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• As stated by the divider, this is one of my Greek Mythology OCs. For the context of this character, please look at the divider for the description of the universe in which these characters reside.

Name: Zeus Cirillo Aetós

Age: 39

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bicurious. Only been with women.

Species: God/Currently Human

Face Claim: Tom Hiddleston

Occupation: Mayor of Elysia

Personality: Zeus is an arrogant son-of-a-b*tch. He thinks he is absolutely wonderful and can do almost nothing wrong. He doesn't see that he had almost no actual control over the town he is the mayor of. He completely disregards the feelings of others, especially his wife. He is selfish and only really cares for himself and his success.

Likes: Himself, power, looking good, being in the public eye, women, storms, and attention.

Dislikes: His marriage, Hera, having to stay with Hera, losing power in town, and really hot and sunny weather.

Backstory (Fabricated by the Curse): Zeus has been popular and well liked for his entire life. He met Her in high school and they dated for junior and senior year. During this time, he had many flings. On such fling resulted in Artemis and Apollo. But he was never involved in their lives.

Hera and Zeus married just after high school and went to college together. They got a house after college (financed by Zeus' parents who are some of the wealthiest people in town). Throughout all of this, Zeus continues to cheat on his wife. He was always amazed that she never found out.

He became mayor relatively quickly after graduating and that's when things began going downhill with him and Hera. Zeus, of course, blames her completely. He doesn't stop to look at his own actions and acts disgusted by her drinking habits.

(Feel free to play a normal human or another god or goddess. You can even change them to be your own version of that character instead of mine.)

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