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Author's POV

*Now y/n and her family is ready to leave as they are going to India. Everyone is happy but Maya is a little nervous y/n noticed it and asked*

Y/n : what's the matter Maya?? *confused*
Maya : y/n I'm sacred of going to India
Y/n : why are you scared??
Maya : don't you know our cousins, they hate us
Y/n : ahhh so what
Maya : y/n they used to beat us whenever we used to go there
Y/n : Maya that was when we're like little small now look if they trouble you then they will face the worst consequences
Mrs. Mehta : what's happening here girls??
Y/n : mom Maya is sacred of our cousin's
Mrs. Mehta : don't worry dear everything gonna be fine....*Maya nodded and they did a group hug*
Mr. Mehta : okay let's go we're gonna be late. Mr. Kim's family are already at the airport....*everyone nodded and went away with their stuff*

Y/n's outfit

Maya's outfit


*We're waiting for Mehta's family when we saw them coming here then mom said*

Mrs. Kim : ah where were you'll we thought you wouldn't come
Mrs. Mehta : ah no it's just someone woke up late.....*she said while glancing y/n. We all look and saw y/n standing there with done face then she said*
Y/n : ohh I didn't knew I'll take that much time to find my saree
Mrs. Mehta : yahh I was ready but I accidentally spilled my tea on my dress it's not my fault
Y/n : even if it's your mistake you would never agree
Mrs. Mehta : what did you said??
Y/n : what I didn't said anything...... *laughing nervously* Let's go before you start your lecture
Mrs. Mehta : YAHHHH....*y/n ran away while we'll laughed hard*

Y/n's POV

*Now I have entered and sat while everyone did the same. Bts sat beside me and may say beside Txt. Then everyone sat and the plain started to take over*

Lisa : I'm so excited to see India
Bp except Lisa : even us....*excited. Everyone chuckled at her but Maya became silent. This girl aishh then Soobin said*
Soobin : what's the matter babe why are you silent?? *everyone looked towards Maya then she said*
Maya : ah nothing happened chill..*but everyone was a little worried especially Txt*
Y/n : hey Maya I wanna talk with my jiju's can I??
Maya : yeah sure why not...*she said and we both exchange places*

Y/n : so jiju's you wanna know why Maya is worried?? *they nodded* So we both have cousins and they hate us
Taehyun : but why noona?? *confused*
Y/n : that's what I don't know what we did to them to hate us. So I wanna say that if they say any negative comments to Maya always stick with her got it?? *they nodded and we'll did high five*
Jhope : what were you'll talking about??
Maya : yes tell us
Y/n : hehe nothing, right jiju's??
Txt : yes nothing....*smiling. All looked at them weirdly*
Maya : so miss y/n here some people need you
Y/n : who need me?? *I said looking around*
Maya : sure come here and get to know.....*again we change our places then I said*
Y/n : who needs me??
Maya : them....*pointing at Bts. I looked and saw Bts looking at me so I asked*
Y/n : yes what you'll wanna talk about??
Bts : anything
Y/n : great then..*I started speaking random stuff but Bts kept staring at me making butterflies in my stomach* and then Maya started crying cause she didn't got the toy, cry baby....*I looked towards Maya and saw her glaring at me. I gulped hard and and smiled and said*
Y/n : ahh who said Maya is a crybaby she is not

••••••Time Skip••••••

Pilot : miss y/n we're gonna land now.... *I nodded and everyone putted their seat belts*
Y/n's mind : I hope our cousins don't do anything bad

*We all got off from the plane and there stood our relatives with a smile on their face but our cousins were smirking. We'll went towards them*

Riya : oh look it's the broke sisters..... *mockingly*
Y/n : oh look it's the garbage....*smile sarcastically while everyone laughed and Riya gritted her teeth*
Riya : what did you said?? *angry*
Y/n : oh know I didn't knew you had hearing problems...*Riya rolled her eyes when aunt said*
Aunt : come on everyone let's go you'll must be tired

*We'll nodded and the guards took our stuff and we'll went by talking with eachother*

