Kidnapped RP: Dylan Mortinez/Charlotte Sparks

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Name: He scowled. "Why should I tell you?! You'll just report me!" (Dylan Mortinez.)

Age: "Stop asking stupid questions!" (*sighs* 25 years old...)

Gender: He raises an eyebrow. "You're not serious, are you?" (Male... *starting to look angry*)

Sexuality: He suddenly flushes red and pulls his beanie low. "What's with these stupid questions?" (Bisexual, but leans towards girls...)

Species: "I'm not-- (ANSWER THE QUESTIONS!) He stays silent. "-- not fully human... Part demon..."

Theme: (Kidnapped)


He growls, rolls his eyes. "If you can't see the picture, then you're a fu--" (*slaps his face before growling*) He looks shocked. "I have black hair, silvery-green eyes and pale skin. I have broad shoulders and I'm quite skinny while standing at 6"3." (Thank you... Sorry about the slap...)

Personality: "... I'm cold, rude and I'm pretty smart..." He shrugs, looking away. (I'll explain the rest than. Dylan is actually pretty smart--) "HEY! You saying I'm dumb or something?!" (--smart, especially when it comes to how to get close to people. He seems charming, but really, he is trying to get close to you. He is really quite emotional and is broken inside. He is a bit of player and a bit of a pervet as well...)

Likes: "..." (Money, beautiful girls, hurting people, weapons, chips, alcohol, darkness and stealing things.)

Dislikes: "..." (Someone who fights, waiting for too long, loud noises and soft drinks.)

Kidnapped/Kidnapper: "I kidnap for a living..." He smirks.

Why: "Need the money!"

Powers: "I..." He glances at me, then looks forward at you again. "I can teleport through the shadows and when I'm really angry, I can create fire swords out of nothing..."

Family: "..." (He has a little sister who he cares for a lot. She is the reason he kidnaps for money.)

(This is his younger sister, Evie. She is 9 years old!)

Other: "I always keep rope and a knife with me, just in case." He shrugs.

(People Limit with Dylan: 10 out of 10)

Scenario: You were walking the streets after working a late shift at work. Because the place you work at is a club that tries to attract all kinds of people sexually, the boss makes sure everyone who works leave through the front door, still in their sexy uniform. Girls wear a tight black dress that has no sleeves and ends about the middle of the thigh with black high heels and a gold ribbon choker while boys wear tight black jeans, a white button-up shirt that shows the muscles off really well and black fancy shoes.

You quickly turned into an alleyway that you knew would be quicker to get to home. You only heard your shoes tapping on the concrete as you got halfway.

Suddenly, an arm wraps itself around your shoulders, over your chest. A male's voice whispers in your ear "And what do we have here, eh? Someone sexy walking all alone?" You attempt to fight, but he then pulls out a knife and puts it to your throat. He growls in your ear, "Don't fight me, sexy. If you do, you'll find yourself on the ground, bleeding your throat out..."



Name: "My name is Charlotte Sparks..." She plays with her fingers, smiling shyly.

Age: "I am 19..."

Gender: She looks at you confused. "I'm a girl. Do I look like a boy with long hair or something?"

Sexuality: "Um... Sorry, but I prefer boys..." She blushes red, looking away nervously.

Species: "Uh... I'm part fairy..."

Theme: (Kidnapped)


"Well, my hair is aqua while the ends fade into a dark blue and I have green eyes. I need to wear glasses, so I have red glasses and I have skin that is kinda tan, I stand at 5"4 and I have an apple figure..." She smiles, then looks up and notices the picture. "Or, you could just look at the picture!" She has a sheepish look as she looks at you again.

Personality: "Well... I would say I'm humble and a huge clutz..." She scratches the back of her neck, smiling sheeplishly. "And... I'm naïve as well." (Charlotte is normally a quiet daydreamer who is, well , clumsy. She has a big heart that loves to help people and animals. She loves animals and can get easily distracted by animals.)

Likes: "Hm, well I like listening to music, animals, sweets... What else... Ah! And I love fireflies! They are beautiful at night!" She giggles quietly, smiling.

Dislikes: "Uh... I don't like being forced to do things actually... And I'm scared of..." (You are scared of what?) She squeaks and hides her face. "I'm scared of the dark..."

Kidnapped/Kidnapper: "Wait... What?!" (Nothing! Nothing! *looks at you and whispers* Kidnapped...)

Why: "Huh, why what?" (Because her parents are rich and, well, if some guys might like her...)

Powers: "Oooo, I can talk to animals!" She smiles sweetly.

Family: "Well, there is my mum and dad, who are famous photographers and my older brother who is studying his art degrees!"

(Her older brother, Maxwell.)

Other: "Hmmm... Not much, other then the fact I can't see anything without my glasses!"


Scenario: You were looking for a new victim. The last one didn't please you enough, so you had to knock them out and make sure they thought it was a bad dream before you returned them.

You huffed to yourself and crossed the road. As you passed by the music door, you bumped into someone who stumbled back. You were about to growl until you saw it was a girl with Aqua hair... In fact it was Charlotte Sparks!

She fixed her glasses as she gushed "I'm so sorry! I got distracted, is there a way you could forgive me?" She smiled at you sweetly, her green eyes sparkling behind her glasses.


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