Dreamworks RP: Abel Overland (REQUEST!)

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Name: "Abel Overland, and how do you do?" He smiles at you.

Age: "Well... I am definitely older than you..." (He looks 17, but is actually 217 years old.)

Gender: "What kind of question is that?" He looks at you confused. (Male.)

Species: "You might not believe me, unfortunately, but I am a guardian. Like Jack Frost, North, Bunny, Sandman and ToothFairy."

Sexuality: "Hmmm... Pan."

Theme: (Dreamworks; Rise of the Guardians, How to Train Your Dragon and Big Hero 6.)


(Before he died)

(Him now (I can change the pictures if you want!))
"Well, even though I'm right here, I'll describe what I look like. I have white hair and bright blue eyes. I'm kinda pale, but I have pretty average skin. I'm about 5"8 in height and I'm pretty skinny."

Personality: "Well... Jack calls me a smarta--" (I'll continue! Abel is seen as very sweet and smart at first glance. He cares for others deeply, not caring about himself at times. He can be reckless, but that only comes out when he is protecting someone. He is very chillaxed, cal and going with the flow, but he can be as sudden as a ocean storm, furious and rude. He is, at times, impatient, and is easily angered, but he is all together a nice guy! Now... Time to hunt Jack...) Jack flies into the room, but stops when he sees me, saying "Oh no..." He quickly flies out. (*sprints after him*)

Powers: Abel picks up my list and looks at the next question. "My powers? Well, anything and everything to do with water and ice."

Family: He frowns at this question. "Hm... None I remember..."

Backstory: "Nope, don't remember this either, sorry."

Other: "What on earth does this mean?" (*comes back in, panting*) "Oh, LBG, what does this question mean?" He shows me the question. (... He has a nightfury, called Matthew. He is a part of Hiro's team, the team name changing to Big Hero 7. And has an academy-slash-agency that protects and teaches guardians, spirits, fairytale characters and gifted people, people with powers.)

(This is Matthew!)

Here you are, Angelic_Amigod ! What do you think? And do you like the pictures??? :3


Scenario: You are a vigilante by night! You have heard the Story and Guardian Academy, and decided to sneak on to the grounds, wanting to explore. However, you reached the middle of the campus when you heard a voice behind you, soft yet stern, asking "And just what are you doing?"

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