Dangerous Hero

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UA seems to offer basic highschool curriculum along with the hero course. Usually the general education is in the morning with Hero classes taking up the afternoon. It amazes me how different the time flows here while I'm asleep in my main body. I haven't been brought out of this place yet. On the bright side I can develop my powers and my relationships. Speaking of which my relationship with Momo and Toga is going very well.

So far Momo has been keeping tabs on me and makes sure I do all my work. This is all to make sure that I can have a good first impression when I meet her parents. Yes, she wants me to meet her parents.

"Did you understand everything?" She whispered getting very close to me. She sat beside me as we all were in a bus to a location for today's lesson.

"Yes... I promise I don't have any issue with anything in class." I mumbled raising my hands at her. Having a decent high stat on intelligence helps. Especially when I study in class I tend to raise it a few points depending on how much effort I put in. If I can help others understand their work I get bonus intellect or wisdom stats depending on the question.

"You two seem to get along well." Tsuyu spoke glancing at us.

"Yeah what's the big idea..." Mineta said eyeing me with his perverted eyes.

"Isn't that normal among friends?" Momo asked.

"Midoriya asks me a few questions after school." I spoke pointing at Midoriya.

"Really?" Tsuyu asked.

"L/N! I have been meaning to ask..." Midoriya appears behind me.

"Just call me F/N... I don't feel comfortable being addressed by my last name." I said.

"Right sorry..." He bowed.

"Shut up you damn Nerd!!!" Bakugo shouted.

"Don't worry about it... What is your question?" I asked.

"Your quirk... I wanna know how you got so good at using it. Also are you related to Endeavor as you both have a fire quirk? Why are your flames black? You don't seem to suffer much strain using them, why? Also is your physical abilities tied to your quirk..."

"Easy man... Why are you so curious?" I asked, "Also no I'm not related to Endeavor."

"I see..." He began to write stuff down.

Everyone got interested in my quirk since the hero vs villain session with All Might. I was able to meet many of my classmates during that time and understand their quirk along with seeing it in action.

Though I guess the good news is I won't have to worry about hurting most of them with my flames, "You sure you're just friends?" Mineta mumbled getting uncomfortably close to me, "I mean she has been..." He froze. I glanced at Momo who gave him a death glare signaling he m to shut up.

Right... Momo does tend to push herself against me a lot. Despite my powers altering their morals and perception of an open relationship, it doesn't actually alter any jealousy they might have. She might be trying to make up for time as I do spend a lot of my time with Toga more than her.

"F/N... I have noticed you seem very good with the ladies..." Kaminari said as he glanced at me.

Well the harem title is to blame. Technically speaking I noticed despite it being specific in only affecting girls who see me romantically it doesn't discriminate on how much. I interacted a few times with the others and I have noticed some girls trying to get closer to me. Aida explained it herself.

"Yep. If they even have a single thought like that they are affected by the title."

"What's your point?" I asked.

"Mind helping us out?" He pulled me away from Momo and whispered.

"Yeah... No fair for you to hog all the ladies." Mineta spoke.

"If I agree will you stop making me uncomfortable?" I asked. They smiled.

"Alright enough messing around we are here." Aizawa said.

The class met up with a hero named Thirteen. Thank God for Midoriya being a fan boy. I adjusted my Hero costume... Well clothes to be exact. I just submitted my usual look with a few added adjustments.

My jacket was still white but had a layer of thick padding that absorbs a bit of shock damage. My pants were made more comfortable to allow me better movement. My shoes received the same treatment and we're far more comfortable. Another effect added was the ability to absorb heat so when I use my powers the heat lingers at the same temperature as the flames. I added some gloves that are reenforced so I don't have to worry about hitting harder objects and take full control of the lingering heat.

It worked pretty well in that previous lesson and even I was surprised how effective it was.

Thirteen got into a small lecture on the USJ and a bit about how quirks can be dangerous. I mean... I'm the epitome of that. My flames are very dangerous on anyone I don't perceive as a friend.

Quest Start!

Protect UA Students!

Wait what?

I look up and noticed a purple most appear in the distance. Then a bunch of people began to pour out of it and judging by their faces I knew they weren't here to help.

"Is this like the entrance exam where it already began?" Kirishima asked.

"Don't move!" Aizawa shouted as he placed his goggles over his eyes, "Those are villains."

I'm sure these teachers will prioritize evacuation of the students. There is no way they would have these kids, who just started, fight a group of villains.

"Wait something doesn't feel right..." I mumbled and glanced about the villains I observed all of them until I found out the issue. A man standing in the back. Black robes covering his entire body with only one hand exposed.

Name: Core
First Son Experiment

Level: ???/???

Species: Conduit

Race: Human

Power: Electricity

Class: Nightmare

"Another conduit..." I spoke making many look at me. Though I noticed something in his hand. Another Ray Sphere.

