Chapter 19- Jailbreak

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Stan's POV
I don't know if anyone really, truly, genuinely understands how in love I am with Kyle Broflovski. Somewhere in the back of my mind I always wanted him to be mine but tried ignoring that thought for whatever reason. Even when I was dating Holly, Kyle was on my mind. Maybe I was so caught up in drama that I didn't think to act on that in-my-mind thought. Mia came to pick up Joey on Sunday with Derrick. I'd never met him and Kyle hadn't either. We had them come in and sat them down. We told them everything. The whole thing that went down with Adam. Kyle and I had both apologized but Mia said it wasn't our fault and she still trusts the both of us. "You kept him safe so I can't be mad. I'm not mad." Mia said. "Thanks for keeping our boy safe." Derrick told me and my boyfr- my fiancé.

"No problem, we'd love to watch him again." I said to Derrick and Mia. "Sure absolutely. I'll see you guys at school. Can you say bye, Joey? Say bye bye." Mia looked into her little boy's eyes. Kyle and I waved goodbye to Joey as the family left our house. " that Joey's gone..." My fingers disappeared under the waistband of Kyle's black joggers. I planted a kiss on his lips and waited for a reply. "Am I that irresistible?" Kyle laughed. "Mhm." My lips found his neck. What did he mean was he that irresistible? Of course he was! All these guys were after him. Tyler, Daniel, Adam, the people before those douchebags.

The girls stopped trying to get with him when they realized Kyle was gay. He doesn't wave that part of his personality around like it's a parade float. He doesn't hide it though. Kyle doesn't mind telling people we're together. I don't mind either. What the hell do I have to be ashamed of? Absolutely nothing. Nothing at all. I remember when Bebe went after him in elementary. I hadn't developed feelings yet since I didn't know much about love. I was 8. Wendy wasn't ever really a girlfriend. Just someone I had a crush on. We said we were dating but I don't think that was a relationship really. We were young and dumb and fought over a lot of stupid things.

"You scared the fuck out of me so I don't know if I really feel up to that right now." Kyle narrowed his eyes for a second and smirked at me devilishly. Wow. That was a bad move. Well, not exactly. He knows how worked up I get over things. Sometimes I'll be angry in a joking type manner or sometimes it'll be for real. Or it'll be the other type of worked up, when I want him. When I want all of him, which is 24/7. He's my everything. My one person I want to see every single day. Fiona had texted both me and Kyle and said she'd be home sometime around 7:30-8:00. We offered to make dinner and she thanked us. It was only 5:00 right now. We had a lot of time to kill. All I wanted to do was spend it with me close to Kyle.

It's pretty easy to get him to finally break off his little game he likes to play every now and then. Not all people get how hot he is. A lot do but not everyone and it's confusing to me. That's because I'm in love with him. Even before I fell in love I knew he was hot. It's no secret. "We should get started on dinner." Kyle walked into the kitchen. "Fiona won't be home for another 2 hours or so." I reminded Kyle.

"Then we can just cook it slowly." Kyle said. No we won't cook it slowly. What we had talked about making doesn't take 2 hours to make. It doesn't even take 1 hour to make! "We should do something else." I told my fiancé walking over to him. I ended up getting a call back from a job that Fiona got me an interview for. They said I was hired. I'd gotten it just as Kyle and I were standing in the kitchen. It was for some place called Belco's Bar&Grill. Fiona's friend's brother owns it and she told him about how Kyle and I both needed jobs. Kyle didn't want to work there because he had a few jobs already calling him in for interviews. He said he'd love to work with me and if he didn't end up getting the other jobs or at least one of them he didn't get well then he'd take the offer from Paul, who was the owner of the Bar&Grill.

"Hello?" I answered as I hit the green button to answer a call. "Yes is this Stanley Marsh?" A man asked me. "Yeah." I replied. "This is Paul, the owner of Belco's. After the interview I was very pleased to meet you and would love to have you work here. You seem to have a great attitude for the job and seem to have a lot of hardworking effort to bring to this place. Can you start on Tuesday?" "Sure, thank you so much." I said happily. "And hey if Kyle would like to work here too then have him come in for an interview. I have time tomorrow at 4:30 if he'd be interested." Paul said to me. "I will let him know, thank you again." I told my new boss. "No problem, Stan. I'll see you Tuesday at 4:00. You'll get your schedule when you come in." Paul said. "Alright thank you." We hung up and Kyle was waiting for me to tell him why I was smiling. "I got the job." I said.

