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"Shake my hand?" Nina asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"W-why?" Mira asked

"Alright I'mma be straight with you three... I have a power that can let me see who is a potential conduit. You two... Are potential conduits." I said pointing at them.

"What?" Nina asked, "What about?"

"No... Mila isn't a conduit." I said.


Mila Grant: Lv 10

Age: 18

Race: Human

Class: Mortal

Species: Human


"You know... If anyone other than you told me this... I would've punched him in the face..." Nina said.

"But it's me sooo?" I began. She sighed and walked up to me.

"What will shaking my hand do?" She asked.

"Well... I'm hoping to get a new power... But it also might activate your powers." I said.

"Well... Either I get powers or I get arrested in six months." She said and held her hand towards me.

"Here goes nothing." I said and grabbed her hand. In an instant I began to feel a vast amount of cold run up my arm. My body tensed up and I saw ice form between us. I heard Mira and Mila back away as I began to fade into darkness.


Mira and I have been inseparable when we were kids. Apparently mom died giving birth to me and Dad wasn't really happy about that. He always looked at me like I'm a disgrace for being mom's daughter. He never payed attention to me. Around the age of ten I started to not care. At first with him not looking at me... Now I really don't see a point in anything.

Mira... Mira however never did. She always gave me credit for some of the chores when she did them. She one day cleaned the house and said I did it so he would at least acknowledge me. Seeing her try like that... Man can't help but care for the girl...

Then dad decided to remarry and we found ourselves with a brother. I didn't really plan to interact with him, but when your new brother gets you gifts that you always want... How can you not thank him? Was it Mira? Probably asked for her help and seeing him put an effort to me, a girl who didn't even care to greet him when we first met. I wasn't a total bitch, but I was obviously not interested in socializing.

Hell he's done more for me and Mira than my own father... Especially me. Especially when he fought some stalker to protect me. It was the only time I needed to be protected. I didn't thank him for it, but... I couldn't help but visit him while he slept... Had to thank him somehow. Honestly I kinda wished he woke up. He saved Mira from fanatic guys, but I couldn't help but imagine him protecting me. I don't care if he is a bio terrorist. He's the first guy to care about me, and I love him.


Quest Complete!

Ice Manipulation Gained

Rewards: 1k XP, $2K.

Level Up!
Level Up!
Level Up!

Skill Points remaining: 9

I woke up from the floor. I felt something soft on my head. My vision focused and saw Mila allowing me to lay on her lap.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You passed out." Mila said.

"Nina?" I questioned sitting up.

"What the fuck?" She shouted and her hand began to radiate some frost. Mira gazed at Nina curious of her new abilities.

"Okay... So just relax and don't get scared." I said standing up.

"Relax? Not gonna lie... This is kinda weird... I feel cold, but not really? If that makes sense.." She said.

"Yeah I know what you mean..." I said as my hands began to radiate frost as well.

"Okay. So I'm a... conduit was it?" Nina asked.

"Yeah... So ice? Neat." I said, "Wanna try Mira?" I asked holding my hand to her.

"But what about Nina's power?" Mira asked.

"Oh.. I keep all powers." I said flashing some concrete on one hand and music on the other.

"So we'll have the same power... And we can be closer?" She asked.

"Yeah... Closer..."

"I think you two already got as close to me as possible."

Without any hesitation she grabs my hand causing heat to burn into my arms.

"Shit... Round two..." I mumbled and faded out.


Nina. My little sister... By like five minutes but still. She's my sister, my family. Yet dad doesn't like her, because mom died giving birth to her. Mom gave her life so Nina can live, it would be an insult ignoring her and not care for Nina. I tried to get them together, nothing worked. He's so stubborn and sis... She doesn't care anymore.

Our new mom and brother were a good change. They showed care for her. They acknowledge Nina the girl my mother died for. F/N our new step brother... He watched over us. He showed us more affection then dad... Head pats are... I really like his head pats. He even came to me to help with Nina. Every interaction with him I want to remember. Every detail I write in my journal. Sometimes I write some fantasies, I can't resist. He's just... The best.

He's a bio terrorist, but I can't just forget his kindness. So Nina, mom, and I helped him leave the city. Neither of us regret it. I'm sure we do it again.


Quest Complete

Fire Manipulation

Rewards: 2k XP, $4K

Level Up!
Level Up!
Level Up!
Level Up!
Level Up!

