Romance/Fantasy: Queen Rosaline Clarantine (REQUEST)

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Name: "I am Queen Rosaline Clarantine. But please, call me 'My Majesty' or 'Your Highness'." Her eyes search you, as if wondering if you are the enemy...

Age: She forces a laugh, which sounds icy and harsh. "My, my! Quite rude to ask a woman such a question!" (38.)

Gender: "I believe this where the word 'Queen' comes into play." (Oh geez, don't be so cold!) "It is their fault for being so insulting."

Species: "Why would I be anything other than human?"

Sexuality: "I prefer the opposite gender only, quite sorry." (LIES! Bisexual!)

Theme: (Romance/Fantasy.)


"Are you blind?" She scowls. (Rosaline has long black hair, no waves and no curls, just straight hair. Her eyes are an icy blue, recognised as her father's eyes as well, and pale skin. She has the perfect hourglass figure without trying and she is 5"7 in height. Although the pictures don't show it, she has a birthmark of a teardrop which is underneath the corner of her left eye.)

Personality: "Hmm... Some of my past suitors have said that I have grace, I have face and I will punch you on the face." (In a short way, yes. Rosaline is as sharp and cold as the blade of a sword, serious, wise and a little war hungry. There are the negatives as to her as well, as she is easily angered and can be selfish at times. Positives, she is quite protective of her two younger siblings and is secretly a romantic, which she kinda shows however through her flirting and teasing... But some days, she is a perfect actress, almost seeming to have no emotions...)

Likes: "I quite like my ballgowns and wine." She smooths her dress down as she speaks, a small smile on her face. (Oh boy, there is more to that! Rosaline loves fighting, so she is often training with her guards. She can be a bit of a reader, and her favourite books are either Shakespeare's classics or action. She loves wearing the crown, having power over the kingdom, and loves the night. When some suitors ask her what she likes in a love, she admitted to like rogue looks and a rough personality at times. There is one more thing... When Desdemona is in a somewhat healthy state...)

Dislikes: She shivers a little as she admits "Spiders. Terrified of them." (When she is mad, there are times where Rosalina doesn't like talk of peace. She doesn't like either teased or threatened, or her siblings being teased. She also strongly doesn't like talking about her mother and father...)

Powers: "I have my authority over the kingdom, of course."

Family: "I... I have my younger sister, who is quite ill, and my younger brother who is grieving our parents death still..." Her strong aura fades as she bites her bottom lip.

(This is Princess Desdemona Clarantine, who has a rare sickness that changes everyday. Will be easier to explain through the roleplay...)

(Say hello to Prince James Clarantine, who many haven't see ever since their parents died...)

Backstory: An ugly look passes her face. (Umm... Your Majesty, would you like to leave as I show them... That moment?) She leaves the room. (*sighs and passes you a glassball, cause why the heck not? Anyway, this is what you see in it: A sunny day had turned dark within a few mere seconds. The king and queen were struck with pain as a knife skewered through their body, pushing their souls out of their body. Three children stood by a pillar, hiding in its shadow, muffled cries racking their small bodies. Their parents attacker moved silently, slipping into the shadows. The children ran out to the now still bodies of their parents. The younger girl cried in agony as the youngest of the three, a small boy, sank to his knees screaming and crying, alerting anyone nearby. Finally, the oldest cried silently, her fist clenched tightly as that day she would avenge her parents... A queen awoke, reliving a nightmare through her dreams. Tears streamed down her face, staining her nightgown with her pain. She no longer talks to her brother, who grieves and rarely comes out of his room, her sister had grown terribly ill, so... She was alone. A scared little girl sat in her place, crying, withering away, becoming almost a shell of her old self... (THANK YOU Bloody_Ashes FOR HELPING ME WITH THIS!😆))

Other: (*calls Rosaline back in*) She wipes at her eyes, which seem bloodshot before she speaks. "I have knowledge of weapons, I suppose..."

So, what do ya think, LillyTheStarGazer ? I might have rushed ahead and made one scenario... 😂


Scenario: Prison. Great, isn't it? A small dreary cell, the only light source being the window that is far too high for you to reach or whenever the guards passed by with the fiery torch. You were in there for a crime you had committed, and you weren't expecting anyone.

You heard footsteps walk down the stairs and you waited for them to pass your cell as you looked at the ground, thinking it was a guard. However, the footsteps stopped in front of you and you looked up to see a figure in a cloak, examining as if you were a test subject. You looked at each other until the figure stepped closer, wrapping a delicate hand around one of your cells bar. You were able to tell that the figure was a female, especially when she took her hood off. Your eyes widened as a small smile appeared on Queen Rosaline's lips, her voice soft and private to your ears only...

"I need your help, and I'm willing to give you freedom."


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