, but the smile remained upon her lips. She looked up at Scott expectantly, as if he knew everything that went on in Stiles' head - which he probably did. "He better have a good excuse, you know."

Scott gave a nervous laugh, "Totally."

This seemed to satisfy Luna, though, and she laughed with him. Stiles visibly relaxed. He would have to thank Scott later for naming sure that she was in a relatively good mood before he approached her, thinking that maybe it would mean that she'd go easier on him. Scott knew that she was angry with Stiles, because Allison was equally as angry with him. Both boys had left them at the party, and after being blanked for the entire weekend, they had thus decided that the only way to solve the problem was to go and apologise to them, in person. The risk of being rejected was high, but they weren't going to give up easily.

Or, at least, that was what they had discussed. After one measly step into the room, Stiles had swiftly exited and darted back down the hall. Every man for himself.

He flailed his arms around as he ran, the bouquet of her favourite flowers in one hand and his text book in the other. The rucksack upon his back bounced up and down, hitting him with a thump after every step. Stiles knew that he looked ridiculous - for he felt it, also - but he didn't think that he could face her. Rejection wasn't exactly something that Stiles dealt with well, and instead of Luna declining his apology to his face, he had decided that he'd rather be rejected in his own way.

The boy cursed himself as he soon slowed down to a walk. Leaning up against a locker block and sighing in frustration, Stiles threw his head against it, whining in pain shortly after doing so. He stomped his foot and pouted, he felt beyond annoyed at himself.

It was easy. All that he had to do was apologise and hand over the flowers, but instead, he run away. Stiles had never had all too much trouble with apologising before, so it was strange. Then again, this was different.

This was Luna.

   Thinking about idea of her not accepting his apology killed him inside. They had only been friends for a short time, but her not wanting to be friends with him anymore sounded like the worst thing that could possibly happen to him. Stiles had already been through that experience with Lydia Martin (even if they hadn't really ever been friends) but it felt different. Luna actually knew about his existence and the two were close - perhaps too close for how short a time they had known one another. Lydia had simply ignored him for his whole life.

   It was absolutely absurd how a girl that he had known for a week had more of an affect on him than a girl he had been crushing on, since the third grade.

   Stiles has never wanted to hurt Luna, in any way. Hearing how upset she had been over the phone when he had told her that he had left the party was devastating. It tore him apart. He felt physical pain from the mere thought. Luna was someone to be treasured, in his eyes, and he wanted to be the one to treasure her.

   She deserved better.

   He stood there for around five minutes, simply muttering incoherent and colourful words under his breath. He was frustrated with himself, at what he had done, and Stiles desperately wished that Luna didn't make him feel this way.

   Stiles didn't want to feel nervous, or anxious. She made him feel an indescribable way and as much as he hated it, he also loved it. It was addictive.


   With a look of confusion upon her pretty face, Luna watched as the boy span around at a speed that wasn't even fathomable, his eyes wide. His mouth dropped open and a sense of panicked ignited his features, leaving her to feel a twinge of concern that she tried to push away.

    "Where are you going?" she asked, clearing her throat and pointing a thumb over her shoulder to exemplify the classroom back down the hall. Luna fiddled with the hall-pass in her hands, "Chemistry is that way,"

    The blonde tried to ignore the fact that her heart was pumping against her ribcage, so hard that it might have just burst out of her chest altogether, as she stood awkwardly and stared at him. She wasn't exactly sure as to how she had managed to speak so calmly, not when her nerves were practically through the roof. Since being in school that morning and talking to Allison and Lois, she had come to realise that she wasn't all that angry with him. That had all passed. Now, Luna was more upset with herself.

   What she had done irritated her. She had decided to risk their friendship over something that most people would see as small and start to get over rather quickly. But to her, it was a big thing. Stiles wasn't to know why Luna hadn't wanted to go to the party, nor was he to predict that she would be so annoyed if he left to go find Scott.

   Stiles didn't know that it all stemmed back to a traumatic experience that she blamed herself for, even to this very day - how was he supposed to know? Luna hadn't told him and for that reason, she couldn't have expected him to know why. She was overreacting, just a little.

   And now, she felt as though she had ruined it. While Stiles was terrified of being rejected, he wasn't quite as scared as Luna.