Available Skill points: 14

F/N L/N Lv:44
Rising Star
Gain 5% increased Xp on any completed quests and Defeated enemies.

Race: Human

Class: Mortal

Species: Conduit

Exp: 95/450

Hp: 550/550

Charge: 540/540

Alignment: Thug
Alignment Bonus: You can drain enemies to restore some charge.
Power Modification: Can now use small utility abilities for all Elements.

I woke up and began to stand up from Mila's lap pillow. Gotta say very comfortable.

"Is passing out a side effect?" Nina asked.

"Seems to be the case..." I mumbled as I held my head. I heard Mira giggling and I glanced to see she was already playing with her flames.

"Oh boy... Us Mira easy... That's dangerous." I said.

"Oh... Sorry..." She said putting the fire out.

"Alright so... Powers... That's neat. What now?" Nina asked.

"Girls you need to get to school Soo..." My mother seemed to wake up and arrive in the kitchen.

"Hi Mom." I said.

"F/N? What are you wearing? How can you stay so... Filthy. Take a shower so I can properly hug you!" She reprimanded.

"Yeah... Sure... Could use some of my old clothes." I said and walked away.

One decent shower and a new set of clothes later I glanced at the mirror to see my outfit.

I wore a grey shirt with two wolves in front. Though I could have sworn they were perfectly symmetrical. Though the red wolf was burning with more ferocity and his head was tilted up. I had a leather black jacket over it with grey jeans and black running shoes.

"Strange..." I mumbled as I walked out my old room and down to the kitchen where I was met with a death grip of a hug. I used observe on my mother just to be safe.

Amanda L/N: Lv 95
Title Effect: Ensures individual is protected as long as her child wishes for her safety. Adds 90 lvs to ensure survival from most attacks. Other than this individual is useless in combat.

Well... Least she is safe, but what is that title?

"So happy to see you safe." My mother said.

"Come on... Who do you think I am?" I said.

"My only son." She said caressing my hair.

"Yeah well... You should get some sleep. Nina said you worked all night you need rest." I said.

"But... You won't be here when I wake up." She said still holding me tightly.

"I can't really stay here with Edgar now can I?" I asked.

"Yeah you're right... Stay safe and text me every often." She said and kissed my forehead, "Goodnight." She said and stumbled away.

"Rest easy mom." Mira waved.

Quest Complete!

Visit Step sisters and Mother!

Rewards: Affection, 1K XP, $4K

Level Up!
Level Up!

Skill points remaining: 16

Nina Smith: Friend Lv Max
Ally is ready for next rank!

Mira Smith: Friend Lv Max
Ally is ready for next level.

Amanda L/N: Confidant Lv 97

"So your mom is a nurse..." Mila said.

"Yeah. Seems you two spoke while I was showering." I said.

"She seems nice... Now what are we gonna do?" Mila asked.

"Well the deadbeat is at work till seven in the evening." Nina said.

"You girls seem to be out of school for the day so, wanna go find a place to train these powers?" I asked.

Aida can I see the ability upgrade for transmutation?

Transmutation: Lv 2 (Cost 10 SP)
Have a second pair of powers to transmute together. Must drain one source from desired pair to swap between paired abilities.

"So I basically have to still swap powers... Better than swapping between four, but I only have 14 points... Upgrading abilities is easier with skill points, but gaining skill points is a problem. Hell I might even get more powers than I can ever use skill points on. My best bet is to save them in case of emergencies. Never know when I'll need to spam abilities to max. Though getting them unlocked is something I should do."

"Not many places to train. This is Los Angeles." Nina said snapping me out if my thoughts.

"Oh F/N your sammich is ready, Mila already ate hers. All this excitement and I forgot it's been sitting there." Mira said pushing a plate with a sandwich towards me.

"Thanks." I said and began to eat it.

"LA is... Not the best place to find a good place to blow stuff up." Nina said.

"That's true... But not using them only makes you defenseless..." I said.

"Well I'm not very keen on hurting people." Nina said.

"I'm not saying you have to hurt people... I'm saying you need to be able to defend yourselves." I said.

"Honestly that won't be possible today... Why don't we just spend the day together... You know before you leave?" Mira said, "We can figure this... Conduit thing later on our own. We'll be careful."

