Chapter 23

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Augustus patted Marcus's back and replied, "I'll take care of myself ,don't worry Marcus. Enough about me, how are you? " Augustus had a loving look on his face towards his brother.

Marcus raised his eyebrows making a face and asked him, " you were the one who was attacked and you are asking about my well being. First tell me, what were you looking at? What was so intriguing in your hand that you forgot about your injury? "

         Augustus sighed loudly knowing that his brother won't let this topic slip. He carefully took out the piece of paper from his pocket and kept it on the table. Marcus's eyes instantly fell on paper which had a painting of an eagle with a little message written beneath it. Marcus was utterly confused, "what's this?"

Augustus clenched his jaws and said in a frosty tone, "that's what I am trying to find out. I won't spare this bastard or bastards if they are more than one in number once they are under my clutches. I think they were behind the arrow attack that day. Fucking cowards! "

Marcus picked up the paper in his hand and inspected it with keen interest. After pondering for few seconds, he spoke, "The attack which happened on you was done by trained culprits. This picture is definitely made by a person who is artist by profession because it is a refined painting with very clear strokes. It's not possible for a soldier to draw this which directly indicates one thing. "

Augustus, who was looking outside the window turned his head towards his brother and asked in an inquisitive tone, "and that thing is...? "

"More than one bastard is involved in this. One is drawing this pictures, one is planning all the attacks and one is telling your location to attackers ." replied Marcus.

              Augustus was stunned by the intelligence of Marcus. He had a look of disbelief on his face . After few minutes, he smiled at Marcus, "finally, my company is showing it's effect on you. You are talking wisely like me, not like an idiot which you are. "

Marcus's right palm turned into fist and he got up from his chair and spoke, "if you want wounds on your face, I would gladly do it for you. "

       Augustus tried to hide his smile and appear frightened by his younger brother's threat. He raised his hands in complete surrender but at the end, he burst out laughing loud which irritated Marcus even more. He also wanted to tease Augustus , so he spoke, " you seriously want a punch to tarnish your already ugly face. Well, it will be a great help for me as highness Ritha would be impressed by me. She will leave you and marry me. "

        After hearing this from Marcus Augustus's eyes stoned on him and by his looks it was evident that he would dig Marcus's grave sixty feet beneath the ground. It was Marcus's turn to laugh now. He mimicked his brother's action of raising hands in surrender. His laughter died down when Augustus stood up from his chair and took threatening steps towards him. Marcus hurriedly replied stuttering, "I... I.. was j... Just teasing youuuu.... Ritha is like my si.. sissss.... sister. " By the time he completed his sentence, Augustus was standing on one finger distance from him.

       A smile broke on Augustus's face seeing his brother stuttering , "It's time for you to court a lady so that you can stop eying others wives. Get your own wife and spill your charms on her with your stupid music and art." mocked Augustus because he knew his brother was just teasing him.

Marcus scowled after hearing this but had a pink taint on his face which didn't go unnoticed by Augustus. He became suspicious and asked Marcus, " is there something I need to know? Is my little Marcy in love or courting someone ?"

  Marcus stiffened hearing this and tried to divert the topic by telling Augustus to look at the painting but Augustus being smart enough didn't let the topic slip.

Marcus huffed and told him, "Fine, it's Ritha.... "

          Magnus was beyond angry and was pacing around in his room with his fists closed. His wife, Flavia had her one hand on her forehead completely showing her frustration.

   She tried to calm her husband ," my lord! Will you enlighten me, why are so much bothered? "

"What should I tell you? Firstly, that old man! How dare he insult me infront of everyone ? I don't know when that old hag will die. Secondly, this Augustus. Ugggh! Even today in the hallways, he was able to save himself." spat Magnus.

"Save himself ?" Flavia asked. " Did you plan an attack on him? "

Magnus stopped pacing and turned towards his wife and said, "No. I didn't plan any attack but it doesn't matters who planned it until and unless that Augustus is dead. I was standing in the balcony that night when they were attacked by that arrow. "

  Flavia gasped hearing this and shouted at her husband, "are you out of your mind? If someone is attacking Augustus, then we have to know the reason behind it or ot could be harmful for us also. We don't know who it is this time which could be fatal for us."

Finally the realisation hit Magnus and he thought about this in detail. He felt that what his wife was saying was somewhat correct. He needs to find out the culprits because even he could be attacked if it is an outsider.

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