"That's awesome!" Kyle ran up and hugged me tightly. "We can watch a movie and then make dinner." Kyle suggested. "Sure." I agreed. We got into our normal on-the-couch position. Him lying in front of me and me lying in back, both on our sides. About 5-10 minutes into the movie, I pulled Kyle closer to me. I kissed his shoulder and spoke quietly, "I'm sorry." "For what?" He asked tilting his head my way a little. "I feel like I've been kind of shitty to you, and I honestly didn't mean to be." I sighed in frustration with myself and my actions.

"What're you talking about?" Kyle turned his body over to face me. "I didn't tell you about who caused my scars, I keep overreacting, but the only reason I get so worked up is because when someone tries to take you away from me, I feel like my life is starting to become absolute shit. I don't understand why I should be alive if I'm not with you." "Stan..." "I'm so lucky. Life makes no sense if I don't have you." I don't usually cry. When it comes to Kyle and it's an emotional situation, then I might shed a few, or a lot when he isn't looking. "I honestly didn't think you'd be able to fall in love with me, I always thought the feelings wouldn't be mutual." Kyle looked at me with doubt, doubt from the past that was coming up in his face now. "I never thought you'd get Holly out of your life." He added. I began to lean in.

I put a lot into this kiss. I put my hand over his cheek and gave him a kiss to reassure him that I wanted nothing more than a life and a future with him. It was him and I. The way my life felt right was with him. I don't know what other way to explain it. It's not some sappy love story that Holly had tried to get me to watch in different movies. It's some mind blowing journey that I get to live and I wouldn't of gotten it if it weren't for Kyle. It's a path that I found myself dying to go down because I felt that it'd be right for me. Turns out it is. We stared at each other for a minute when we pulled away. "I can't wait to marry you." I whispered. I love calling him my fiancé. "Me too." Kyle smiled widely. My phone started ringing, I groaned in annoyance. I sat up and answered, "Hi mom." I put my phone on speaker. "Would you be able to visit us next weekend?" She got right to why she called me.

"I got a job so I need to check if I can." "You got a job? Where?" My mom sounded thrilled. "It's a place called Belco's Bar&Grill." I replied. "That's great! Now you can save up for a car." I hadn't told her that Kyle bought me a truck. "Kyle bought me a truck for my birthday." I said. "He did? Wow that was generous of him!" My mom said happily. "Yeah. I'll let you know if I can visit when I get my schedule." "Alright Stan, I'll talk to you soon. Dad and I miss you." She said. "Miss you guys too. Bye mom." "Bye Stanley." "Come lay back down, Stanley." Kyle knew I didn't prefer being called my first name. Everyone always calls me by my nickname unless it's for something involving the law or whatever.

He was joking around with me. I knew where he was ticklish, on his stomach. I started tickling him and he immediately curled up and began laughing. I smirked evilly and continued to tickle him. "Stan stop it!" Kyle laughed. "Then don't do that again." I grinned while I captured his lips in my own and held myself up with my forearms. Kyle held my face. My 2 hands brought both of his legs up so he could wrap them around the upper part of my waist. We continued to make out for several minutes with only a few breaks for breath. I wanted to go farther but I also liked just kissing him too.

It must've been a long time of us kissing because Kyle was panting and pulling away for breath for the 5th time, "I feel like my lips are swollen." "That a bad thing?" I ask him. "No." Kyle smiled and moved back onto laying on his side. We finally got up and moved to the kitchen to cook dinner after the movie was over. Fiona came in when we were putting dinner on the 3 plates I'd set on the table. I told her I got the job at Belco's and she was really excited for me. Kyle's phone vibrated in his pocket halfway through dinner. Kyle sighed and cursed under his breath. "What?" I asked. He handed me his phone and showed me the text he just received.

Unknown Number: Busted out of this hellhole you and your boyfriend got me into. Coming your way soon.

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