Author's POV

*When everyone went away there stood a person smiling thinking how you and Maya change. That person was happy for you both*

*Now everyone had reached and sat down as the maids brought water for everyone*

Aunt : why don't you'll fresh up and meet for lunch....*everyone nodded when suddenly y/n got a call*
Y/n : hello....*cold*
Y/n : yeah sure I'll be there...*cold*

Cut the call

Lisa : what's the matter y/n??
Y/n : ah unnie I have to go to head quarters as there is something important so I'll fresh up and go maybe I'll eat lunch outside so bye...... *said and ran away to her bedroom*
Mrs. Mehta : a-ah okay then everyone fresh up and eat our lunch....*everyone nodded and went with the maids as they will show them their room*


*We're now sitting in my/Suga/hyung room thinking about y/n*

Jhope : do you'll know why did that girl mocked y/n and Maya??*everyone shooked their head as no*
Jungkook : but I'm pretty sure that girl doesn't like y/n and Maya
Jin : indeed you're right and at the plane also Maya was nervous about coming to India and y/n was happy..... *suddenly someone came in our room*
Rose : oppa's come down lunch is ready
Jimin : hm okay you go we'll will come...*she nodded and went away*
Namjoon : let's go before mom shouts at us

*We'll went to the dinning room and sat down and then we saw y/n coming downstairs fully dressed like she is going on a mission*

Y/n's outfit



Author's POV

Maya : woah woah are you going on a mission or something?? *confused*
Y/n : nah I have to meet them professionally so yeah
Kai : but noona it looks like you're a mafia....*everyone agreed*
Y/n : even I also think that but I don't have time so byeee....*said and ran to her car*
Everyone : what??
Author : WHAT'S UP STUPIODS...... *shout*
Everyone : SHUT UP
Author : the hell, I just said hello to you
Taehyung : well that hello was not good at all...*coldly*
Author : leave it btw where is y/n??
Mrs. Kim : she just went to head quarters
Author : what the- I told her to wait for me so we can go together
Jennie : and why you wanna go to head quarters??
Author : come on unnie I'm also part of y/n's team
Mrs. Mehta : then you better hurry and go cause if you're late then y/n will shout
Author : you're right mom I'll go or that ice will eat me alive, byeee...*said and ran away to the headquarters*

A/n's outfit



Mrs. Mehta : so all the arrangements are ready for tomorrow didi
Aunt : don't worry dear everything is ready
Jisoo : what's tomorrow aunty??
Mrs. Mehta : honey it's Maya's mehandi tomorrow...*everyone nodded and made an 'o' face*
Mrs. Kim : so dear is the dress for tomorrow is ready??
Riya : don't worry aunty everything is ready....*she said while smiling and Mrs. Kim smiled and nodded*
Riya : btw are you'll married?? *to Bts*
Bts : no...*coldly*
Riya : really....*excited*
Suga : why do you care?? *coldly*
Riya : ma-maybe if y-you all....*Mrs. Kim and Mrs. Mehta understood so they said*
Mrs. Mehta : ah dear I have to make another announcement
Mrs. Kim : but that will be later when when y/n will be also here
Everyone : ok

Riya : so as I was saying, will you all go on a date with me?? *everyone was shocked to here it when suddenly Lisa banged her hands and said*
Lisa : HELL NO y/n will be the one to date oppa's not you
Jennie : yes we want y/n yo be our second sister in law....*Bts were shocked to here what their sister want*
Rose : yes we'll know oppa's that you all love y/n and y/n also feel the same
Mr. Kim : how do you all know??*shocked*
Jisoo : cause appa oppa's always smile when y/n is near them then they become cold when y/n is not with them. They started laughing because of y/n. They kept looking at her 24*7 is she is near them and they become jealous when Txt hugged y/n at the first meet

