Sirens Lament

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 "What is a siren?" you may ask. Well allow me to explain the legend of the sirens. a Siren is a human who once had a broken heart. A man by the name of Poseidon [not the god] was a sorcerer with a broken heart. He cast a blessing and a curse on a group of people that had broken hearts. The blessing was that they lost the memories of their previous life, the curse... The curse was  that they could never go on land until they traded with a broken hearted human. The sirens would sing a song when someone with a broken heart fell into the ocean. The Siren would than make a deal with the human that would erase the humans memory and turn them into a siren to start a new life. the twist on the deal was that the siren received human legs and was able to return to land after the deal was made. The cycle goes over and over, sirens trading places with humans so they can return to land.

Name: Alia Danverse

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Half human half siren



(She had a matching bra)

Personality: She is shy, caring, playful, talkative once she gets to know you, stubborn, organized, she can be a bit hotheaded, sensitive about certain subjects. She has the personality of a servant. She loves to serve others the best she can which can also be a weakness.

Likes: She loves to dance, read, make notes, play guitar, She adores animals, and she loves kids.

Dislikes: She doesn't like jerks, seeing her friends hurt, animal abuse, fighting

Backstory/scenario: She was adopted when she was born by an elderly woman. She called this woman nana and has lived with her, her entire life. She was best friends with your sister for forever. She became best friends with you shortly after you entered high school and she started to finish middle school. When she was 19 her nana had a seizure and was rushed to the hospital. It was when you were comforting her in the waiting room that you realized your feelings for her. You never told her about your feelings not knowing that she has had a crush on you since you two became best friends.  You have been dating this other girl for a year now, yet you still have feelings for Alia. One night you and Alia were going on a bike ride. You had to cancel because you needed to go comfort your girlfriend. Alia went on the ride alone and rode out to a sight seeing cliff over the ocean. She was crying and leaning against the old rusted railings when it snapped and she fell into the depths of the ocean. As she started to pass out a song could be heard. A male siren swam over to her and sealed the deal to trade lives with a kiss. But the trade didn't work as planned and both the siren and alia washed ashore as humans. Although Alia was slowly becoming more and more a siren, losing her memories, not eating, getting withdrawals [When a siren is first out of water they get dizzy spells at first and need to soak in water to heal those.]. She had the boy stay at her place overnight since he had no where else to go. You walk into the flower shop/Alia's house and see the man sitting at the counter without a shirt and eating a bagel. You...

Other: You have to be at least 2 years older than Alia.

             You can not know about sirens and cannot figure out what's wrong with alia right away. She will tell you or show you sometime during the roleplay.

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