↳ two.

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   Luna frowned.

"I hate Chemistry."

   Allison rolled her eyes and continued to tug the blonde by her wrist. It was quite evident that the girl really hated anything scientifically related (being that she had said so many times already) and unfortunately for her, their next hour long period would be packed to the brim with ions and elements.

Fortunately, however, the two girls' timetables seemed to show that they shared a chemistry teacher which in turn meant that they both had period two together. Luna was beyond thrilled with this arrangement, she'd have been lying she said otherwise, partially because she wouldn't be on her own and partially because Allison seemed to know her way around the school as if by instinct. She wasn't sure whether the brunette had found a map of sorts or simply memorised Beacon Hills High with one singular lap, but the Thomas child had to admit that she was glad for whatever it was. It was safe to say, Luna wouldn't be getting lost this time round.

Upon finding the designated chemistry lab with minutes to spare - Allison loved being early - Luna pushed open the door to their classroom, immediately noticing the variety of students already there. It seemed that most of the students at BHH were often early, or at least on time, to lessons and the idea made her cringe. Though, the first thing that Luna had truly noticed was the girl with strawberry blonde hair sat towards the front of the class, multiple people were drooling over her noticeably.

Most of the fan club happened to be teenage boys, to no surprise.

   The blonde couldn't help but roll her eyes at the sight, finding it hard to not judge at first glance. This girl was obviously Queen Bee at their school and although she hadn't done anything to her personally, being that she was too good to look in the newbie's general direction, her visible arrogance had already successfully annoyed the hell out of Luna.

   She was making assumptions, she would admit that. For all Luna knew, the strawberry blonde could have been kind and incredibly nice but her one hundred and forty dollar Chanel shoes that matched her designer handbag, alongside the smug smirk on her pink lips, told Luna otherwise - it was just a hunch.

"Can you see any spare seats next to each other?" Allison queried as she looked around the room aimlessly, Raven lock brushing against her shoulders, "I really want to sit with you."

   Almost audibly sighing in relief, Luna decided to stop watching the Victorias Secret model on isle two and began to search for spare seats, also. She was beyond thankful that Allison too didn't want them to be split up during this next class, as if they were separated it was sure to be nothing but torture. Although they didn't know each other too well, having met only half an hour prior, neither of the girls particularly wanted to sit next to someone they didn't know at all for the next fifty minutes.

   As the duo searched, realisation begs to take it's place when they found that nearly every desk had been reserved by either at least one person, if not two. Luna's happiness had deflated temporarily as she slowly concluded that the likelihood of them sitting with one another was very small and rather unlikely. She took this time to sigh, smoothing our her skirt that didn't need to be smoothed at all, and adjusting her scarf. It seemed that perhaps her luck was already running out fast.

   That was until she saw it.

   The corners of her pink lips twitched upwards and her mood drastically rose, the level of joy shooting through the sky. Splat bang in the middle of the class, hidden by the moving teens, stood a lab table that was utterly scarce. No one was sat on it which confused her but at that moment, she didn't dare question it.

   Luna quickly grasped Allison by the arm and darted towards the table, rushing to make it before anyone else did. She knew how high schools worked and she knew for a fact that if they didn't take the seats now, they would be gone in a matter of seconds.

   Eventually making it to their destination, the blonde threw her handbag onto the table with a wild grin. The teenager mentally applauded herself, finding a sense of pride in their success story. They had managed to achieve in finding a lab table which allowed them to next to one another without loosing it to some other duo who wanted the same concept - it was probably the best part of her day, so far.

   Luna placed herself onto the stool and let out a sigh whilst fixing her skirt once again. She subconsciously pulled the material tightly, erasing the wrinkles within it, and assured that it was in a perfectly straight line at the middle of her thigh.

   The small amount of physical activity that it had taken to get to the chair had, shamefully, worn Luna out. If it hadn't already been clear to anyone around her, she was not a very athletic person. The fact that she had opted for heels didn't help her out, either. She had hoped that they would have made her seem at least a regular height but her five foot three figure hadn't changed much. Luna was still a bit shorter than Allison and the girl was only wearing normal boots.

"Good job," Allison laughed lightly, amused by Luna's inability to walk a few meters before losing breath. The blonde didn't really get what was so funny but giggled along anyway.

