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-Red's POV-

It was a hot summer day in California, which wasn't a surprise at all. As usual, I was sitting at my desk in my apartment with the air conditioning on high, waiting for something interesting to happen.

I sip on some water as I listen to the cicadas. My bedroom was dark, being the fact that I had the lights off and the blinds were closed. The only light was from my dim computer screen, where I had twitter open that I aimlessly scrolled through occasionally.

My headphones were off to the side of my desk, but I had left my music on and could faintly hear a song playing.

I'm startled from the sudden sound of a Skype message, to which I respond by slipping on my headphones and opening the window. I eye the sidebar, looking for the source.

The orange '1' was next to Adam's name, which was quite surprising considering the fact that I hadn't spoken to him in a few months. I click the conversation and read the message.

"Hey Red! I know we haven't spoken in awhile, but I was wondering if you would like to join a call with me and some friends!"

I sigh as I sit there for a minute, contemplating whether I should join or not. There was nothing else for me to do, so I type out my response.

"I would love to! Do I know everyone there?"

Adam is typing...

"You know everyone but one person! He's someone I went to school with."

"Alright, go ahead and add me."

I adjust my mic as I sit up, taking another sip of water. After a minute or two, I receive an invite to join the call. I take a deep breath as I hit accept.

I'm greeted with a lot of yelling as I read the names on screen. The people in the call were Adam, Jin, Jess, and someone named 'Barney'.

"Hey Red! Haven't talked to you in forever!" Adam greeted in a cheery tone.

"Hey Adam. Sorry if I'm a bit quiet, caught a cold."

"Oh, it's fine! Barney, why don't you introduce yourself?"

"Heys Reds! I'ms Barney, nice to meets you!"

The man spoke in a thick accent that was a bit hard to understand, to which I couldn't help but responding with a giggle.

"Nice to meet you Barney!"

I decide to listen in on the conversation before speaking anymore. Jess and Jin started talking about some anime while Adam and Barney seemed to be discussing an idea for a video.

From what I heard, Adam was now running a company called SkyMedia which included him, Jin, Barney, Ross, Max, and some other people I hadn't heard of before. I couldn't help but be jealous as they discussed ideas for challenge videos.

"What do you think Red? Any ideas?"

I'm startled by the sudden call out from Adam as I quickly try to come up with something.

"Uhm.. maybe a bean boozled thing? Those seem to be popular right now."

"Oh! Great idea!"

They continue to discuss the challenge as I start to play with my pen, when suddenly I hear a notification from Skype.

Barney has accepted your contact request.

I smile in response and am about to click another window when I see a message being typed out.

Barney is typing...

"Heys dude! Sorrys if yous are feeling a bits left out :("

I take another sip of water and adjust my headphones.

"It's alright! I have nothing else to do besides sit in this call, so it's fine."

Barney is typing...

"Okays, goods. Do yous haves a Twitter?"

"Yep! It's RedVacktor :D"

Barney is typing...

"Nice! I'll follows you, mine is ThatGuyBarney."

I open Twitter and type up his user into the search bar.

I could see that he had quite a few followers, most likely a result of Adam. I click on his profile picture, seeing that it was him.

Damn, he's cute...

Suddenly, I see a notification pop up in the bottom right corner.

"New follower: ThatGuyBarney"


After the Skype call was over, I decided to head out to eat as usual. Since I lived alone, I never really found a use in cooking since it would only be me.

I head to a fast food restaurant nearby, to which there was a decent sized line.


I pull out my phone to see that I had a text from Adam.

"Hey Red! Sorry if you felt a bit left out of the call, I should have considered the fact that you don't work at the offices."

"It's fine! I just got some work done and talked to Barney in our private chat."

"Oh good! I'm glad that you two are friends. He may seem a little weird but he's one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet."

"I can tell haha. Anyways, I'm about to eat, so I'll talk to you later."

"Alright! Bye."

I order my food then I'm out the door and back to my lonely apartment.

The summer heat was taking a toll on me, as my air conditioner was broken and the fans that were scattered around the apartment didn't do much.

I decide to just lay down on my couch, one of the cooler places in the apartment. I sigh as I reach for the remote and turn on the television, where I end up watching whatever was on.

I find myself thinking about Barney. I wanted to talk to him more. He seemed really sweet, someone I could trust. Adam had obviously had known him for a long time, so had had to be a good person.


I receive another text.

"Would you like to Skype with us again tomorrow?"


hello everyone, welcome to my redney fanfic! I love this ship so much and there just isn't enough fanfic of it out there. hopefully this will influence other redney fics like my mithross one has c:

have a nice day, I hope you enjoyed!

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