Chapter 35

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Guys I have made a Small tiny addition in the chapter 33 Part 2. I've added a little text message from Gauri to bring in more clarity.

Krisanne's P.O.V (day 5)

"Tell me already," Rey starts off again and I sigh.

I don't think this guy is going to give up.

"Well..." I trail off and glance at him and he looks at me expectantly. I look down at my phone before continuing because I don't want to look at his face while I'm telling him the reasons.

"When I was younger," I start off and simultaneously unlock my phone to see a message from Ayana.

"I was very shy of this," I say while tapping the message open.

"Shy of what?" he asks me impatiently.

Come home as soon as possible. Gauri has somehow managed to lock me inside my room and unfortunately, Ethan is locked in with me too. The only reason I didn't call you was because I knew you would be busy. Just come home as soon as possible.

"Got locked up in the room!!" I shriek and run a hand down my face.

When is this girl our of trouble?

"You were shy because you got locked up in your room?" Rey says dumbfoundedly and I scowl at him.

"No smart ass. Ayana and Ethan have been locked by Gauri inside a room. We need to rush," I say with panic and Rey smiles before whistling.

"Well, are you sure that's what they want?"


"She's a bitch but she's a smart one," I comment and Rey just 'Hmms'.

"But why can't I hear them fighting? Have they killed each other already?" I ask and Rey just chuckles.

"Well what if they're not fighting...what if they are-" I smacked Rey on the arm before he even completed his sentence.

"That's my best friend your talking about, so shut up. Now, let's get this opened up," I say and start to remove the fork out of the handle.

Yeah Fork.

It's a pretty small little blockage but she's fixed it so well, it didn't come out despite of Ayana's efforts, which I'm guessing she must have put in.

I too struggled with it slightly before I finally removed it. Once I removed it, Rey swung the door open with so much excitement, I swear I thought he would break it.

The smile on his face faltered, but just a little before he shook his head a little."Well, I wasn't entirely wrong."

My eyes widen and I take one big leap before pushing him aside."What the hel- oh."

I stop midway when I see both of them sleeping, but on different places. Ethan on the couch and Ayana on the bed.

"Well, that's just how peaceful it can get between these two," I say.

"Nah, I don't think so. Don't underestimate life so much, you never know when it can surprise you," he says and I turn to him with narrowed eyes.

"Philosophical much?" I ask him and he gives me a half smile.

"Well there's this Indian girl who's rubbing off on me too much," he says and I roll my eyes before turning and walking away.

"I'm not philosophical," I say and he catches up with me.

"Maybe you haven't shown it to me or anyone yet, but you are philosophical. You are this girl who finds a deep meaning to everything in life, a purpose behind everything that happens. You are someone who believes everything that happens, happens for good. You believe in Destiny and you also believe that there's this Prince charming that exists on this planet, who will one day come and take you away with him," he finishes and my cheeks are tainted red by the time he finishes. I'm walking really fast and he's walking a little behind me.

It bothers me, alot. I have never liked it when people figure me out like this, especially stuff that I think. Especially the Prince charming part. I take a deep breath.

You're better than this Krisanne.

"Bullshit. I don't think like that at all," I say and turn. I regret it because he's standing right behind me, so when I turn, our faces our barely inches apart.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night Kris, but I know this and all this anger in your eyes just proves that I'm not wrong at all," he says and looks me in the eye, as if challenging me to defy him.

"Maybe if you would pay so much attention to the right people, even you would have been happier," I say, targeting him at his weak spot as well.

His eyes immediately narrow but before he says anything, the door bell rings and I immediately walk off from there, silently sighing in relief.

He's definitely going to pester me about this later but I'm still hoping he doesn't because then that would be trouble for Amber as well.

I walk to the door and swing it open to see Vihaan standing there, his hands joint and eyes close. I narrow my eyes and clear my throat, which catches his attention.

