Week of Waiting

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Momo drove me home and she got out of the vehicle with me, "This is it..." She mumbled.

"For now." I said, "We can meet up." I said.

"I'd like that." She said. I pat her head as she smiled, "Oh my number..." She said grabbing her phone.

"Right... That would be useful." I said pulling my phone out. She grabbed it and added her contact information.

"Send me a message." She said. I did so and her phone ringed, "Alright... Bye." She said getting in the car as I waved at her.

"She's definitely adorable... I wonder if Toga is still in there..." I said walking to the door. I opened it and saw Toga on the floor playing a game, "Oh you are still here." I said.

"These are some nice games." She asked.

"Yep oh right... You want a spare key?" I asked.

"Oh... No need I already got one." She said holding a key in her hand.

"Alright then." I said sitting down, "Wanna get some food?" I asked.

"You know your the only person to not treat me like a freak." She said turning over on her back.

"What? Is that a bad thing?" I asked.

"No... I actually like it." She said getting close to me. Her face inches from my own, her smile wide and her eyes gazing at me, "Though I wanna know why? Why are you treating me so well. Do you plan to do something?"

"I know what it's like to be an outcast. It would be nice to have someone around who understands. Don't you think?"

"I want to know more about you." She smiled.

"So food?" I asked.

"Going out is not a good idea for me. Unless I get someone's blood." She said getting away from me.

"Want me to get some take out?" I asked.

"Don't you have stuff to cook here?" She asked.

"Ah-haha... I can't cook." I said.

"Explains all the instant noodles." She said.

"If you checked why did you a..."

"I want to know more about you. Everything." She said getting close again.

"Well do I have quite the story." I said, "I'll tell you when I get back."


I brought food and we sat down eating together, "So your parents won't visit you?" She asked.

"If my mother and step sisters could they would." I said.

"You have a good relationship with your step sisters?" She asked.

"Yeah we are pretty close." I said. I decided to gaze at her relationship level.

Himiko Toga: Friend 99/100

"Hey Toga..." I said. She looked at me as she ate her food, "I'm going to be honest with you." I said. If I'm going to make her the next rank I should be honest... Same with Momo.

"What is it?" She asked. I initiated a group invite, "What the heck!" She shouted looking at the notification.

"Hit accept." I said. She complied and soon she was surprised to see everything.

"What..." She began.

"I was born with the ability to live life like a video game... Along with being a genetic abomination from my home." I said.

"Conduit... Level 68!" She looked, "How are you the same age as me but with more levels? Wait what is this?"

"Like I said, I live everything as a video game. My mind is shielded from mental attacks and my body reacts like a game." I said.

"So what happens with being grouped with you?" She asked.

"You'll be able to know my location, health, and stats." I said, "If you think about observing you can even see my abilities."

"Woah..." She mumbled, "Sound Manipulation, Granite Manipulation, Black Fire Manipulation, Water Manipulation, Ice Manipulation... Wait, sealed..." She mumbled, "Why are your abilities all sealed except Black Fire?"

"I'm not from here, I'm from another place where heroes don't exist... Well people with powers are seen so highly." I said.

"You sound absolutely insane..." She laughed.

"Then explain to me what you just saw?" I asked. My buffs to women makes me more believable to them so I'm quite confident I can convince her.

"So what was it like?" She asked.

"People like us... People with powers would be either imprisoned or, if they were born in a really bad place, killed. Well... I'm sure you'd be fine as long as you don't get caught. They have machines to track us, though I'm sure our powers are different enough to keep you from being discovered." I said.

"So hide like always..." She mumbled.

"Yep... Only with more fear." I said, "They don't even care how old you are. Saved a little girl from getting killed, younger than you." I said.

"You mean us." She said.

"Oh right. I'm actually asleep in my world, don't worry this isn't a dream. I was given a temporary body as I technically don't have access here yet. My actual body is 18." I said.

"So you're older than me." She said.

"Technically speaking yes... Also why my parents can't visit me. They are in another world." I said.

"These other girls..." She said.

"Oh you see them as well? Saria is the girl I told you about." I said.

"She's only 8..." She mumbled.

"Found her mother hanging from a tree... Her father... I think he was in her home dead. There was a large gaping hole in it." I said, "The rest are my step sisters, a friend, and three girls I accidentally pulled into my world. Trying to get them home."

