"Purposefully Untitled" (M)

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"Why, I'm Loki Maddox!"

(Loki Harrison Maddox)



"Why do I need a nickname when my first name is short enough?"

(Doesn't really have one, though he'll jokingly nickname himself Chef[and then enforce it for a short time])



"I'm freaking 18, I guess."

(18-25 depending on the rp)



"Is it really not obvious?"




"Guys, galls, who really cares nowadays?"




"What is this, animal planet? I'm human!"




"Hmm... On a scale of 1 to 10, I'm a 22!"

(He'd consider himself extremely handsome [and he is just don't boost his ego] but other than looking extremely good in a tank top, he has other features. He's often been told he has really pretty eyes, a blueish green color with a ring of brown around the pupil, as well as redish brown hair that kinda swoops in his face often.)



"Hm... Guess I gotta tell you about that belly piercing... Kidding kidding! But I do have a piercing in my left ear. Other than that, I got nothing!"

(Piercing in his left ear, just wears a little black stud there.)



"If you couldn't tell, I'm a bit of a jokester. After all, gotta follow the namesake!"

(He's a huge prankster and a narcissist... That pretty much sums it up. He has times when he's serious, but that's very rare, and if he's serious, that's normally not a good sign. He does really care about the people around him, although he isn't too keen on showing that affection in public.)



"Well... actually, nah! I'm not gonna tell you!"

(He likes baking, surprisingly. He's also a huge fan of swimming and anything classic rock related... or just music in general. Loki also like to wake up really early in the morning. He's a softy for sunrises. )



"Well, narcissists for one thing..."

(That was sarcasm... He hates hypocrites and the like, waking up late, and surprisingly he hates coffee. Another thing he really dislikes is being ignored or interrupted, it just sets him on edge and makes him feel unappreciated. )



"The usual: mum, father, and me."

(He's an only child with two parents who work a lot )



"I've been told I have abandonment issues... Maybe it's because I was left alone a lot as a child... Kidding, kidding... Or am I?"

(he does have some slight abandonment issues, but what can you do? It's only because his parents have left him alone for so long since he was around five years old. Let's just say, being in an empty house since that age didn't really do him any good on the whole 'social interaction' front. )



"That's all classified information!"

(His main hobby is baking; basically everyone knows about it but they just don't mention it.)



"Uh... I'm a student?? If you're talking about the illegal black market being ran at the school after hours, I have no idea what you're talking about."

(He's a student who works a part-time job at a greenhouse. He mostly just carries stuff around. It can be heavy work at times, but money is money.)


Scenario: Myos

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