He opens his eyes and wipes his imaginary sweat of his forehead."Thank you Bhagwan (God), Aapne meri sunli (You listened to my prayers).

I roll my eyes at him.

Drama King.

"Why you bothering god now?" I ask him and he walks in, pulling a laughing Amber behind him. I look at Amber who's silently laughing, happy to see her laughing so carelessly.

"Well, I got Ayana's scary message and I came running, only to realise that I don't even have the keys. So I was just praying that you have returned otherwise I would be stuck outside and Ayana would be stuck inside the room. Did you open up the door?" he asks me seriously now and I nod.

He nods before falling back on the sofa."By the way, did the English guy qualify," he asks me, his eyes closed.

"The results are tomorrow but I guess he's done well so he should qualify," I say before sitting on the adjacent armchair.

"But where is my brother, I can't hear him," Amber says and I look towards the room hallway where we had the argument. Rey didn't really come out from there.

"He's probably in his room," I say and they both hum.

"So, what did both of you do," I ask and Vihaan smiles and Amber bites her bottom lip before they both say in unison."Nothing much."

Yeah, right. Don't worry Amber, I'm going to get it out from you anyway.

With that thought, I left it alone for now."Okay. Ethan and Ayana have fallen asleep in the girls room, Rey is probably in the boys room, so what do we do," I ask them both. Amber starts thinking and just then, Vihaan speaks up.

"Krisanne, I have been meaning to ask you, what have you thought for Ayana's 18th?" Vihaan whispers and Amber's expression lightens up.

"When is her birthday?" she asks.

"After five days, the day you guys leave," I said and her expression falls.

"Don't worry Amber, we'll hold the celebration before you guys leave so you'll can attend too," Vihaan adds and she smiles at him before nodding.

"So?" Vihaan turns to me again and I smile.

"I have an idea..."


"Finally you guys woke up," I tell Ayana who walks out the room, looking like a zombie.

"What time is it?" she asks, her voice still lazy and hoarse.

"It's dinner time," Vihaan says from the couch.

We had discussed all evening about Ayana's birthday and that lead to different stories about all the stupid stuff we have done. We kept on talking, occasionally munching on the stuff from the fridge.

Half an hour ago Rey walked out and straight to the kitchen, without saying anything. Ten minutes later he came out and walked right back into the room.

I get it, he's pissed.

Vihaan and Amber gave him weird looks but decided to let it go.

"Don't glare at me, it's not like I was going to cook dinner anyways," she says before settling on the couch beside Vihaan.

Behind Ayana, Ethan walked out but he looks much better. His shirt is straightened out and his face washed off of the remaining sleep.

Take notes Ayana, take notes.

"So, what's for dinner?" he asks and I look at Vihaan who's glaring at Ethan.

Apparently Vihaan is very pissed with them for ruining his evening by sleeping when so many better things could have been done.

"We'll order take out, as usual," I say before lifting my phone to see what we could order.

"Let's watch a movie," out of all people, Amber suggests.

"What?" Ayana said and Ethan gave her a weird look.

"Amber, we'll find ot-" she cuts me off.

"I want to do it. You guys mind?" she says stubbornly and I look at Ayana who's examining her as if she's gotten sick or something.

"Yeah alright, let's do it," I say reluctantly before getting up to play any movie.


"Honestly, I wasn't expecting you here today," I say to Rey who's sitting on the kitchen floor at midnight, as usual.

He just looks up at me for five seconds before looking away again. I try again.

"So why didn't you come out for the movie marathon?" I ask him before sitting next to him and he turns to me with a annoyed expression.

"You don't answer any of my questions, so why should I answer yours?" he says like a baby and I sigh.

"You want answers, I'll give them to you. Tomorrow, in the morning, wake up early, I'll take you somewhere where you'll get all your answers," I say before snatching the ice cream from him.

It's not like he's going to tell anyone. I guess I can trust him.

Somehow, every night, both of us want eat the same things.


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