The Death Eater's Daughter (Harry Potter)

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Name: Cassiopeia Lyra Lestrange

Nickname: Cassie, Cass

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Pureblood Witch

Face Claim: Jessica De Gouw

Personality: Cassie is, in many ways, better than her mother. She doesn't have as much prejudice towards Muggleborns and Halfbloods (though that doesn't mean she doesn't have any) and she is generally kinder. She can be mean, but mainly in a teasing way.

She likes to ruffle feathers for fun but doesn't really mean any harm. That being said, she will do anything for her close friends and will stand up for them no matter what. If you get on her bad side, watch out. She has an explosive and dangerous temper once she's set off.

Likes: Learning new spells, magic, other Slytherins, her aunts, her cousin, reading, making her mother proud, and her owl.

Dislikes: Her uncle, her mother, not being good enough for her mother, feeling weak, and her friends being hurt or insulted.

Backstory: Cassiopeia was raised mainly by her Aunt Narcissa, who raised her to be more compassionate than Bellatrix ever would have. She is the only child of Rodolphus and Bellatrix Lestrange. She was sorted into Slytherin when she came to Hogwarts and was never been treated all that well there due to who her parents are. She tries not to let it get to her though.

(If Golden Trio era) After her mother broke out of Azkaban, Cassie got to know her for the first time. She felt like she could never seem to do anything right and her main goal was to make her mother proud. She even agreed to meet and serve the Dark Lord (in actuality, she is pulling a Snape and is working as a double agent).

(If Next Gen era) She was born shortly before the end of the Second Wizarding War. She was raised by Narcissa and grew to be very different from her mother. She did sometimes get into fights with people at Hogwarts if they were mean to her about her parents being Death Eaters, but she worked on controlling herself. She tried her hardest to prove she wasn't like her mother.


1. (Golden Trio) You are the child of a Death Eater and are at Malfoy Manor with your parents for a meeting with Lord Voldemort. Cassie bursts into the room, looking around in fear and attracting the attention of everyone in the room. She's ten minutes late. You?

2. (Either Golden Trio or Next Gen Era) You walk across the grounds and see Cassiopeia having an argument with someone. They both pull out their wands. You?

3. (Golden Trio) You walk down one of the halls and accidentally bump into Cassie. She drops her books and reaches down to grab them. As she reaches down, you get a brief glimpse of some kind of tattoo under her sleeve on her left forearm. You?

4. Make one up.

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