Vampire Hunter

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Name: Chloe Thomas

Gender: Female

Age: 25


Species: Human

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Driven, sweet, selfless (probably to the point that she'll die for any of her friends or family), goofy at times, sarcastic, studious, focused, no nonsense when she's working

Piercings: belly button and ears

As well as having both lobes pierced, she also has a flower cartilage piercing (for insomnia) in her left ear, and has her upper lobes pierced as well


Mother- Dead
Father- Dead
Older brother:

Noah Thomas, 27 (also a Hunter)

Harry Carter (foster dad)

Lindsay Carter (foster mom)

Likes: Training, adventure, reading, nature

Dislikes: Losing a battle, feeling helpless

Skills: she's good at art, singing, and she's a skilled fighter (very well trained in almost every type of martial art)

Fighting, speed, reading, navigation, learning different languages (she knows most of the European languages of the world), she knows how to speak properly and can be fake if need be (good actress)

Headstrong, sometimes doesn't think before she speaks, can get easily pissed off if someone knows how to push her buttons

Fears: being captured by a vampire (that's really it. She's not scared of much XD)

Chloe had a generally happy childhood. When she was very young, however, her parents were killed by a raid led by a vampire hellbent on revenge for some unknown reason. There were thousands that overpowered them quickly. Luckily, they were staying close by a Hunter base, so as soon as someone heard about it, they sent one of their own to retrieve her and her brother. A Hunter couple that had no children raised them as their own, training them in their family's ways as soon as they could read. And so, her and her brother became very well-trained assassins, wanting to eradicate any rogue vampires from the world, and going on assignments to do just that.

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