"You seem nice..." She said.

"Yeah when people aren't trying to shoot me. I have killed in the name of defense, though due to that my powers have become more... Violent... Course friends seem to be resistant to them. Like you would be, so you don't have to be afraid of that." I said.

"Resistance doesn't mean immune." She replied.

"Well that's why I wanna make more friends. Try to alleviate the damage as much as possible." I said.

"Doesn't seem like you should be a hero." She said.

"I mean my alignment does agree with you..." I sighed.

"Criminal... You are such an interesting person. I bet you'd look good covered in blood." She said.

"Well my blood is going to be difficult." I said.

"Right your fast healing..." She moaned.

"On the bright side you can drink my blood as much as you want without me dying." I said.

"Hmmm... That's very true... Can I drink your blood!!!" She asked standing up.

"Go for it." I said.

"Close your eyes..." She hummed.

"Uhhh sure thing..." I said and close my eyes. I can feel her body heat getting closer die to my elemental Sense, but I didn't expect her to kiss me. She pulled away and smiled.

"I got an older boyfriend. Is this what love feels like!" She said turning away from me and holding her face.

If I wasn't such an unkillable individual I probably would avoid her. Though my health is 1800 and will keep growing I don't have to worry about her. Also the Harem title prevents her from hurting anyone interested in me.

Himiko Toga: Girlfriend 10/100
Taming deadly individuals is 50% easier. Toga will aim to keep this relationship stable and not do anything you do not approve.

Even better. I then felt a cut on my arm and saw Toga beginning to suck my blood. Feels weird, but... Gotta make the waifus happy.

Due to having five girlfriends/lovers your title Harem Newbie has evolved to Harem Apprentice.

Harem Apprentice: All women interested in you romantically get along well increasing the odds of sleeping with multiple women at once. Your girlfriends will stand by you no matter what.

Okay... I'm kind of happy about this... The sleeping is a plus, but the whole getting along with eachother. Yeah now I don't have to really worry about jealousy especially with Momo or Toga. I really don't wanna see them upset. Also I can be honest with Momo and not ruin the relationship.


The next morning I got a text from Momo. She wanted to meet up so I tried to get up, but Toga was sleeping ontop of me. I grabbed my phone and messaged her.

How does 10 sound?

Okay! See you at the mall!

"It's only 8... Guess I'll just lay here for now."

Took a half hour but when she woke up I got ready.

"Where you heading?" She asked.

"A date with Momo." I said.

"Who?" She questioned.

"A girl I got along with at UA." I said.

"Can you get me some good food while you are out?" She asked.

"Sure thing." I said, "Don't do anything bad..." I said as I reached the door. She looked at a notification and pondered for a moment tilting her head slightly. She hit a button and it vanished.

"Sure thing!" She smiled.

Quest Start!

Go on a date with Momo!

Rewards: 50k yen, 3k XP, affection increase with Momo.

Quest start!

Get Toga some food!

Rewards: 10k yen, 2k XP, affection increase with Toga.

Himiko Toga: Girlfriend 67/100

Well she is exposed to me constantly so no surprise there.


I got to the mall and met up with Momo. She wore some brown boots with black stockings with a red skirt and pink shirt with elegant frills around the collar region.

"You look great." I said.

"Thanks." She said, "So let's get started?" She asked.

"Sure. Let's eat something if we are gonna make this work imma need to be completely honest with you." I said.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Oh nothing bad, just some personal things." I said.

"So what did you wanna talk about?" She asked as we sat in a coffee shop. I was going to leave a few things out since this is a date and I don't wanna bring the mood down too much.

"So..." I began inviting her to my group, "My powers are rather unique." She gazed at the notification and was surprised, "Best way to convince you is by having you experience it."

"What is this?" She asked.

"I kinda live life like a video game, aside from being able to manipulate matter... Some matter." I said.

"Woah... You... You are very..." She said gazing at my stats. She definitely accepted the invite as her name was listed under the group, "Is there a limit to your group?" She asked.

"I don't know. Haven't found it yet." I said.

"What's a conduit?"

"Well it's someone who can absorb and manipulate any form of matter. I seem to also be able to absorb the abilities of other conduits as they usually have only one power like concrete or fire." I said.

"Can you take quirks?" She asked.

"No, we held hands and I don't have your powers." I said.

"So why are most of them sealed?"

