The Pirate Queen

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Name: Captain Mara Blacktyde (Real name is Mara Jackson)

Nickname: Captain Blacktyde, Dread Pirate Blacktyde, Pirate Queen Blacktyde

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual. Prefers women.

Species: Human

Face Claim: Maisie Richardson-Sellers

Personality: Mara is a confident, powerful woman who knows how to use her reputation to get what she wants. She can be quite cocky and flirtatious, but doesn't take relationships very seriously or very far. She brags quite often and is very proud of all of her accomplishments. That doesn't mean that her boasts hold no merit, though. She has done some incredible things and is, after all, a Pirate Queen. She isn't afraid to take things that she wants and is extremely ambitious and driven. On the inside, however, she is a much different person.

Backstory: Mara comes from a small coastal town in Great Britain. Her family rarely had enough money to survive. Her parents taught her how to steal, lie, and cheat at a young age and her and her two older brothers would take things from the people in the market.

One day, a pirate ship called the Bloodraven docked in the town. Their Captain demanded a new bride to take on the seas with him. He promised a large price. Mara's parents willingly gave her to the Captain (at age thirteen) and she was taken aboard his ship.

She was mistreated at first, as a maid and a plaything for the Captain and is crew. Eventually, she proved herself useful for more than chores and became one of the pirates.

She helped them destroy their enemies and climbed their ranks until her husband was the only person who ranked above her. She murdered him one night and took control of his vast fleet, made up of the many stolen ships of her and the former Captain's enemies.

She now rules the seas and is in search of the rarest treasures in the world. Hardly anyone dares to challenge her. The few that do end up staining the waves with their blood (that's how she gained the name Blacktyde).

Likes: Power, money, authority, respect, men, women, booze, and sailing.

Dislikes: Disrespect, being questioned or challenged, letting her guard down, the Royal Navy, talking about her past, and her family.


1. You are a mermaid or merman that has heard many stories about Captain Blacktyde. Unfortunately, one day you accidentally swim into one of her fishing nets. Her crew pulls you out of the water and onto the deck of the Bloodraven. You?

2. You are a fellow pirate and a rival of Mara's. One evening, while docked in a small town, you walk into the tavern and see Captain Blacktyde at the bar. You?

3. You are wandering along a nearly deserted beach one day, when you come across the wreckage of a ship. On the beach, underneath a heavy plank of wood, you see Mara. She is unconscious. You?

4. Make one up.

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