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• As stated by the divider, this is one of my Greek Mythology OCs. For the context of this character, please look at the divider for the description of the universe in which these characters reside.

Name: Ares Maximus Laskaris

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bicurious. Has only been with women.

Species: God/Currently Human

Face Claim: Jason Momoa

Occupation: Club Owner

Personality: Ares is a very intimidating, angry person. He is easily set off and is dangerous when angered, which is often. If you catch him at the right, calm moment he can be somewhat sweet and almost likable. Deep down, he is a very insecure and damaged individual who puts up walks and hurts others to make himself feel better.

Likes: Violence, the color red, fighting people, showing off his strength, and Hades.

Dislikes: Hephaestus, people not being scared of him, things that make him feel insecure, and overly happy people.

Backstory (Fabricated by the Curse): Ares was born into a wealthy family where he got whatever he wanted. He has had a bad temper for his whole life that his parents are afraid of. They forced him to enlist in the army right out of high school to try and help him and to get him to stay away for a while.

This plan backfired. Being in the army made him more hardened and angry. So they married him off to a young, pretty girl. Which worked for a while.

His parents were happy to hear about the club opening. They thought it would give Ares something to focus his anger on. Instead of focusing it on the club, however, he ended up focusing it more on his wife.

Other: He is incredibly faithful to Hades, who helped save the club from going out of business.

(Feel free to play a normal human or another god or goddess. You can even change them to be your own version of that character instead of mine.)

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