   As Allison took out a pen, Luna withdrew the freshly bought notebook from her bag and gentle placed it on the table, lining it up perfectly with the edge. The girl then proceeded to search for a biro but was quickly interrupted by two voices close behind them.

"Dude, I'm telling you- I found that body!"

   Frowning at the words, Luna sat up a little straighter. She silently cringed at the boys failed attempt of whispering before peeking at Allison, curious as to whether the girl had been hearing was she had. It was safe to say, however, that her friend hadn't heard the conversation - as far as Luna could tell - and the girl wasn't exactly sure if that was a positive or a negative. The topic was incredibly creepy but she couldn't quite refrain herself from listening further.

    "That's awesome!"

   Luna rolled her eyes, though she couldn't resist the corners of her lips from twitching. The boy had sounded slightly too enthusiastic about what his friend had told him and although most would find it weird, she found it kind of...adorable?

   However, a slither of worry filled her bones before she could prevent it, their conversation immediately making her wary of the town she now lived in. She shouldn't have been eavesdropping but she couldn't seem to help it, not when there had been a dead body involved. Although it was odd and strange and sickly, something about their talk had intrigued her. Perhaps it was her underlying love for danger, or the fact that they both had cute voices.

   They had found a body?

   Deciding to ignore it the best she could for the current time being, Luna continued to route through her bag for a pen. She sighed in frustration upon not finding one anywhere - she was positive that she had put one in her bag.

   A dry cough from above tore Luna from her mission of finding something to write with, causing her to groan lightly and sigh.

"Excuse me? Yeah, you're kind of sat in my-"

   The boy stopped himself short as Luna looked up at him through her thick lashes, but not quite quick enough to have witnessed him choking on air. It had been two seconds, and the new girl had somehow managed to take his breath away without trying, or even knowing it.

   Luna's eyebrows furrowed as his face flushed slightly, a soft pink grazing his cheeks. She took a good look at the boy and before she knew it, she had started blushing a pink hue herself. The teen was attractive, to say the least, and it seemed a challenge to not start drooling. He was gorgeous in an odd and dorky way. Little to say - if the unknown boy had leant in to kiss her right there and then, she probably wouldn't have denied it.

   Was that okay to think about someone who you didn't even know?

    "I didn't realise we had assigned seats," she confessed, her cheeks heating up as she bit her lip. It was the first day of school and Luna had naturally assumed that they didn't have seating plans. No one else had told her otherwise.

   The boy rubbed the back of his neck, "No, we don't it's just I've, um- I've sat here for a few years," He chuckled nervously and Luna couldn't help but copy his action. This boy was clearly terribly awkward but he was more so terribly cute, and now she was terribly embarrassed by the situation at hand.

   Immediately, Luna had started to grab her things and slip them into her bag haphazardly. She managed to mumble an apology through her embarrassment, the tips of her ears getting warmer as it proceeded.

"I'm so sorry," she gushed a second time, "I'll move-"

"Oh god," the brunette boy muttered in humiliation and guilt, "No, I didn't mean that. You- you can stay there-"

   Again, she shook her head and continued to hop down from the stool and stumbled back and forth on her heels. Allison watched in vague amusement as her new friend teetered about, aimlessly looking for direction, "It's fine, I can just go sit somewhere else-"

    "No stay, really-" he sighed, biting his lip, "I'll just sit...here!"

   The stool at the desk in front of them scraped across the ground as he quickly pushed his lanky body into it, quite forcefully. He gave her an unsure smile and she returned it, finding it hard not to chuckle under her breath. They were both rather awkward around one another, and it had only been as little as three minutes.

   It turned out that the pair of them had been quite a sight for Allison and Scott, the boy of which was now stood beside the brunette. It was only them that had noticed the little incident and down to the amused smirk on their faces, they had thoroughly enjoyed it. It hadn't taken longer for Luna to father that the tan boy beside Allison must have been a friend to the socially inept boy before her and her mind recollected the conversation she had overheard a few minutes prior. It was clear that they were the duo discussing the dead body.

   Taking her seat again with a deep breath, Luna replaced her notebook inline with the edge of the table for a second time. Scott couldn't help but raise a brow at her precision and Luna didn't blame him. Allison had done the same as he had the first time.

   When satisfied, the blonde nodded to herself and looked up to notice a pair of hazel eyes on her. Unlike the other two, he had watched her intently as she let one of her many odd habits take over. Luna barely realised that she did these things anymore. She never really took note of it until she noticed people staring. Though, the boys eyes weren't judging like most, instead they seemed almost intrigued by her action.

