Chapter 30- Settled Ending

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Stan's POV
The word happy doesn't describe my whole life. I have moments where I worry. I'll worry about not making my husband happy. I'll worry I'm not being a good person. I'll worry that I won't be successful. Then something great will happen. Someone will say something or do something and I just say to myself, "Worrying doesn't make life better. Thinking about the negative things in life don't improve what one can do." Kyle has taught me so much. He's taught me self-confidence when I lost it. That was all the way back when we were kids. Sometimes I'd tell myself that I wouldn't ever find the right person to love. That was more than 5 years ago, almost 10. One day this boy and I met back when we're still in diapers. As we grew up by each other's sides, I started to realize the meaning of trust and loyalty. This person and I had our differences, but we made it all work out because I'm married to him now.

Lots of things have wrecked with my feelings, my belongings, and my relationship in the last few years. It was a crazy ride Kyle and I kept trying to get off. Every time we made an attempt to, it only got faster and crazier. It's called drama. It's called jealousy. It's called a bundle of words that express more through the action and destruction that happened. Now I'm an adult. Kyle's an adult. Those people we dealt with are adults. Maybe they haven't grown up, but we have. We live our lives by the choices we make for ourselves. It's a world of love and compromise, our world. Those ships of anxiety and craziness have sailed. What my other half and I have accomplished is getting a home of our own, having careers we are always striving to do our best at, and just being there for each other as much as possible. With hard work, we've reached so much we were never even trying to grab hold of.

Kyle has his own technology company. He's a CEO and he's only 22. It's been a few years since we moved to New Hampshire. There's so much that goes on in his work life that is so amazing but also very tricky for him several times of the week. I see him struggle but every time he gets stressed, he just says that it's nothing he can't handle and that it's worth it. I'm extremely proud of him. My career on the other hand, I don't own a big technology business, but I do have a business with several other people that we run ourselves. It's a sports car business. We pitch ideas for what the cars will look like, how fast they'll run, and things of that nature. I'm pleased with my career and Kyle's please with his. That's all we ever wanted, was to be happy with ourselves and with each other.

Kyle pulled up in his car on a Friday night just when the sun dropped. I had just finished washing dishes from last night's dinner. He walked in wearing his work suit like always. I hadn't noticed he'd made his way into the kitchen. He wrapped his arms around me while standing behind me, "How was your day, handsome?" "Not bad. How about you?" I returned the question. "Tiring but not as bad as other days." Kyle takes off his gray suit jacket that reveals his black button down. His shoes go off on the mat near the front door. I'd dressed into comfortable pants and a gray t-shirt when I'd arrived home an hour ago. Depending on the day or week, Kyle might get home before me or I'll get home before him. If he's home first, he'll make dinner. If I'm home first, I'll make dinner. Tonight I cooked meatloaf with mashed potatoes and gravy with green beans on the side. "Babe this looks really good." Kyle looked at his dinner plate with satisfaction. Everything was heating up in the oven when he got home. "Thank you, let me know how it is." I responded to Kyle.

We chatted at the dinner table for a good 25 minutes while eating our meals. I'd been rinsing my plate off in the sink when the doorbell let off it's noise through the apartment. Kyle answered the door. "Hi Kyle! Is Stan here?" One of my co-workers Carrie asked my husband. "Yeah c'mon in!" Kyle stepped aside for Carrie and her daughter to come inside. "Hey Carrie what's going on?" I walked out of the kitchen while drying my hands off with a dish towel. "You left your phone in the conference room." Carrie handed me my phone. "Thanks Carrie." I slid my phone in my pocket. "Carly wanted to meet you." Carrie had told me chuckling. I remember Carrie showing me pictures of Carly but I'd never met her in person. She had always looked familiar but when I was able to see her face up close something was clicking in my memories that I couldn't put my finger on. "Mom I've met him before, he saved my life remember?" Carrie froze and then looked at me when her daughter spoke up.

"Thank you for saving my life, Stan." Carly said to me. I knew it, I knew something felt familiar about her. "You're welcome. I knew I recognized you." I smiled. She hugged me and then went back to stand with her mom. "Oh my god, how did I not recognize you when we met at work?" Carrie looked so shocked. I was a little surprised too that I hadn't recognized her. "That's so weird," I said in shock, "Why'd you guys leave Colorado?" I wondered. "Issues with her father, we have family out here as well." Carrie responded. She was looking at me with such surprised eyes. Kyle looked surprised too. "Well this has been surprising." I said with a smile. "Definitely, I'm still blown away." I laugh at Carrie's comment. "Stan, I know I thanked you before but if it weren't for you I wouldn't be able to go on in life. Thank you so much." Carrie hugged me. Her bond with her daughter was very strong and it definitely showed. "No problem." I hugged her back. Kyle grinned at me and Carly did as well.

