Chapter 32

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Ayana's P. O. V (day 5)

"Vihaan, wake Ethan up ya!" I yell at my best friend who's blatantly ignoring me.

He looks up at me, his eyes half closed and his eyebrow raised. He looks like a sleepy pissed boss.

Why pissed? Because I got him to wake up early. Why? Because I and Ethan have to go for the qualifier.

"Will you let me sleep after that?" he asks me and I roll my eyes and take a deep breath before going off with my rant.

"Vihaan, for the last time, contrary to your belief, I actually need you. The management is coming and bringing god knows who to compete with these four. I need mental support as well as help so that everything goes smoothly."

"And why can't Krisanne do it?" he asks me and I glare at him. I shut my eyes and roll my tongue in my mouth.

"Fine. She has to go with Rey today and she's going to get tired and you have nothing to do, but still, I'll-" I start off with the emotional blackmail but he cuts me off.

"Save it for someone else. Give me ten minutes, I'll bring Ethan out," he says and goes to the kitchen to put his cup of coffee in the sink.

I sit back on the couch and finally enjoy my cup while he's getting ready.

He walks out the kitchen and towards his room, mumbling."I'm setting a password..."

I chuckle once he's out of ear shot.

Yeah, I set an alarm on his phone that woke him up.


Like dealing with grumpy Vihaan wasn't enough, now sleepy Ethan is giving him company.

I groan.

"Carlos uncle, please wake them up otherwise if I have to do it, again, I'll press their necks instead," I say and cross my arms on my chest.

I'm sitting on the front seat of my car and even though the ride to the pool is a very short one, Ethan and Vihaan manage to fall asleep on the back seat.

Now, when I'm calling them, their busy dreaming I don't know about which girl.

That thought makes my stomach turn slightly and I frown at my stomach, if that's even possible.

I shake my head off those thoughts. Carlos uncle moves out the car and around before opening the back seat door.

Ethan is sleeping on Vihaan's shoulder and Vihaan is using Ethan's head as a pillow. If a stranger has to see them right now, they would use them as an example of a happy gay couple or think they were pamper buddies. Well, in another situation, I would have laughed my ass off and even now, I'm trying really hard not to by focusing on the fact that we have important work to do.

Carlos uncle shakes Ethan up and he squirms and murmurs something so softly, I swear I wouldn't have realised he spoke if I wouldn't have seen his perfect lips move.


I run a hand down my face, slapping both my cheeks together.

It's the stress. Yeah, it's the stress.

Carlos uncle keeps shaking him slowly and he keeps squirming away.

I glare at him before shaking my head and getting out of the car myself.

Carlos uncle moves to the side immediately and he's got an expression that's a mix of amusement and concern.

Yeah, Ethan's going to need the concern.

Ethan's bag is on his lap and there's a water bottle pushed inside the side pocket. I pull it out and open the lid before swinging the bottle back and splashing all the water on Ethan's and Vihaan's face.

The moment the water lands on them, both of them jerk up. They're heads bang into each other in the process and they groan in pain. Ethan rubs the place of the impact and looks around with half open eyes.

His head turns to me and he frowns before looking away. Vihaan finally opens his eyes after rubbing his head and scowls at me.

"Ayana what-" he starts yelling but I cut him off.

"Oops, I'm so sorry, I spilled water all over both of you. Did I wake you guys up? I didn't mean to," I say with a sickening sweet smile, my eyes narrowed dangerously.

Both of them glare at me. Ethan runs a hand through his hair, his fingers tangling with his soft dark brown strands. His arm flexes and you can see the slightest bulge of his nerve on the arm.

You know Ayana, if you would have studied your biology text book so well, you would have probably been a doctor today. SNAP OUT OF IT!

I listen to my inner conscious and step aside before mocking."Planning on getting out of the car anytime soon?" I say and Ethan immediately gets out followed by Vihaan who glares at me like a five year old girl who lost her favourite doll.

I just roll my eyes at him and walk behind them too the building entrance. Carlos uncle drives the car to the parking lot to wait for us.

I walk in and instead of walking to the pool, I walk to the reception of the club first."Did you see a group of men looking like professional officers walk in right now with another swimming team?" I ask the lady who always has this forced smile on her face. Mentally, I pray I'm not late otherwise I'd be in for a real toss.

She looks up from her register and answers in her annoyingly sweet voice."No, they haven't. Although, a man just a few minutes ago dropped these bouquets here for Ms.Ayana Singhania and told us to inform her that these were also for some officers walking in with a swimming team. Are you Ayana Singhania?" she asks me and I nod, opening my arms to hold all the bouquets together.

"Yup, you're looking right at her. Thanks for collecting the bouquets for me," I say and lift all the bouquets in my hand. I start walking and at first, all of the bouquets behave themselves. After a few steps, when I'm in the center of the room, some of the bouquets start slipping.

Oh shit. Yeah, start slipping when there's no table nearby.

I juggle them and take slow steps.

I try really hard and all of them get under control, except for one. This one is slipping from between my fingers because of its wrapping paper and I try hard to grasp it but it keeps slipping because of the slight sweat on my hand.

No no no no no, shi-

It slips entirely from my hand and I move my head to the side to see the damage I've done to find Vihaan standing there with the bouquet.

Thank god. Saved my ass there.

"Now since you've already spoilt my sleep, why can't you just let me do the work," he says with a teasing smile while taking two more bouquets from my hand. Both of us have three in our hands each. I roll my eyes at his comment.

"I was waiting for you to finish glaring at me so we can get down to work," I retort and his smile drops and guilt is written across his face.

"Okay baba, I'm sorry. Now, don't be fussy and tell me what needs to be done," he says sweetly and I frown but let it go.

"Common on in, we'll do it together," I say and he nods before mock marching.

"Aye aye captain," he says and I grin at his stupidity before walking ahead.

"By the way, thanks for saving the bouquet," I say and look at him to find him smirking.

"Don't thank me, Ethan sent me to do it."


A/N- I hope you guys enjoy this.
Don't forget to vote and comment and please excuse my mistakes.

Keep reading :)

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