Bonus Chapter

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 (Special chapter on Ritha's pregnancy)

Heavily pregnant Rithambara was having a tough time managing all her emotions. The random jolts of how Justus would react would fetch an extreme amount of anxiety to her.
Augustus had tried to calm her many a times, still, she couldn't come up with the courage to let her son know about pregnancy.

The little heartbeat in her stomach was beautifully rhyming with her happiness chord, yet fear was also an addled factor. She looked at her son, sleeping soundly, next to her.

  Augustus was ecstatic when he found that he was about to have another child and so was Ritha. When happiness settled down, a challenge galloped them. A challenge of breaking down this news to their four year old son, Justus.

      Her husband had his arms wrapped around Justus's little form and he like their boy, he too was sleeping while sleep was miles away from her. They had decided to break this good piece of news to Justus next morning and that was the reason of her anxiety.

No matter how much she loved him and vice versa, she had no Idea as of how would Justus take this news.
Her eyes filled up with tears due to fear of losing Justus's love and despite knowing the fact that it was harmful for her health, she couldn't stop worrying. Exhaling a huge sigh, she went near the window to welcome cool breeze, hoping that it would ease her nerves.

    She savoured every moment, but soon enough, contrary to chillness around, a soft breath tickled the nape of her neck. The comforting warmth was her home, and therefore, instead of shrieking out loud, she leaned back, borrowing stopped from love of her life.

She didn't have to wait long enough for her husband to begin the interrogation, and though he wrapped his arms around her slightly protuted belly, his tone was stiff, " Why are you awake at such an odd hour? "

  A soft smile lingered on her face and she turned around slightly to gaze in heavily coloured blue orbs which was her favourite to look into. They marked a strong presence under the contradicting yellowish flame of lamp.

  She had to cut short her admiration when she observed a twitch in his left eyebrow as it was her cue to omit out her worries. She removed his hands from her belly in order to turn around and face him. Augustus, on the other hand, observed his wife's gesture keenly. Her wheatish fair face was glowing, reminiscing an aura of gold while dark orbs sucked in rays of lamp.

The intensity with which her husband ogled at her, legit wobbled her knees. Biting her lips, she gave him a long smooch on his lips, making Augustus look at her with surprise. She wasn't the expressive one and though his heart fluttered, he knew that she was trying to distract him.

Meanwhile, she tried to keep it subtle, " Nowadays, I don't do anything apart from sleeping and eating, and nothing tires me up, so nights keep me awake. "

   He observed her facial expressions, from the way she wet her lips to slight embarrassment casting reddish hue on her cheeks, he noticed it all. His jaws clenched, and he spoke though gritted teeth, " So now, I'm not even eligible enough for you to share problems with? "

   The sentence was enough to make her gasp, and she quickly opened her mouth to explain, but was curt short when he interrupted, " I can clearly see worry etching on your face. I know it's about Justus . "

  Her eyes cascaded down and tears brimmed on her eyes's edge. She hated being this emotional, but wonders of pregnancy!

Augustus clutched her tight in his embrace and planted a comforting kiss on her forehead, " Love, Justus will adore and love us the same, I promise. Nothing can change your bonding of yours with him, I promise. On top of it, he will love having a younger sibling to play with. "

Still, when he saw her shoulder shaking , he added, Don't you believe in your teachings and love? It's a happy event for us, a blessing from God, please, don't cry. "

      He was tensed beyond words seeing Ritha's condition. More than taking care of herself, she was fretting over the fact that Justus wouldn't take the news positively.

How selfless this lady could be?

He wondered. Justus's birth mother, Valentina didn't even bother to hold him, and this lady, from an unknown land took it upon herself to look after his son.

    Though years had passed , the very thought of Valentina used to make his blood boil and wound his heart. He couldn't believe that the lady whom he once loved was incarnation of brutality and atrocity.

  " Promise? "

   He smiled widely when he heard his love asking hesitantly. It was funny how much she trusted him. Honestly, he too was freaking out with happiness and uncertainty, but he had firm belief on her teaching. The way she had shaped Justus into a gentle young boy, he was positive that he would have no problem with a new brother or sister.

" I promise. " He whispered lowly.

" Now come, have some rest. " He pulled her inside with him.

    Justus looked at his father curiously.  He was seated in his mother's lap who had to tell him about something important. His little brain was running in every dimension thinking what it could be?

  Ritha looked at Augustus who nodded firmly, encouraging her to speak, " Son, you know that I love you so much. "

   The confession immediately lit up young boy's face.

" Yes, mother and I love you too. " He brought up her hands to his lips and kissed it lightly.

  Her heart puddled at her boy's loving gesture while Augustus smiled inwardly, feeling like an outsider. Watching mother - son exchange, his heart craved for a daughter. He had heard that daughters were closer to their father while sons to their mothers. He himself had witnessed it as Aurelius and his daughter  Callista really shared a special bonding.