"We better get going, it's almost bedtime for this one. Goodnight to the both of you." Carrie and Carly waved as they exited our home after Kyle and I said goodbye. When the door closed, Kyle and I turned to each other. "Whoa." He said. "Didn't expect that at all." I replied to his shocked expression. "I'm having so many flashbacks of that night." "It was pretty crazy." I nodded. "Yeah. We raced to your truck after and we got home and it was just..." Kyle looked at me with the same eyes he showed me after I'd saved Carly those few years ago. With work and the times we get home, we haven't been able to have long intimate moments with each other. I stood there looking back at Kyle finally knowing what I needed to do. "You know how long it's been?" I started walking towards him with hungry eyes. "2 months, maybe more." Kyle's fingers trailed down to his shirt buttons to undo them. "I miss how it used to be. Remember our last night in Barbados? The way you-" "I can't take it anymore." Without letting him finish, I grabbed my husband and carried him upstairs to our bedroom as quickly as my legs could carry us there.

I tossed Kyle on top of our bed and removed my shirt. He took care of his pants and underwear as I did the same with myself. I began at his lips, kissing them passionately and then trailing down to leave kisses and marks at his chest area. "Stan...c'mon." Kyle pleaded when I began to prepare him. Both hands of mine slid up the backs of his thighs and pushed them upward a little. I felt both of Kyle's thin legs wrap around my hips. I went in a little faster than I normally do. Kyle's mouth let out a small gasp and then a moan after a few in and out movements. He always showed me what he was feeling through his facial expressions and sounds of his gorgeous voice. I was in no mood to be so subtle because neither I nor Kyle wanted or needed that, so I wasn't subtle. I gave him what he needed.

"Fuck I love you." Kyle's hand gripped my shoulder from the back. I leaned down and pecked him on the lips. I saw him gripping the bedspread for dear life before moving that hand up into my hair. Feeling his hands and the rest of his body is so beautiful to me. It's a blessing to have Kyle Broflovski in my life. Everyday I wonder how I got so insanely lucky.

"Kyle...I want a baby, with you." Just revealing it to him made everything better. "S-seriously?" His eyes met mine as he slowly panted out breaths. I slowed down a little so I was being subtle. "Mhm. I'm serious." I wasn't lying to him and he knew it. "Okay." His response lit up my world. "Good. Let's pretend we can make one." After saying that I stopped being subtle. The way his body felt against mine, the way he gripped me and kissed me and told me he loved me, it all came together to form the truth. The truth is that we have so much love and affection to share, there's no way it's not real.

I think back to where this all really started. That time in the basement when I'd just returned from Florida. That "I miss you" kiss said a lot of what I wanted. The time I proposed. The time I moved in with the love of my life and his aunt. The time I got Kyle's name tattooed on my hip. The time we babysat Joey. The times of all our fun road trips. We laughed a lot. We hugged a lot. We kissed a lot. We smiled a lot. Growing up with my life partner wasn't planned. I never predicted it. I certainly never expected it. We've been through a lot, as much as I say that, it's only raw truth. Our love is not sugar coated. It's all there. All genuine and wholesome. What other way can I say it? The memories will be the staple to the relationship I have with Kyle. I'm still protective of him. That's my husband. He's mine. Without him, life couldn't be right. It wouldn't be what it is now. We live in the moment and extend those times into the future or throw them back into the past. It's all natural.

Life as I know it is good. Kyle's the center to my happiness. Those in-love feelings for him remain strong. He took me to so many new places whether physically or just mentally. My long time best friend became my life partner. My one and only. The reason I am on earth feeling like it's okay to be myself and to take risks. There's many things I could've wanted differently like the negative things that went on, but how would I have been able to grow more? How would I have been able to learn that negativity can be overpowered with the right kind of positivity? It can happen. Put it in motion and you're good to go. All set.

"I'll never let you go." Telling Kyle that is a habit of mine. "I won't either." Kyle replied back. The alarm clock sound traveled into our ears at 5:30 AM. We go out on the giant deck with our coffee mugs to watch the ocean waves splash here and there and to see the dim blue sky sit still above it. "You think our relationship had to do with fate?" Kyle asked me. "I'm not sure. But I don't care about what's supposed to happen. I'm with you. Life is good." Fate can be what it wants. It can say whatever the hell it wants. If it says something I don't agree with, then whatever. Life is no easy ride. Kyle and I wanted what we had to be love. So that's what we did. We made a life out of what we felt for each other.

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