Lisa : and that time when you heard us saying "we'll make sure it happens"... *they nodded*. that was we bp decided that y/n will be our sister in law and we'll make sure it happens
Jennie : so sorry Riya but Bts only belongs to y/n
Mrs. Kim : sons do you all love y/n...... *they nodded their head as yes. Mrs. Mehta and Mrs. Kim hugged eachother. Then Mr. Kim and Mr. Mehta hugged eachother while the girls were jumping here and there*
Soobin : damn I didn't knew you'll were jealous that day
Jimin : now you got to know...*they nodded*
Mrs. Mehta : when y/n will come I wanna announced something
Bp : we're happy that y/n is gonna be our second sister in law.....*excited*

*There everyone was happy and discussing about the new couples but two people were whispering to each other*

Riya : see I told you it will work...... *whisper*
Maya : right thanks for helping with my plan
Riya : welcome....*smiling*
Maya : but why did you decide to help me as you hate me
Riya : I don't hate you are y/n Maya. Did you saw when you both used to get beaten by our cousins did I ever touched you or y/n or did I cursed you both?? *Maya shooked her head as no* Then how do you that I hate you both
Maya : but then why did you mocked us in the morning??
Riya : actually when our cousins use to bully you both, you both used to cry and stayed silent so I wanted to see if you both changed that personality of yours or not and I'm impressed by y/n
Maya : right and thanks for helping with plan to make them confess...... *smiling*
Riya : welcome but you know that I don't hate you both but be careful with our other cousins....*Maya nodded and then they heard no noise so they both turned and saw everyone was looking at them*
Aunt : what plan....*raised eyebrows*
Maya, Riya : a-ah whi-which plan...... *nervous*

Jennie : what did you both planned day it??
Maya : sorry I just made Riya say that she wanna date Bts so we wanted to see their reactions cause I want Bts to marry y/n
Bp : even us.....*excited*
Suga : that can happen if y/n loves us or not...*coldly*
Maya : don't worry oppa I know y/n she also loves you'll cause I saw in her eyes*
Mrs. Kim : well then let's go and sit in the living room as y/n is gonna come anytime

*Everyone nodded and went to the living room and sat down on the couch and started to talk about random things suddenly the bell rang. Maids went and opened the door and a old man entered while smiling and everyone was confused as they saw him for the first time*

??? : Hello Mr. And Mrs. Mehta
Mr. Mehta : hello Mr. Umm who are you??
??? : Oh I'm y/n's boss
Maya : as far as I know y/n don't have any boss
??? : Right but I trained her and taught her everything
Mrs. Mehta : well then pls have a sit Mr
??? : Daniel my name is Daniel
Mr. Mehta : sure Mr. Daniel have a seat

Jack : it would be pleasure to work with you Mr. Choi
Mr. Choi : always and thanks for finding the criminal
Jack : well thanks to both of them if they both wouldn't have reached on time you would have not been here
Mr. Choi : you're right jack thanks bani and a/n
Y/n, a/n : pleasure....*coldly*
Mr. Choi : we'll meet again, now I would like to go
Jack : sure have a safe flight sir...*he and Mr. Choi bid their goodbyes and went to their respective places*
Y/n : ahh I'm so tired....*stretching arms then a/n kicks y/n's butt*
Y/n : ahh wae....*rubbing her butt*
A/n : I told you to stay while I'll also come with you
Y/n : whatever, you were taking too much time and I hate being late. Let's go home tomorrow is so much work to do
A/n : right let's go....*said and made their way towards their home*

Somewhere In Basement


??? : AAAHHHHH....*a loud scream was heard in the basement making the person infront of him laugh*
??? : Aww is the boy in pain........ *dramatic*
??? : Ju-just you wa-wait on-one day y-you wi-will also scr-scream like th-this.....*weak*
??? : let's see that boy.....*said and kicked him in the ribs*
??? : Ahhhh.....*scream*

*They person went away leaving the man alone there. He has been beaten mercilessly day by day*

??? : Wh-where are y-you...*weak tone*
??? : I ne-need y-you pls com-come and h-help me pls
Guard ¹ : look I can't see you like this cause our boss killed my family too so I'll help you
??? : Pl-pls ca-call y/n me-mehta and s-say th-that HER OPPA NEEDS HER
Guard ¹ : sure but it will take time for me to find your sister as I don't know in which country she would be in but don't worry I'll help you
??? : Th-thanks


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