"Conduit?" Midoriya asked. Though all I could think about was the damage the last time I held a sphere and I didn't want anyone to get hurt.

"F/N!" I heard Momo shout but it was distant. I felt something start to wrap around my arm but I flame dashed out of it and I began to get closer to the conduit.

"Give me that sphere!" I shouted as I either avoided the villains or instantly incinerated them to dust.

"Another Conduit..." Core mumbled as I reached for the sphere but he vanished, "I didn't think this world had any... And he knows about this sphere." I used my flame whips to grab it and pull it out of his hand, "Black Fire?"

I need to run. Get this away from here. Run... Save them... As I began to dash away I felt a shock of electricity hit me. I fall dropping the ray sphere.

"Sorry but that sphere is mine. Kurogiri get him away from us." He said.

The next thing I knew I was somewhere else. I was on the ground and felt nothing but hard earth beneath me.

"Where am I?" I mumbled as I stood up.

"F/N!" I heard Momo shout.

"You idiot what were you thinking?" Jizo shouted.

"That man... The sphere he hold on to. It's a bomb." I said.

"What?" Kaminari questioned.

"It's classified as a weapon of ultimate destruction. The explosion will level this entire building and kill everyone in it... Except conduits. The lives of those in the explosion will be used to strengthen conduits. That villain is a conduit." I replied.

"How do you..." Jizo asked.

"Because so am I. If that bomb is activated... Only me and him will survive and get stronger. Though the closer you are to the epicenter the greater the effects." I said getting up.

"You think that can kill All Might?" Kirishima asked.

"I told you... Only conduits will survive. Even All Might will die." I said.

"Seems you know about it..." A voice spoke, "Not that it matters. You kids will die here anyways."

"We are... Surrounded..." Jizo mumbled.

"Us die? No..." I began to radiate black flames, "Unlike my classmates. Being a hero means nothing to me. All I care about is keeping them safe. By any means necessary." I send my flame whips at a few a them and instantly turned them to ash, "I'm no afraid of killing."

"He just..." A villain backed away.

"My flames are more effective against those I see as enemies. If you wanna live... Then tell me everything about the one with the electric powers." I said as I surrounded my classmates in a wall of flames.

"Hey!" Kirishima began.

"Stay in there... You'll be safe." I replied as I approached the villains, "Now talk or do I have to get persuasive..."


The villains didn't put up much of a fight. Though I did waste a decent amount of charge. I began to lower the flames surrounding my classmates. Absorbing my flames don't really restore much. I'd say I get back a third of the cost. The looked around to see me alone with nothing around them.

Alignment: Criminal 30%

"What did..." Momo began.

"Don't think about it. All I care about is that everyone is safe and that I get that sphere away from the conduit." I said.

"Wait... I heard Aizawa mumble that he erased your quirk, but... You still used it." Jizo began.

"That's probably because my powers aren't really quirks." I mumbled, "I have to stop it..." I mumbled.

"You can't!" Momo shouted, "They are real villains... They will kill you."

"I already said I'll keep everyone safe. No matter the cost." I replied, "You guys stay here. Should be safe." I said as I leaped off the cliff and made my way back to Core.


Took a bit of time to reach my destination, but I finally made it back to the center. Seems Aizawa was holding out pretty well. The conduit seems to not get involved in the fight. If I can just find a moment I can grab the sphere... Or I can grab his hand and get a new power. Though I noticed the big one wasn't there anymore. I heard bones snap and glanced over to see Aizawa was pinned to the ground.

"Get off of him you bastard." I mumbled as I was already at the things face and blasted it with a wave of flames.

"The conduit is back... Seems he's got some skill." Core said, "Pity it is wasted."

I felt something grab my arms and lift me up. The big creature was still alive, even with one arm blown off it was still moving.

Name: Nomu
All for One experiment

Level: ???/???

Quirks: Shock Absorbtion
Hyper Regeneration

Class: Nightmare

"Shigiraki... Don't kill him." Core said.

"He's annoying..." The villain with hands all over him replied.

"He could be useful." Core said.

"Nomu break him." Shigiraki said. In that instant my arms snapped from the force of his grip. Nomu then tossed me to the ground as I struggled to stand. My arms were surrounded by flames along with a bit of my body.

"Just stay down kid. Less painful that way." Core said as he approached me, "I don't want to kill another conduit."

"Bad news for you... Cause I'm not staying down. Not when my friends are in danger. If I have to fight to my last breath... This isn't my first time." I flexed my arms snapping my bones together letting my flames heal me.

"It seems so..." He replied, "Pity... Guess I'll have to break my vow to boss." He reached out his fingers cracking with electricity. I quickly grabbed his hand and smiled.

"I'll take that." I said as I began to drain his electricity.

"What... is this...." He began to grumble as I took his powers and added it to myself.

"Your powers.... I'm taking them!" I shouted.

New Power Awarded!

Electrokinesis: The power to manipulate Electricity.

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