The Dark Witch

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Name: Morgana Lilith Azrail

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Witch

Face Claim: Katie McGrath

Personality: Morgana's personality really depends on how much she's used her magic. She's generally not the kindest person and is pretty bitter and sarcastic. But if she uses her magic a lot, it gets exponentially worse. She becomes crazed, impulsive, quick to anger, and just generally dangerous. If she doesn't use it much, she tends to be a much more tolerable, logical person. However, that doesn't mean she's entirely likable.

Likes: Her magic, her sister, plotting revenge, her parents, and feeling like she belongs.

Dislikes: Iron, the royal family of the kingdom she was born in, most light magic users, and being alone.

Backstory: Morgana was born with light magic to a nice family in a peaceful kingdom. Seven years later, her sister was born. For a few years after her sister was born, the whole family was happy and life was good. Then tragedy struck when both of Morgana's parents passed away unexpectedly.

Morgana and her sister, at age thirteen and age six respectively, were taken in by a group of fellow witches. For two years, Morgana lived with the witches and they helped her work on her magic. But the more she learned about light magic, the more she took interest in the seemingly more powerful dark magic.

When she was fifteen, she acquired a spellbook for dark magic. As she looked through it, she found a spell that could supposedly bring the dead back to life. Morgana wanted desperately to try it and see if it would bring back her parents. She gathered what she needed and hid what she was doing from the witches that looked after her. She then snuck out in the middle of the night and attempted the spell.

It went disastrously wrong and Morgana ended up accidentally killing three people. She was exiled from her kingdom, where the use of dark magic was banned, and has spent the last eight years living in the forest, planning her revenge on the royal family that separated her from her sister and her home.

In that time, dark magic has fully corrupted her. It has snuffed out any and all light magic left in her and left her as a shell of her former self. It is almost like a drug, begging her to use it to feel stronger, but coming with its fair share of negative side effects.

Other: She has a weakness to iron (one of the side effects of dark magic). If she's near it, it weakens her and stops her from using her magic. If it touches her, it burns her skin.


1. You are Morgana's sister, now sixteen years old. You are still staying with the light witches and are learning from them. One night, Morgana decides to finally return to the kingdom to exact revenge. She stands outside of your house for a little while, a cloak hiding her face. You see her out your window, but you don't know who it is. You?

2. You are the prince or princess of the kingdom that Morgana is from. In an attempt to get revenge on your parents, Morgana kidnaps you and brings you to her hovel in the woods. You wake up tied to a chair. You?

3. You are a knight that happened to be patrolling the streets the night Morgana returns to the kingdom. You are walking down the street when you hear a noise around the corner. You?

4. Make one up.

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