"....Master?" {2/3}

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{Must be male and highschool age}

You were goofing off with your friends after school in the park when you stumbled upon a ruby red necklace. At your explanation they all gathered around you to see it, upon realizing you'd gotten excited over a necklace they began picking and laughing at you. Grumpy and irritated you left them to go home. You'd gone through your usual routine, tossing the necklace on your night stand and forgetting about it. That was until you woke up in the middle of the night to a strange noise. Sitting up and peering into the darkness your heart beat quickened as you made out the form of a shadowy figure, at that moment the clouds mustv'e shifted, gloomy moonlight casting light on a girl standing at attention, hands clasping a sword.

"I didn't wake you did I master?"


Name: "I'm just a guardian. I don't need a name." {Was never given one}

Age: "I can't be sure." {Looks 16, but has been asleep for centuries}

Gender: "Huh?" {Female}

Species: "I already said I was a Gurdian." {A species created to protect their masters.}

Looks: "It doesn't really matter."

When she's not fighting is on the left, when she is on the right.

Her necklace:

Personality: "My duty is my purpose. I will not stray."

{Loyal to a fault, takes things very literally, naive, doesn't understand some things, trusting, strong, over protective, doesn't understand feelings}

Likes: "I have no time for pleasures."

{She adores cute things, loves flowers, her sword, watching over you, completing her duty, ????}

Dislikes: "I...I don't like....." She mumbeled the last part.

{BUGS, being far from your side, unorganized spaces, lazy people, ?????}

Backstory: "I-I was asleep for so long. It was you that woke me up........Thank you."

{She's one of the last guardians, was put asleep by her last master who loved her too much to give her to the next generation, she wanted her to never have to serve anyone ever again fearing she would be treated badly. Because of this she was safe when the Clearing occurred, an elimination done by the demons that exterminated almost every guardian.}

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