The mere imagination made him excited, though he was open to have another son. He would surely love him the same. At the moment, he needed to support Ritha and look after Justus if things turn out slightly odd. He heard his love saying, " Nothing will change my love for you. "

" I know, mother but why you saying this? "

  Smiling fondly at her bundle of joy, she sent a silent prayer to almighty.
Mustering up the courage, she spoke, "  Would you like to have a brother or sister? "

    The question had certainly caught Justus off guard and he frowned a bit.

   Ritha's heart thumped loudly in fear while Augustus hastily added, " you know, to play with? To support each other? "

' The irony! Who knew about betrayal of brothers better than him, but he would make sure that his children be nothing like his brothers, specially a traitor like his youngest brother, Marcus.

Suddenly, Justus's beaming voice was heard, " Brother? Like Lorenzo and Leonardo? ( his cousions ) "

  A sudden sigh of relief eluded Ritha's lips and she smiled, " Yes. "

  Justus smiled and clapped his hands enthusiatally, " Yes, of course, mother! They don't play with me saying that I'm younger. But my brother will play with me, right? "

Augustus looked at overwhelmed Ritha who was staring down at Justus with love and shock, therefore, he added, "  You can have a sister too. She too will play with you and will look up to you. "

Justus's eyes lit up with happiness and looked around in anticipation, " where are they ? When will they come? "

  Ritha was amazed at how smoothly it went. She was so wrong while judging her child. She thought that he would get jealous or angry, but how wrong was she? Her son didn't even have a single mean bone in his body. His heart didn't know how to hate anyone.

  She smiled widely when her husband gave her a knowing look of, ' Told you so ' .

Augustus picked up Justus in his hands and made him stand up on his feet. Then, he pointed his fingers towards Ritha's stomach, " Well, your brother or sister is still in your mother's belly.  "

     The look of excitement was soon vanquished from Justus's face when he processed his father's words and horror replaced it. His eyes went wide and he shrieked, not believing the truth, " What? Mothers belly? "

He clasped his little hands at his mouth  not believing anything, making his parents laugh at his innocence.

" How did he go there? "

Rithambara flushed pink when Augustus smirked and spoke, " you'll know son when your time will come. "


Augustus paced around anxiously while listening to his wife's agonizing screams. His heart thumped wildly due to fear and he had hard time consoling himself. Horrors of last time had certainly made him worry, but he kept reminding his mind that the lady inside was not Valentina, it was Rithambara who could go to moon and back for her loved ones.

   He didn't expect her to go in labour that day as it was a week earlier than her supposed date. It had been around two hours, and he saw maids rushing in and out, aiding their queen.  His father, previous King, Atticus too had come from Florence to Rome to have his back and honestly, he couldn't thank him enough.

  At that moment, Atticus was in garden of Rome, alomgwith Justus to distract him while Augustus was standing just outside the labour room.

   After what seemed like an eternity, a shrill cry of a baby invaded his ears and he could swear, he could feel his heart stopping for a second. Soon enough, he saw a maid coming out of the room and she bowed down infront of him, " Your highness, it's a girl. "

He didn't have to ask her about his wife's and child's well being as she herself told, " Our Queen and Princess are healthy and you can meet them shortly. "

  Tears of happiness swooned out of his eyes after listening to such a thrilling news. Nothing in the world was made which could measure his happiness and he was too overwhelmed with ecstasy to hide his tears from the maid.

    After half an hour or so, he entered inside to Ritha holding a tiny child who was his daughter in her embrace. Her tired eyes were swollen while she cried more seeing her husband. He was already deep in love with his daughter.

  He rushed towards her with speed of lightning and held her sideways in his embrace. He too shed tears along with her and asked, " Are you fine, my love? "

When she nodded her head, he smiled leisurely through his tears and whispered, " You are so precious to me, I can't thank you for this gift. "

   Finally, he looked at his angel's face and world around him ceased to exist. Since she was wrapped in a yellow cloth, only her face was visible and it was absolute pink. But real surprise grappled him when she opened her eyes.

  He was astonished seeing the exact shade of aqua blue, replicating his very own eye colour. He looked back at Ritha to confirm that all of it was  true, not some happy dream. When she saw her smiling at him in confirmation, he wasted no seconds in holding her. Grappling her close to him, he smiled when Ritha asked him leisurely, so, " What are you going to name her? "

He looked again at her and said aloud, proudly, " Eirene, Princess of Rome. "

Ritha repeated after her husband, " Eirene " . She liked how beautiful it sounded and she couldn't help but ask, " What does it mean? "

  Without wavering away his eyes from her daughter, he spoke, " Peace, Goddess of peace. "

They were busy in their world when Justus too joined them. He couldn't contain his happiness when his parents smiled at him.

Augustus passed Eirene to Ritha and picked up Justus, giving him a better access to look at a new born baby.

" Look, Justus, you have a sister now to play with. "

  Wobbling his head excitedly, he giggled, " Yes, father. "

  He bent down to plant a kiss on his baby sister's forehead while Augustus guided him.

So, how was the surprise? 😊

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