#04 Fell In Love

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If you are thinking about what happened in the last part then let me tell you all:

 Namjoon and Jin's parents are childhood friends with Lavaniya's parents before Namjoon and Jin joined BTS. They know Lavaniya since then and see her as their one and only baby sister.

Namjoon and Jin both know that Lavaniya has a cousin brother but they don't know that Taehyung is that brother and Taehyung too doesn't know that Namjoon and Jin are Lavaniya's childhood friends that's why Taehyung and Namjin were thinking Tae's cousin and Namjin's friend are two different persons.

Now let's see how will be their reaction after knowing the truth.

???: Brother?

Tae's POV

I turned around just to be shocked and surprised to see the person in front of me smiling widely.

ME: L-Lavaniya!?*shocked*

LAVANIYA: TAE TAE *running and hugging Tae tightly* I missed you so much, brother.

ME: I missed you too sissy*hugging back tightly*

ME: I am so damn happy to see you, you didn't change a bit.

LAVANIYA:*releasing the hug* How are you Hyung? 

ME: I am fine sissy how are y---

NAMJIN: Lavaniya?

I turned behind to see Namjoon and Jin hyung's shocked faces and Lavaniya's smiling face.  I got confused so I asked.

ME: What's wrong why are you so shocked hyungs? How do you know Lavaniya and sissy why are you smiling like this, do you know them? *confused as f*

Seeing my confused face Lavaniya and her friend started laughing hard.

ME, NAMJOON & JIN: Why are you both laughing so hard.

ALL(Expt. Tae, RM, Jin, Lavaniya & Zoe): Can anyone tell us what's going on?

Lavaniya's POV

Seeing everyone's confused face me and Zoe can't help but laugh hard. Oh god, this is so damn funny*laughing*

ME: *coughing* o-ok so I know you all are confused like how I know Namjoon and Jin Hyung and Tae right?


ME: Okay so you all know that Tae has a cousin sister?


ME: and also you all know that Namjoon and Jin Hyung has a childhood friend who is a girl right?


ME: so the thing is I am Tae's cousin and Namjoon and Jin Hyung's friend. Understood?


ME: yes it's me only.

RM: See my prediction was right both are one person only but how come we three didn't knew about this till now?

TAE & JIN: Yes!

ME: well that's because on our every family meeting Tae's family attends their family meeting in Daegu so you guys never met each other so how will you know it right?


JIMIN: Okay so if everything is settled so can you guys introduce her to us now?

ME: sure Chim so Hi! My name is Kim Lavaniya and I am from India. Nice to meet you all *bows and smiles sweetly*

ZOE: Hi! My name is Jeon Zoe I am Lavaniya's best friend and I am from Busan.*smiles*

JK: You are from Busan? Even me and Jimin hyung are from Busan. Btw I am Jeon Jungkook, The maknae of the group.

ZOE: Wow! You are also Jeon so maybe we can be good friends.*smiles*

ME: I know right, you know Zoe,  Kookoo is my favorite but still Tae never gives me a chance to talk to him whenever I tell him.*pouts*

JK: I am really your favorite!!*wide eyes*

ME: yes and you know Tae always says you are not that nice to talk to.*smirks*

TAE:w-wait I d-didn't said anything like this I just told JK is not that nice that she made him her favorite.

JK: So I am not nice to be someone's favorite huh?*mad*

TAE: N-no it's n-not like that --

JK: Then what it's like?*mad as f*

TAE:*glup hard*

ME:*laughing*okay enough kook remember no matter whatever he says you are always gonna be my favorite okay?*smiles*

JK:*calming down* okay only if you say so I am forgiving hyung this time or else I would not talk to him for months.

TAE: sorry kook I was just kidding that time  but I didn't know she will take that this seriously.*glaring Lavaniya*

ME: Oh brother do you think your glare will affect me?*smirking*

JIN: okay enough of this nonsense, boys introduce yourself.

JIMIN: Hello girls! I am Park Jimin, I am also from Busan as JK told earlier, and nice to meet you*eye smile*

ME: haha you are very cute chim, no wonder why people call you mochi.

JIMIN:*blushes* Thanks Lavaniya, you are sweet too.

HOBI: I am your hope, You are my hope, Hi beautiful I am J-Hope!*sweet smile*

ME & ZOE: Aww! so cool Hi Oppa nice to meet you.*fangirling*

HOBI: Thank you girls nice to meet you too*smiles*

YOONGI: Hi! I-I am S-suga nice to meet you *stutters*

TAE: What's wrong Hyung why are you stuttering? 

JIMIN: Is Lavaniya too hot to resist huh?*smirks*

SUGA: What no it's not like that.*Embarrassed*

Suga's POV

Everyone was talking with Lavaniya and her friend but I was just looking at  Lavaniya, she is just so beautiful and sweet. I don't know why I couldn't take my eyes off her. Her voice, her long black hair with gray highlights, and that tight outfit showing her more than perfect curves and those eyes, so deep as ocean in whom I can drown for the rest of my life, those pink pulpy lips looking so sweet like cheery which I want to taste once. 

I was admiring her face when Jin hyung said every one to introduce ourself. My heartbeat started to beat fast as if it was in a race. I gulped hard knowing after hobi it was my turn.

After Hobi was done I introduced myself but due to nervousness I stuttered which I cursed a thousand times in my head and everyone started teasing me and  I was hella embarrassed which I guess Lavaniya noticed so she said something which made me attracted towards her more.

LAVANIYA: Stop it guys, just because he stuttered doesn't mean you have the right to tease him. I know he is cold towards everyone so it takes time to speak properly to someone who is new to you, okay so don't tease him, and let's just party I am getting bored.*pouts*

aish she is so cute, I never felt like this before? Is this what people call LOVE, If yes then I guess I fell in love with you Lavaniya and I will make you fall too. Just wait love.*smiling*

JIN: Okay then Let's party people.

ALL: Yahoooo!!!*cheering*

To Be Continued...

Hello, everyone, I am sorry for uploading this late, and also if this is too long I will make sure not to make the next one too long to read...Hope you all like this part. Bye, see you next time.

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