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you see, the world has changed from what it used to be. children knew about this type of stuff, and that they were most likely born to be fresh meat back in the 1600s, but now children are being cared for, beind fed, being cuddled by their loving mothers and fathers.

yet here, seven boys are being contained in what should be the dictionarys definition of hell. but of course, it's known as : "the place where the devil lives and where evil people go after they die according to some religions. : a very difficult or unpleasant situation or experience. —used to express anger, annoyance, etc"

doesn't sound as bad as this place does it?


he cried. he was alone there. alone for what seemed to be the rest of his life. the pain and suffering, the starvation. it was all hell. nothing was good here, no one could ever answer the question of "is there anything good about the lab?"

they could say that they got fed, but they really didn't. not for jimin, as he was purposely starved, and the others are force fed. not given the choice, they get food shoved down their throats every couple of days. you see, most people would be excited for food and such, but not for these few. it hurt, and really bad too. and if they didn't accept it through the mouth, they would have to go through much a worse procedure.

as i said, he cried, he cried heavily, everytime he inhaled the wounds on his stomach and back stretched, and his shoulders didn't work well yet either. it was like his brain was telling him to do something, but that something never happened due to disobediance.

jimin was dying, one could say. but those scientists would never allow that. they need him. they need him to endure the tests needed. or as they say.

Some of the other boys were in feeding now, the eldest, the quietist, and the most energetic all being tortured into food now. you could tell by the ergent screams of help that will never come.

there's no point in screaming, they will hear you, but they won't help you. it was useless. just a waste of energy. just stop and get it over with, it would go by quicker if you stopped squirming. however that's easier said then done.

-unknown POV-

they were tangled in numerous chains. screaming for help as food was stuffed down their throats. it was truly hard to watch as the younger ones yell for mercy. but that would never come. what was mercy?

seokjin, the eldest was watching his brothers as he had scientists strap him to a chair, bringing in some sort of food. it sure didn't look like food...

Yoongi was done, or so it seemed. he didn't yell or squirm as much, but the amount of tears he shed was uncountable. that one had dark brown hair, however his eyes were purple, obviously angry. he got angry often, and he seemed to be close to getting taken over. his blood had purple dye mixed in within it, so when he leeked blood, it was a darker red with a shade of dark purple.

also, when he got mad, his veins were more visable. they truned purple, meaning that indigo was ready to take over his mind in a matter of seconds. but of course, he held back as much as he could. there was one point in which he was taken over, and he went crazy, he ripped the chains from his body and killed numerous scientists in that room, but he quickly changed back to his normal self, and fell unconcious on the floor.

yoongi could use his powers for adventage, it was a little bit like the hulk, he got angry, let indigo take over, and then turn back. but he's only done that once, and it was probably only going to be that one time.

Hoseok, the other, who was not even half way finnished with the meal, was very energetic and could process things quickly. he always knew what was going to happen, and it seemed as though he could read everyone's minds, knowing the exact move they will make next, like once, he knew exactly were a knife was going to strike, and being the energetic man he is, bit off the scientists finger.

Turns out, he can read brain waves. he knows which brain wave means what, and can tell what some are thinking or planning to do next, and that's why he was so good at dodging knives during torture. he could be one of the strongest weapons yet...

seokjin, on the other hand, seems to not be able to see very well. he says things are fuzzy, so they gave him glasses to see how he reacts, and turns out he can get a lot of his strength from that. he usually can't see, so when he can, he goes all in, knowing exactly where they were going to strike, and defending oneself. you could say he is a little like Hoseok, but he has better aim, he knows where to hit, and hits dead on that spot without fail, but that's only when he wears his glasses.

Taehyung and jimin's powers are still unknown, they can't force it out of them, however Taehyung seems very over protective. Jungkook on the other hand, has strength. he can controll his indigo, whilst the others apart from namjoon struggle with that. jungkook has been there the longest, but he seems to be able to controll it well. jungkook is hard to read, and seems concerned and suspicious of many actions of others, so when he presumes something, he often gets it right, or half right at that.

being stuck here with the power of indigo helps them to realise things, their own strengths. however taehyung and jimin are still unkown. they have both been here for 14 years now, both abducted on the same night, and brought to this hell on the same night. leaving their familly without even a goodbye, or a "i love you".

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