"They have a point. LA is always bustling with witnesses. We probably won't find a place till late at night, possibly midnight." Mila said.

"Alright fine... What should we do?" I asked.

"Ice cream?" Mira asked.

"Sounds good to me." Nina said grabbing some keys, "Who's driving?"

"I'll do it." I replied and she tossed the keys to me.


I got some ice cream for my sisters and Mila. Got myself one as well and we sat down eating the ice cream somewhere a bit more secluded.

"So anything new?" Nina asked.

"We aside from a friend of mine getting arrested by the DUP... Nothing much." I said.

"A friend?" Mira asked.

"Yeah Emma... She was pretty cool. Great singing voice." I said.

"A girl... Friend?" Mira asked. Nina stared at me and Mila was shifting in her seat.

"Alright so I may have... Slept with her. We were pretty compatible... Though I couldn't save her." I sighed.

"Hey dumbass... I'm sure you did your best. Don't bring yourself down so much. This family only has room for one downer." Nina said as she kicked my leg.

"We'll find a way to free her right?" Mila asked.

"Not sure about that Mila. DUP are pretty... Strong." I said, "Attacking Curden Cay is basically suicide, let alone it's location is unknown to everyone outside the DUP."

Heyyyo master.

"Not now..." I said to Aida.

Well bad news you don't have a choice.

DLC Downloaded:

Remnant: 98%

"Okay a DLC is almost done... And?"

You'll be forced into the DLC the moment it's done.

Remnant: 99%

"Wait your telling me this now?" I shouted at her and stood up.

"Hey what's wrong?" Mila asked.

Remnant: 100%

Initiating World Transport!

F/N L/N beginning to transport to Dungeon of Dreams.

I glanced at my hand and it began to fade.

"What's happening!" Mira asked.

"Don't worry I'm just teleporting somewhere... My powers seem to do what they want..." I said.

"But you just got here!" Nina shouted and grabbed my hand. She began to fade as well and let go of me.

Nina Smith made contact with target.

Nina Smith beginning to transport to Dungeon of Dreams.

Contact was broken changing Location.... Atlas selected.

Forced Grouping initiated.

I see a notification and Nina's stats appeared simplified next to mine. I was going to grab her again but it was too late and my body was already 80% gone.

She was quickly fading and I barely heard Mira shout.

"I'm not letting you two go on your own without me." Mira said and grabbed Nina. Mila also followed and grabbed Mira's hand.

Mira Smith made contact with target.

Mila Grant made contact with target.

Beginning transport of Mira and Mila to Atlas.

Forced Grouping initiated.

Mila and Mira's names and stats appeared in a window.

The next thing I knew I found myself in Aida's world.

"Aida!!!! Where the hell did they go?" I asked.

"Remnant... Since they weren't in a group they just... Transported separately. Normally you'd have gone to the same place, but Nina let go at the last second. Causing for a randomized location selection." Aida said.

"This force grouping... What is it?" I asked.

"To ensure that if you get force teleported back they will follow. Some bonuses to grouping is the ability to stay in touch no matter where you are. Summon them into the same world... World not area, and shared XP." She said.

"So I can tell when they are in trouble as well?" I asked.

"Yes. Status afflictions and abilities. You see it all." She said.

"Alright send me to Atlas." I said.

"Sorry going to new worlds doesn't work that way. Random Location no matter what. You might end up in Altas or you might end up in Vale. Though a key city is always a choice. You'll never be dropped in the middle of an ocean or desert."

"That's bullshit. Then why am I here instead?" I asked.

"Cause we have to alter some things." She said.

"Like?" I asked.

"Money. Your American dollars are worthless there and a few goals to set." She said walking towards the center of the lake, "Was really hoping to enjoy this moment and have fun but... Your companions' safety comes first. You'll make it up to me right?" She said eyeing me up and down, licking her lips.

"Seriously if I wasn't in a hurry I'd probably tear that dress off your body." I said. She growled.

"I like the honesty, but not in front of my little sister." She said caressing the continuously shifting weapon.

"Sister?" I asked walking forward.

"Eh... Stay there. You're not strong enough to wield my sister yet. The power will consume you from the inside out. Kouh Academy will transport you once you can wield her." She said, "Pity she's so eager to be used by you. She's quite envious of me... It's okay sis. You'll be in his arms soon."

"Alright so what am I doing in Remnant?" I asked.

