Chapter 42

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"Magnus? You?" shock and inquisitiveness was evident in Augustus's tone. His jaws were clenched tightly seeing his brother at this hour. Even Rithambara got up from the bed to get a better view and gasped seeing her brother in law.

Augustus held Magnus from his collar making it difficult for Magnus to breath. "What the hell are you doing here at this hour?"

After getting no response from his brother, Augustus threw Magnus down at the floor with a thud making him moan hard in pain.

"Dammit Augustus!" Magnus screamed back at Augustus when he felt pain in his head.

Glancing at the sleeping form of his son, Augustus dragged Magnus in the balcony and drew the curtains.

Seeing flames of hot anger in her husband's eyes, Rithambara decided not to interfere in the matter. She went near Justus and covered him properly with the blanket and sat next to him caressing his head.

A tiring sigh escaped her lips when flashbacks of entire day striked in her mind. Firstly the facade of Mario had already drained her energy now this incident, it was impossible for her to spend some quality time with her family. At the moment, she was thankful to Lord that her husband was present to deal with this situation.

Outside in the balcony, Magnus struggled in breathing but he managed to complete his sentence, "I saw someone in your balcony and without thinking, I risked my life to save you but you are such an ungrateful person."

"Save me? Really? From when did you start caring about me so much? You think I'll believe you?" the tone of Augustus was ridiculing the sentence of Magnus.

He knew better than believing on his liar of a brother.
'Why would he save me? '

"If you don't want believe, then don't believe but I saw a masculine back who was looking at you and your wife through the curtains. It is true that I want you to not become a king but I don't want you to die" something in Magnus's tone was compelling Augustus to believe but he had been betrayed so many times that he couldn't trust his brother.

'A masculine back? If not Magnus, could it be Felix or Linus?'
These thoughts were messing up with Augustus's mind and he wanted to rip his hair out. From poisoning of horses to attacks, he had to have many answers and Magnus being his prime suspect, he couldn't let go him easily.

Augustus made Magnus stand up and glared directly in his eyes making him nervous as hell. After a pregnant pause he spoke, "I and you are going to have a conversation about this whole incident. Got that?"

To say Magnus was terrified would be an understatement. He was no match in comparison to his brother's powers. He knew better than defying him and giving him a curt nod, he went out limping.


Back in the Eagle's kingdom, none of the ministers could come up with the idea of trespassing queen in the Florence. Though the temperature of the room was dropping with approaching evening, sweat droplets were trickling down the body of the ministers.

Eagle's future queen eyes were analysing her ministry with deadly look, just like an eagle. No sooner did a minister present a point, a contrary of his idea was proposed by others. With each passing minute, the situation was becoming even complicated and solution of it couldn't be fathomed by anyone.

Few maids came inside to light up the lamps because sun rays were no longer the part of Eagle's conspiracies. Dried blood on the lady's hand was making whole room stink badly but none of them could care any less.

Disappointment was flowing freely in the air much to the queen's dismay.
For some ministers, the very idea of her going in Florence was absurd while others took it seriously because it was coming from there future queen.

Faint sound of boots coming from the hallways caught everybody's attention and without wasting a single second, all of them including the queen stood up.

Finally, boots sound were audible enough indicating that the king had already arrived in the room. All eyes drooped down in respect towards him. More than respect, word fear justified their situation. Respect was just an outer coating on their true feeling which all of them had deep down.

The lady's eyes shone brightly at the sight of the king of the Eagles who was standing in all his mighty glory. His wrinkled face had an undying aura while his creaked eyes showed a pinch of his brutal nature.

The lady walked casually towards her king and passed him a bright smile. Hugging him gently, she kissed on both of his cheeks. In return, King lingered a kiss on her forehead. After exchanging the affectionate gesture, king put his arm around the lady's shoulder which made her pass him another gentle smile.

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