"let it snow"

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[ full name ]
Ni Xuelin
"It's strange that you asked - you can just call me Snow."

[ code name ]
"It's the closest thing to a translation I could provide you with."

[ gender, sexuality, age ]
Female, straight, 19

[ power/ability ]
Xuelin is a transporter, but the things she materialises don't last for long. Relying on the ropes of energy binding the universe together, she is able to bend these energy fibers to momentarily transport something to her, usually small items no larger than her hand. Afterwards, the cords of energy bend back and take the item with it. She has tried pulling weapons or larger, deadlier items, but instead of gently going back into place, these energy cords snap back into place like a taut rubber band, and the impact can severely damage Xuelin, temporarily blinding or deafening her.

[ team ]
r e b e l

[ description ]
f c : k i k o m i z u h a r a

[ personality ]
There were two ways you could view Xuelin: either she was righteous, or she was defensive. Even a harmless question could give her the wrong idea, that maybe you were trying to get under her skin to find the truth or to expose her.

She has a set mindset of being 'different' and 'blessed'. Prayers to a who-knows god is a daily affair, especially when she's nervous. She refuses to believe that she is evil or "rebellious", simply just unique.

Most days, Xuelin is quite the introvert and comes across as naïve and unassuming, only emphasized by her 'I'm so helpless' act, but don't let that fool you. Xuelin has a tendency to become incredibly snappy under pressure, but that's also when she handles things the best.

Xuelin seeks comfort, and can be quite insecure, even though her words say otherwise. If provoked, she will do her best to match up in a debate, or to step forward to challenge someone, but for the most part, she doesn't find it necessary. Sliding along the shadows, confident that her god wants her on his side, is enough.

[ backstory ]
It was unclear to Xuelin what her family worshipped exactly, but through fervent mumblings about magic and blessings and curses, she knew better than to ask. At a ritual of theirs a priest had pointed out her low ability to see, and said that she would be blessed. This influenced her to believe in a higher power, and she was sure that she was "a chosen one" when she found out about her powers.

Her parents had told her that their god wanted powerful believers on its side, and thus they would travel about to read fortunes in the name of their god, warning others of the consequences of being weak, and always bragging of their daughter, half-blind, but double as blessed.

Xuelin hadn't thought much of all the attention and what it meant until she turned fifteen, and she was the focus of a ritual. The same priest had stepped up to her and demanded that she show them her worthiness as a worshipper of their god, and under growing pressure, Xuelin focused on the bright lines she had seen as a child, and tugged on them, sobbing, her family's reputation and pride at stake. Before she knew what was happening, an amulet had been pulled, and no one could believe it.

Fear of who she was settled in among the believers and worshippers, and they threw rocks at her and scorned her for playing childish tricks, demanding she be sacrificed. Trained to be strong her entire life, Xuelin ran, and while being hunted down and regarded as a holy symbol, wanted for her organs, she stumbled into the Rebels.


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