   As far as she was concerned, Luna had no 'problems' as such. She had started ordering things and aligning papers with corner at the age of ten, and she had continued the habits throughout her years as a teen. The countless doctors she had seen had just simply said that she was slightly compulsive in a few things she did. It wasn't quite severe enough to be considered OCD at a young age, though she couldn't lie that her compulsions had gotten worse since the incident.

Her mother had wanted her to go back to the doctors, to get a diagnosis, but Luna denied several times.

   After pondering her actions for a moment, the boy in which Luna hadn't acquainted went to ask an unknown girl beside his friend to switch seats with him, but he hadn't needed to. When the buzzcut teen had sat down, she had started to leave instantaneously. Shrugging nonchalantly, Scott took a seat on the stool and pushed a hand through his hair. Almost immediately, he turned around and gave Allison a sheepish smile to which she returned.

Luna noticed this. It would have taken an idiot not to realise that the pair already liked each other and she couldn't lie, it was incredibly cute to watch. Though, a small part of her wanted to frown.

Of course, Allison was beautiful. Not only was she going to be taken into the popular group but she was also going to have guys running after her left, right and centre. She didn't want to think bad of the brunette, but Luna was probably going to be ditched by lunch. She could almost see it happening.

   "Don't get comfortable. I want the person on the right in every second pair to swap with the person on the left from the first pair." A man with a suit and a frown on his face marched into the room, looking more than unwilling to be there. He sighed monotonously, slamming down his briefcase with pursed lips, "These will be your lab partners until I say so."

The instructions were odd and Luna didn't really understand the reasoning for any of them, but she didn't say a word about it. The man looked mean and she didn't dare to complain, especially not on her first day - she already hadn't started out the best with teachers, so she could only zip her lips.. Instead of rising a question, she simply decided to let Allison figure it out while she cluelessly sat in the corner.

When the brunette girl was forced to swap desks, Luna found it hard not to pout. Allison had been a small safety blanket for that morning and although she was also new, she seemed to know her way around these things. Without Allison, Luna was purely lost in the hustle and bustle of Beacon Hills High.

   The girl now sat on the stool in front of her, much to her own dismay, though conveniently beside the boy that she was evidently crushing on within only the first hour of the morning. The two grinned at each other, less shy this time, and began blushing profoundly as if it was their natural human instinct around one another, which it probably was when she thought about it. Luna was ready to verbally coo at the par of love birds but before she could, she was interrupted by the cute boy with hazel eyes.

    "Hey partner," he laughed stiffly as he sat down in what was once, Allison Argents chair.

   Luna let out a chuckle and smiled widely at him, making him visibly ease within seconds. She wasn't sure why it calmed him so much, but she was glad it had. "Hi, partner."

   The cute boy smiled nervously as he quickly pulled out his notebook and pen, reminding Luna that she was still yet to find her own mode of writing. With a small huff, the blonde yanked her satchel back into her lap and searched for the third time. It was clear that really didn't have a pen, which was embarrassing in itself, but she hoped that if she kept searching, it may just pop out of nowhere.

   The outcome was more than unfortunate.

   Feeling a tap on her shoulder, Luna turned to her left and was faced with a blue ballpoint pen with a sheepish boy holding it, "Um, did you need a pen?"

   The corners of her mouth upturned as she watched the buzzcut boy awkwardly, but generously, hold the object out to her as another smile lit up her face. How was it that in five minutes, the boy had managed to make her smile more than she had in the past week?

    "Thanks," Luna grinned as she took the pen from his grasp, allowing their hands to brush for only a split second.

   And in that split second, her skin felt as though it had sparkled.

  "As you may know, a body was indeed found in the woods last night." the teacher droned, a bored tone saturating his words and matching his very bored expression.

   Luna quirked a brow, her eyes travelling to meet the two boys that she had been briefly introduced to in the past ten minutes. As their conversation had come back to mind, her gaze became interrogative. She placed the end of the pen between her teeth, pondering over the possibilities that it had been the same body that had chatting about. The chances were certainly high and she couldn't help but wonder why they had gone to find said body, nor how. It was certainly a mystery.

   Luna knew there was something weird going on and somehow, she was going to find out what it was.

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