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Rules, sorry to spoil your fun.

1. This book is for only 18+:
Most chapters will include gore, bloodiness, also pregnancy and birth are starting to become involved so please don't join if you don't know how any of that works. I am an adult and feel more comfortable keeping this limited to other adults.

2. No Smut:
While I don't mind it, but just try your best to avoid it with me. I don't enjoy it. I mainly enjoy just simple romance.

3. Cussing Allowed:
Again, I don't mind cussing. I honestly don't care about it being an adult. As long as you don't use it every sentence. Also make sure to censor it. Or else Wattpad will be up my @ss or yours.

4. Be Detailed:
Yes, I know there are people out there that enjoy using one liners. I don't mind those if the role play is going slow. But seriously, use detail. It helps me keep the role play moving. Also, make sure to try and do at LEAST 3+ lines. 
I will NOT respond to a starter UNLESS it's 5+ lines!

5. Please:
Please DO NOT interrupt someone else's role play. If someone reports that you have, I will mute you.

6. Third Person:
Please please please! Use third person, no first person. For example, Rain ran, quickly to get away from the beast. Her heart was pounding harshly against her chest as she runs, her legs beginning to fail her.

7. No Controlling My Characters:
I hate when people control what happens to my character! It is my character, and I will decide their fate.

8. No More Than Two:
So, you can do two role plays with me if you would like. But, you're going to have to keep track of each one and how many characters you're using. If one dies, don't get on to me about not reminding you. I'm crammed with other role plays myself.

9. No Spamming:
Please do not spam me if I don't respond every few minutes. Again, I am an adult and have a lot going on. I have a job and all, so I will get to you when I can.

10. Please Enjoy Your Time!!!

Something Else:
Also, this isn't just a romance role play book. I need more then that, that's why my characters include something that'll add some action or adventure to the story. But I would really like you guys to step in with adding more action to the storyline of the role play.

Forms: So I know you guys are limited on how much you can, and I enjoy doing detail profiles, so I'll make this short.







Appearance: (Please be descriptive so I have a clear picture. No links)

Occupation: (Job)




Background: (Bio)


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