"Temporary thing. My main body is somewhere else." I said.

"Wait this is..."

"No this is exactly what I look like, I believe once I can get my main body, it's in a different world. I'm sure it will replace this one." I said.

"You sound insane." She laughed.

"I know but you believe me right?" I asked laughing with her.

"I guess I can't argue with this display." She said. I'm sure under normal circumstances she'd walk away thinking I'm crazy.

"So what's it like?" She asked, "The other world?"

"Umm... Let's talk about that some other time... It's honestly... Not a good place for people with powers." I said.

"Oh..." She said.

"Hey it's a date, let's have fun." I said.

"Yeah you're right... I know a place to liven the mood." She said.

The date was rather long, apparently in Japan a date takes up half a day. Though it was very nice to have a normal life. I got some food for Toga as well, nice to have this ability to remind me of these tasks.

Quest Complete!

Date with Momo!

Quest Complete!

Food for Toga!

Level up!

Skill points earned: 14

I'm level 75 my health is almost at 2000.

Momo Yaoyorozu: Girlfriend 87/100

This is getting rather insane. For it to increase so quickly. I made it home and Toga wasn't around, "Guess she went for some air... Should really increase my stats more. Haven't done a daily Quest in a while. Maybe I could do that while I'm here." I gazed outside as the sun set.

The door opens and I turned to see Toga enter, "Didn't do anything too bad right?" I asked.

"Nope." She said.

"Alright then. I'm not telling you to stop." I said.

"I know." She said looking at the food I brought, "You should learn how to cook."

"That... Is probably a good idea."

"Especially with your gamer ability it should be easy." She said.

"Yeah but it will be quite time consuming." I sighed, "Guess I'll start tomorrow."


The week ended and I now received my letter from UA. Semi grinding some dailies while I waited so I was able to get some levels and begin cooking.

"You gonna open it?" Toga asked leaning on me, "Or are you nervous?"

"What me, nervous! Maybe a little..." I said opening the letter.

"I Am Here As A Projection!!!" A blonde muscular man said.

"Woah... That's All Might." Toga said.

"Congratulations young L/N F/N. You passed the written exam and excelled at the practical exam! You earned 87 villain points and 46 rescue points!" He shouted.

"He's pretty loud..." I said poking my ear.

"Come, young L/N F/N. This is your hero academia." He said.

"Well... Guess despite my morality I can be a hero." I said. A notification popped up.

New Job: Hero in Training!
Abilities are now slightly more precise and give civilians 5% resistance to your attacks.

"Five percent of an instant death attack means jack shit..." I sighed, "Guess it can't be helped."

"Right... I read your abilities... Pretty crazy." Toga said.

"Guess I start school soon..." I said gazing at the letter, "Wait I have to design a costume... Oh fuck me..."

"What! I'm not ready for that yet!" She shouted.

"I was talking figuratively..." I sighed.


That night when I went to bed I woke up to Saria's voice.

"Hey big bro. Big bro." I woke up in the car, "Big sis Nina said we should get out and move a bit."

"Has it been two hours already?" I asked.

"Yeah. We might switch drivers." Weiss said as she stood outside stretching.

"I hate long drives..." Mira said as I got out.

Don't worry when you go back to bed you'll wake up as though you slept.

"Thanks Aida."

"Big bro why did you get stronger while you slept?" Saria asked. Her Plushori is the first thing I see.

"Right we share levels and skill points." I said.

"The group increased as well..." Velvet said.

"Right... About that..."

"What the hell! Level 96!" Nina shouted.

"You explain now." Mira said getting close to me.

"How about over dinner. I'm sure some of you are hungry." I said.

"I'm good." Mira said.

"Same." Nina replied.

"Well we are conduits... We are know to still operate well even with no sleep and little food." I sighed, "We gotta take the others into consideration."

"I'm quite hungry." Weiss said.

"Yeah staying in a car is rather exhausting." Mila said.

"I hunger." Saria said holding her Plushie up to me.

"See." I said.

"Fine but you better explain F/N." Nina said.

"I will. Anything nearby?" I asked.

"I want a cheeseburger!" Saria shouted waving her Plushie about.

"Guess we can't help it." Weiss said.

"Seems this girl is going to walk all over us..." Mira sighed.

"But stepping on people is wrong." Saria replied.

"Never change kiddo. Never change." I said smiling at her innocence.

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