"Depends on you. Technically speaking you will change any world you set foot in. You are the son of Chaos. Anyways I exchanged half your funds."

I looked at my wallet and saw my money.

50,360 Lien.

"Quests will only award you money that is revelant in your current situation. You won't earn dollars in Remnant or Lien in America. Oh and I'm updating your phones. It will become the world's equivalent of cellular device. Enjoy your scroll during your trip, cause it will return to normal when you return."

I grabbed my phone and it seemed to be very thin and techy. Looked like it was made of glass.

"Alright anything else?" I asked.

"How do you feel about... People with animal traits?" She asked.

"Aida... If you are implying that there are cat girls and bunny girls in this remnant... Why have I not been sent in already?" I said.

"Have fun master. Try to be careful with your abilities." She said and I began to fade out.

Transporting to Vale.

I found myself standing in an Alley.

"Great... How far is that from Atlas... Right I haven't used my SP to unlock powers... Should really do that." I said.

A few quests popped up as I thought to myself.

Daily Quests updated to fit world!

Meet Six residents of this world!

Rewards: Allies/Enemies, 100XP, 200 Lien, Ice dust Crystal, 3 points to Luck, 3 points of Intelligence, 2 points of wisdom.

Befriend someone!

Rewards: Allies, 100 XP, 300 Lien, Fire Dust Crystal, 1 point to Luck.

Execute five people!

Rewards: Negative Karma, 100 XP, 400 Lien, Ice Dust Crystal, Fire Dust Crystal, 1 point to strength.

Quest start!

Get consent to touch the ears or tail of a faunus!

Rewards: Affection, 20 XP, 5 Fire Dust Crystals.

Reunite with your Group!

Rewards: 500 XP, 1K Lien, Mutation, 10 Ice Dust Crystals.


Ice Manipulation: Lv 1
20% Resistance to Cold.

Ice Drain: Lv 1
Drain Ice to regain health and charge at 20% speed.

Ice Pillar: Lv 1
Create a pillar of ice to gain elevation and access to higher locations.

Ice Shards: Lv 1
Fire a barrage of ice at enemies in front of you. Similar to a shot gun. 5-10 dmg. 30 charge cost.

Frost Shield: Lv 1
Create a frost barrier in front of you to take damage in your stead. 100 Hp. 30 charge cost.

Ice grenade: Lv 1
Send a grenade that sends shattered prices of ice at enemies. 20 dmg. 50 charge cost.

Freeze Rocket: Lv 1
Fire a massive ball of ice at enemies doing massive dmg. 50 dmg. 200 charge cost.


Fire Manipulation: Lv 1
20% resistance to Fire.

Fire Drain: Lv 1
Drain from sources of flames to replenish charge and health at an increased 20% drain rate.

Flame Dash: Lv 1
Dash a short distance in the air by enveloping your body in flames.

Fire shot: Lv 1
Fire a bolt of fire at enemies dealing 15 dmg at 20 charge rate.

Flame Grenade: Lv 1
Toss a condensed ball of heat that will explode dealing 35 dmg at 60 energy cost.

Fire Rockets: Lv 1
Send a ball of heat at enemies doing massive dmg and causing a large explosion. 70 dmg at 250 charge cost.


That should be good for now... Don't need to get every power variation of the same thing like fire thrusters and ice thrusters. Still that quest reward... Mutation... What does that mean?

Though before I can think more on it I was starting to get a call.

"Nina? Is everyone okay?" I answered.

"Yeah fine... Where are you... Why did my phone turn into a glass screen? Where are we?" She asked.

"I'm trying to figure that out myself..." I said pulling out a cigarette and lighting it using the fire from my hands.

"Hey what's all these... Screens popping up for me?" Mira asked in the background.

"Screens?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm getting them too." Mila said.

"Yeah same here." Nina said.

"Nina what do they say?" I asked.

"Reunite with F/N... Rewards 3,000 Lien, 3000 XP... Have sex with... Okay skipping that one... Level up ice abilities... Some more rewards... More tasks..."

"Okay Soo that's kinda my power and seems you girls have your own quests. Completing them actually helps you get stronger. Those rewards are real, you will seriously get what they tell you." I said.

"Dafuq is Lien?" She asked.

"This world's money." I said.

"Okay I'm gonna need some time for you to explain this..." She said.

"Your favorite JRPG game..." I said.

