Chapter 21

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Krisanne's P.O.V

"Ayana, where have you been? You were supposed to be here-What the fuck happened to you?!" I walk outside once I hear the door click open. The minute I walk out, I see Ayana's clothes full of mud and bruises on her elbows and legs.

"Uh-I may have gotten engrossed in playing cricket and then I may have tripped while running for my life," she says, scratching her neck.

Ethan, who's standing right behind her, is looking at her intently, a small smile playing on his lips.

I sigh at her before shaking my head."You've hurt yourself. You can never stay out of trouble, can you?" I say and move towards her. She tries to take a step ahead but stumbles and she's about to fall when Ethan saves her by holding her by the arms.

"I can handle myself!" Ayana yells and Ethan leaves her which results in her falling down, flat on her ass.

I laugh out loud but cover up immediately and move ahead to pick her up.

I glare at Ethan and he shrugs. I shake my head at him before helping Ayana up. I put her arm around my shoulder and lift her up, supporting her all the way to the sofa.

"What happened to her?" Rey asks. I turn to see him standing at the door, with his arms crossed.

"Well, she fell," I said and Ayana rolls her eyes. She sits down like a five year old grumpy kid with bruised arms and ego.

"Where are those two?" Ayana asks, referring to Vihaan and Amber.

"Well, Vihaan had to go to college for some work and Amber didn't want to stay with us because we were studying, you both were already gone so then she went with Vihaan," I explain to Ayana and she nods when Rey speaks up.

"What? She actually chose to go with Vihaan!" Rey gives me a dumbfounded look.

I open and close my mouth like a fish. I exchange a knowing look with Ayana while those two boys exchange confused looks with each other.

"I'll call him. He should be back by now, it's like five thirty in the evening," Ayana says and removes her phone to give Vihaan a call.

The three of us remain silent, looking at Ayana intently.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Ayana barks into the phone and I hear muffled noises on the other end.

"We were busy."

"Who told you to do it?"

"Who the fuck gave her the authority?" he volume rises.

My ears get perked up and all my attention is now on Ayana.

What happened?

"Don't tell me..."

"What did you say?"

"I'm proud of you." she says with a wicked smile.

"Good. Now don't worry, I'm calling sir. I'm going to teach her a lesson."

"Listen, come home fast."


She hangs up and looks up at me. I raise an eyebrow in question."Mind filling me in on what happened?"

"Well, Alia happened," she says and that's enough for me to understand what's happening.

She stands up with the support of the arm rest,"excuse me people, I have some serious business to take care off," she says and excuses herself, hopping on one leg, moving to our room.

Once she leaves the room, Ethan and Rey settle on the couch.

"Who are all these people, this Kabir and this Alia?" Rey asks me and I look down at my fiddling fingers.

"Well, Kabir and gang are Vihaan's guy friends where as Alia is Ayana's self proclaimed enemy from the time Ayana was declared head of the student council," I say and glance at them. They both nod.

"I'll be back guys," Rey gets up and excuses himself.

Ethan watches him go and then scoffes."He's definitely going to go and hit on Ayana."

I chuckle."Yeah, maybe. So, can I ask you something?"

He nods.

"Well, why did you guys have to end up here, like in Mumbai for this competition?" I ask and his expression hardens slightly.

"I needed the certificate for an admission in a good Institute, like I mentioned before," he says softly and I can sense it's the half truth, but I let it go.

"Oh. I'm sure you guys will win," I say and he smirks.

"I don't think you're best friend is going to allow anything less than that," he says and I laugh out loud.

"True that. Well, you should know that incase you want help in her case or anything else, you can let me know," I tell him and he looks up at me with a half smile. I smile back at him and just then, the bell rings.

I get up and attend to the door, to see it's Vihaan with Amber.

"Finally I'm back home. I can't work more than this. I'm taking a week off," Vihaan grumbles and I raise my eyebrow at him.

"You know what, it's not such a bad idea. At least we'll be able to work in peace," I retort and he glares at me.

"Oh good, you guys arrived. I and Rey were thinking that since we have finished today's work, we can all probably move out. So, whoever is coming, get ready. We're leaving in fifteen minutes."

"Finally something interesting," Amber mumbles and Vihaan narrows his eyes at that. Ethan just shrugs and walks to his room. I look at Rey and remember...

"Well, Rey and I haven't finished what we were supposed to for the day," I say and cross my arms on my chest.

"It's okay, you can teach me while we're out. Anyway, I like practical learning more," he offers. I exchange a glance with Ayana who simply shrugs.

I sigh before nodding. "Okay then."


"Krisanne, listen na," Rey calls out and I look up at him, nodding at him, gesturing him to continue.

I had gotten ready and after the usual bickering, where I played the part of an audience, we all left home. We had gotten down silently and now we were walking for the past fifteen minutes, in three pairs.

"Well, ever since I've come here, I've seen a lot of women wear the same kind of chain, the one with the black beads and a central gold thing. Is it an Indian thing or something?" he asks me while we're walking to the mysterious place Ayana seems to be taking us to.

Well, obviously I must have been to the place before but she doesn't want to tell me where exactly are we going hence it's a mystery.

I furrow my brows, slightly confused first before realisation dawns upon me."Oh, you're talking about the mangal Sutra."


I chuckle."It's a sanskrit term. That necklace that you see around the women's neck is a part of the Hindu marriage customs. Like, when you guys get married, you'll show the ring on the engagement finger. That way, when a couple gets married according to Hindu customs, the man ties this necklace around the women's neck. It's like an alert sign to all those men out there who eye her. It makes it clear that she's taken, even when he's not around to tell them," I explain and he nods before his eyes fall on my chain.

"So you're husband or boyfriend gave you that? That's why you're so possessive about it?" he asks me pointing at my chain. My eyes widen and I shake my head furiously.

"No. This my mother gave me. It's a necklace that's come down the generations. My great great grandfather worked for the British and because of his faithfullness, he had got this very precious box as a reward. The key to that box, he gave to his wife, in the form of this necklace. Well, my ancestor along with that box sunk while he was travelling to London on a ship, his wife kept this key with her as a sign of their love. From then on, this necklace has been passed as a sign of love. My grandfather gave it to my mother and my mother gave it to me, the person she loves the most," I say the last part with a smile and Rey nods throughout, a soft smile on his lips.

We walk for another five minutes, in comfortable silence. Luckily, it's not that hot right now so our non-Indians are not having so much of a problem.

"We reached guys!" Ayana's voice broke us out of our reverie and I sigh when I look at the place.

I should have known.


A/N - I hope you guys enjoy it :)
Well this is the end of day three for Krisanne. I'll do Ayana and Amber and then we'll reach day four :D

Well I know it's very very short compared to other days but like I said, they're preparing for the competition and I don't want to write those parts because they're unnecessary and boring. Hence, only day 3 and four are going to be short, I'll be back with day 5 :)

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Love you guys :)

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