Tough Girl

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She's very tough and scary to most that meet her, but once you get close to her and get to know her she will pour out all of her secrets to you

Vampire? Wolf? Demon? Mix? You choose.

Her parents disowned her at a young age, but if you try to ask her about it she will a) shut down, b) get really mad, or c) try to joke and change the subject
In school she got amazing grades, even though she skipped nearly every other day to go to someone's party.

Usual Features:
She has lots of tattoos [if you'd like she can be a shadow hunter and the 'tattoos' can be marks]

No one truly knows her

Scenario 1
You choose

Scenario 2
You were talked into going to a really cool, but definitely not legal party. There was underage drinking, the music was blasting in your ears, there were people making out all over and you thought you were going to suffocate from the relentless smell of the cigarette smoke. But then you see her, you know she's not your type but, what the hell, why not? You think to yourself.

Scenario 3
You were at a party and some of you friends talked you into walking in a dark closet, they promised they'd send you in your true love or something like that

Scenario 4
You hated school and couldn't wait to leave, that's when the coolest, hottest girl in school asks you to join her at a party.

Scenario 5
You've gotten used to people bullying you, but there was one bully that was always worse than all the others, she knew just what to say to make you feel just as she wanted you to feel.

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