   Honestly, Luna was petrified. Deep down, she was utterly convinced that Stiles would no longer want to even know her, let alone be her friend. She had made an incredibly big deal out of something that - to everyone else - was nothing, so why would he want someone like that in his life? She had an awful habit of destroying things that she came to close to, including friendships. After being to destructive in result of that night, Luna had come to realise that maybe Stiles would happily brush her off, the very moment that he saw her. Perhaps he would have understood that she wasn't worth the effort it seemed, and he would push her aside. There was always that possibility.

   Her green eyes scanned over his figure, coming to a half as they focused upon the bouquet of flowers in his hand. It felt as though her blood had stopped pumping as she stared at the primroses closely, but she quickly flickered her gaze back up to his face. Perhaps it was vein, but she couldn't help wonder why he had them, and whether they were for her.

   As she did such, Stiles pushed his mouth to a close but it only fell back open, and he rapidly closed it again. He wasn't really sure what to say. What was he supposed to say?

   Despite having written and recited a whole speech of apology over the course of the weekend, instead of starting and finishing any of his homework, he had still managed to freeze up and fall at loss of any words. He looked like a fool, and he felt his cheeks heat up at the idea.

   It was silent as the pair watched one another uncertainly, shuffling upon their feet. It was Stiles that broke it.

    "Uh- I'm sorry."

   The boy thrust his arm forewords, extending the flowers in her general direction. Luna stood there absently for a moment, forehead creased. She eventually managed to get herself to move, heels clicking at they hit the ground while walking to him.

    "You got me flowers?" She queried, as if Stiles was mistaken, a small smile tugging at her lips.

   Stiles nodded his head a few times too many as she took them from him, their fingers brushing for a split second, even though it felt like minutes. The same tingle that she had felt on Friday ran across her skin, but Luna chose to ignore it. She didn't want to ruin this. So instead, she held the bouquet to her nose and inhaled the soft scent of the primroses - she was amazed that he had known to pick her favourite flower. It could have been a coincidence, but she somehow doubted it.

   She faintly recalled having told him about a story about her love for the flowers, a couple of days back. It had been a brief conversation, one that hadn't had much relevance, yet somehow he had remembered.

   That was one of the many things that she had come to learn about Stiles Stilinski: he was one to pay attention to detail. He remembered the smallest of things.

    "I really am sorry, Luna." He sighed, finally finding the words as he nervously bit his lip. "I shouldn't have left you at the party. I was so stupid- you didn't even want to go! But I made you, and then I left you. God- it sounds even worse saying it out loud..." he muttered, "I just feel really bad about it, and I know that this probably doesn't make up for it, like- at all, but-"

    "You're forgiven."

   Stiles froze. He stared at her blankly - had he imagined that?

    "Wait- what?"

   Luna laughed airily at his response and smiled, having to restrain herself from grinning like a Cheshire Cat. "I said, you're forgiven. I should be the one apologising, really. I shouldn't have gotten so annoyed,"

   She pursed her lips tightly, then tilted her head to the left.

    "So, I'm sorry."

    "No-" Stiles shook his head, "You have nothing to be sorry for, Luna. You didn't do anything! I was the one in the wrong, and I shouldn't have left you. I feel awful-"

    "Just take my apology, would you?" Luna sighed in fake annoyance, sure that if he didn't she would lose her sanity.

    "You're forgiven?" He complied, awkward as usual.

    "Great!" The blonde smiled brightly once again, as she leaned down to sniff the flowers one more time. She was obsessed with the smell, and the fact that he had given them to her made it even sweeter.

   The awe on Stiles' face only enhanced he watched her, flowers in one hand and hall-pass in the other. The girl in front of him was so, undeniably, perfect but she didn't have a clue. Watching her smile was exhilarating. It was the same sort of feeling that he got when staying up all night to watched the entire Star Wars series, starting at the original trilogy because they were his favourite. It was like that, but better.

    "Uh- I guess we should get to class?" Stiles questioned himself in the matter, to which Luna nodded. He glanced a her hall-pass as he walked to her side, "Why were you out here, anyway?"

    "Bathroom." She explained simply as they began their walk back down the hall.

   Stiles nodded but then stopped, "Don't you need to go?"

    "Where?" Luna frowned.

    "Y'know-" Stiles rubbed at the back of his neck with an awkward smile, his cheeks flushing as he thought about what he was going to say, "To the, uh- the bathroom?"

   She pursed her lips together as she contemplated it, her nose wrinkled and eyes squinted. "No..."

    "This is much better than a bathroom."

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