"Yeah what about..." She paused for a moment, "Same shit?" She asked.

"Same shit." I replied. I wanted to ask if anyone needed anything but was distracted by some girls crying for help, "Curse my gentlemanly nature... Sorry Nina I'll call you back... Someone might need help."

Quest Start!

Be a hero!

Save the damsel in distress!

Rewards: Bunny Friend, 50 XP, 100 Lien.

"Gee thanks for the subtlety... But bunny girl... Better not be a furry." I mumbled and walked to the source. I took a puff and walked in an alley hearing the girl cry for help.

"Someone please!" She shouted. She had an Australian accent... How ironic. I approached the location and saw five guys standing over a girl who was cowering in fear. Okay I'm starting to not like where this is going. The girl looked human but with bunny ears and some school girl uniform.

Boo yeah not a furry!

"Hey can we leave the poor girl alone please?" I said cigarette in my mouth as I had my hands in my pocket. I looked at the girl who gave me the saddest look begging for help.

"Mind your business punk! This girl is one of those freaks!"

Wait they seriously don't like bunny girl? The fuck is wrong with them?

"Hey bud just walk away nobody needs to get hurt." I said.

"He's one of those traitors who sympathize with faunus!" I hear a gun shot and a bullet flies past my ear.

"Oh shit... Listen this doesn't have to..." I get shot in the chest four times, "Fuck... That hurts." I said as my body began to radiate heat.

HP: 530/570

Fire expelled from my chest and my wounds began to heal.

HP: 570/570

"God I love this fast healing ability." I said as I flicked my cigarette away. I ran at them firing a bolt of fire at them. I hit one in the face and he falls back holding his head as it burned.

Charge: 480/560

I dashed forward and punched one in the gut sending him flying back. I glanced at the girl, "You might wanna close your eyes... I can't really control the intensity of my powers." I said. I duck from a guy's punch and grab his hand twisting it to his back. I placed my hand on his face and began to burn him and drain his body heat.

He goes limp and I drop him as he dissipated into flames.

Charge: 490/560

Really just ten? What the fuck?

I dodged the knife of one guy and grabbed it pushing it to his neck. He began to cough blood and it drenched my hands. I burned his face incinerating his corpse and kicked another guy to a wall as the other guy ran at me with his fist. I grabbed him and flipped him over to the ground. The guy with the gun began to stand up still holding his face and aimed at me. I grabbed the guy on the ground and held him up using him as a shield.

Fuck not being able to use ice, concrete, or music right now...

I threw the dead guy to him and fired a fire rocket at them. The explosion was loud an none of them remained. No blood, no gore...

Charge: 240/560

"On the bright side... I don't have to hide the bodies." I mumbled as the last guy cowered in fear on the ground.

"Please let me go... I'll leave them alone... Please..." He begged.

"Sorry... Last time I left a loose end... It got a friend of mine unlawfully arrested." I said and began to burn his face causing him to burst into flames leaving no trace.

I sighed and looked at the bunny girl. Her eyes were still closed.

"Alright you're safe now miss... Bad men are gone... Did they hurt you?" I asked.

"A bit..." She mumbled and looked around seeing nobody but me.

"Here let's get you to your friends... You have friends right?" I asked.

"I do..." She mumbled. Her ears twitched... God damn so many weebs would be envious of me right now.

"Here I'll guide you to them... Well more like chaperone... I'm kinda new here so you lead I follow and keep the bad men away." I said.

"Why?" She asked.


"Why did you fight them to protect me?" She asked.

"Well... I'm kinda known for being a gentleman and... Your bunny ears are kinda cute... I kinda wanna touch them..." I said. She began to relax as she giggled slightly.

"Maybe later... Let's find my team first. Thanks for saving me... Umm..."

"F/N." I said.

"F/N... I'm Velvet." She replied.

Quests complete!

Rewards: Negative Karma, 250 XP, 800 Lien, Ice Dust Crystal, 2 Fire Dust Crystals, 1 point to strength, 1 point to Luck.

New Ally:

Velvet Scarletina: bonus affection awarded!

Friend: 15/100
Rank bonus: Shy girls are more calm around you. Bonus 1 affection every hour in your vicinity.

Karma: Thug 10%

Quest Start!

Guide your new bunny friend to her allies.

Rewards: Allies, 300 XP, 5k lien.

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