Story Prompt: Savanna Parand

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Name: Savanna Bella Parand

Nickname/s: Savy, Anna, Kalea (Hawaiian for “Joy and Happiness”), Puggles, Coffee Gal

Age: 16 - 22

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Species: Human (Can change if the roleplay asks for it)

Theme: (Story Prompt: Random scenario idea and I decided to do a full developed form instead of the usual form. So that means this chapter is longer then most. I will have a couple songs later on and this is one up above.)


•Casual Wear -


•Formal Wear -


•Party Wear -


•Sleep Wear -


•Swimwear -


Personality: Savanna is a confident, friendly and caring girl who always tries her best to make people around her smile. She works hard at everything she does, but if she has nothing to do, she'll either be hanging out with her friends or will be lazy at home. She doesn't mind breaking the occasional rule, but knows what lines she shouldn't cross.

Likes: Skateboarding, Art and Music class, comfortable clothes that look good, earning her own money, helping people smile, motorbikes (saving up to buy one), Netflix and other movie/show services, being individual and unique, babies and kids, her mother, comics and books, playing/teasing her siblings, coffee, dogs

Dislikes: Spiders, bullies, overly expensive items/clothes, being stressed out, people who cheat when in relationships, tea, people who hate for stupid reasons, people trying to fit her into a stereotype, drugs, being told what to do, car engines that don't match the car they're in, child/animal abuse.

Power/s: None (If roleplay needs her to be a different species, then she will have the powers of that species)

Weapon/s: If home alone, she'll use a baseball bat to feel safer if someone breaks in. If she is staying out, she always carries a pocket knife for safety.



•Mother - Elizabeth Chloe Parand, 36 - 42, Female, human, career is CEO of flower store brand and is active charity funder.

Younger Siblings

•Sister ~ Kaylee Annabeth Parand, 10 - 16 (has younger twin brother who is mentioned next), female, human, too young for a job.

•Brother ~ Mikhael “Mikey” Davidson Parand, 10 - 16 (has older twin sister who was mentioned before), male, human, too young for a job.

Career: Part time coffee shop worker, sometimes does tutoring and babysitting.

Pets: French Bulldog cross Pug puppy named Marco (Whenever Savanna would call out his name, Marco would bark, almost as if he was saying Polo)

Backstory: Savanna had a happy childhood, both of her parents happy together and she was encourage to be herself no matter what anyone says. It was a couple of years after she started primary school, so when she was eight and the twins were two, that the arguments started. They were short, but loud, scaring Savanna who could hear them from either the kitchen or the lounge room, sometimes her bedroom if they got louder. When Savanna was fourteen, she caught her father cheating and after taking a month or two to make her mum realise this was the truth, her mother broke up. Savanna helped her mother feel better, but so far, other then that one situation, everything has been great.

Salute by Little Mix (Above Media)

Secret by DYLYN

S.L.U.T by Bea Miller

Sit Still, Look Pretty by Daya

Other: None


Scenario 1: You were in your room, sketching out a picture of your crush, Savanna Parand. There was something about the brown haired girl and how individual she was that attracted you to her.

Maybe it was the fact that she didn't fit into an exact stereotype, being able to blend in and stick out at the same time, compared to you being that shy artist type.

Maybe it was because of how beautiful and expressive Savanna was, always see with a smile and a bright laughter to match.

You weren't sure, but besides all that, you were drawing her. You were in the middle of drawing her lips - would they be soft to kiss you couldn't help wondering - when your parents/caregiver called you out of your room.

You walk out of your bedroom after closing your sketchbook to see your parents/caregiver dressed up. Your mother/caregiver saw you and smiled brightly.

"Honey, we'll be going to dinner for work. We know you're grown up, but knowing how last time you forgot to ate because you were drawing so much, we got you a babysitter for this evening," Your mother/caregiver explained as she gestured to a girl standing by the door, fixing her red plaid hoodie as she smiles.

Wait... Wasn't that Savanna?!

You gulped and nodded at your parents/caregiver saying goodbye, barely able to focus as you stared at Savanna who reassured your parents/caregiver that you'll be fine.

Once your parents/caregiver left, Savanna looks at you with a grin.

"So, what you wanna do?" She asks, picking up her backpack and shouldering it as she tilts her head curiously.



Scenario 2: Make whatever you want, I had three more ideas but I finished this at like... 1:37 in the morning. XD

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