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oh hey u come here often

"I think that I'm just happy that we're actually getting a goodbye before you leave this time."

Jungkook stood in front of Yoongi and Taehyung, heart aching as he watched the two demons in front of him crumble apart right before his very eyes. A baggy white hoodie concealed the love bites that Jimin had sucked into his skin, very conscious of the fact that something like that being seen in heaven would get him banished. "We'll miss you."

Taehyung looked sad as he spoke, lips downturned as sadness swam within his muted irises. "I remember when I first met you, me and this guy," He nudged Yoongi's side gently. "We knocked the shit out of you. You didn't let that stop you though. Hell, you didn't let anything stop you. You're so strong Jungkoook, you're stronger than all of us. Please don't forget what strength you have."

Jimin was silent as he watched Jungkook take a few steps closer to Taehyung before engulfing him in a tight hug, rubbing his hands soothingly against the demon's back. Jimin always did hate goodbyes, but there was just something absolutely dreadful about this one. It felt more real, more final.

"You think that you're not strong?" Jungkook asked softly, pressing his forehead against Taehyung's. "You have so much strength that you don't even recognize, Taehyung. Look at you right now, fighting against what you were biologically programmed to do so that you can be good." The angel seemed to completely forget about the effect that his touch had on demons, but Taehyung didn't care. He relished in the burn that blazed across his skin as he accepted Jungkook's embrace. The angel leaned down and tucked his head into the crook of Taehyung's neck. "You're so admirable."

"You two are talking like Jimin and Jungkook are leaving forever." Yoongi spoke up, eyes darting over to meet Jimin's gaze before they wandered over to Jungkook's. "You aren't, right?" He asked. "You're coming back, right Kook? Right, Jimin?"

Jungkook slowly pulled himself away from Taehyung, his sorrowful expression giving Yoongi all of the answers he needed without even hearing a single word.

"Yoongi, my task is complete." He muttered, directing his gaze down to his feet. "There's no reason for me to be down here anymore, so when I go back... If He wants to keep me there, then I just have to stay. No arguments." He paused. "I'm going to ask about you though, it's just not fair to think that someone with such a pure heart will be damned simply because of their upbringing."

He took a few steps back again, taking hold of Jimin's hand gently. If there was one thing that Jimin had noticed about Jungkook since he came back, it was that he held him as if he was going to lose him again at any moment. "Will He even consider you guys? I don't know." Jungkook sighed. "God, I don't even know what's going to happen when Jimin gets up there. This entire idea is just me improvising."

Jimin's eyes widened at the idea of losing Jungkook again, grip tightening on the angel's hand.

"Jungkook if I lose you again..." He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "Please, this cycle has to end."

"You won't lose me." Jungkook reassured, leaning down and pressing a gentle kiss to Jimin's temple. "We're in this together, okay? We always have been, we always will be." The words were nice, they were sweet and calmed Jimin's mind just a little bit. But we're they the truth? Only time could tell.

"Jimin, Jungkook." The two lovers looked over to meet Taehyung's eyes, confused by the soft and warm expression that had taken over his features. "I love you two, I really do." Jimin's eyes widened at the demon's words, not expecting to hear such a thing leave his friend's mouth, especially when he knew how dangerous love was for somebody like him. "Not in the way that you love each over, but in a way that has me knowing that I've never cared for someone more than I care for you two."

"Agree." Yoongi breathed, resting his arm on Taehyung's shoulder. "I've done my fair share of shit to you both in the past. I was horrible, and I know that I was. I was proud of being a terrible person, at one point in time." He cast his gaze off to the side. "I'm sorry now. I just want you two to be happy." Jimin's chest was feeling heavier and heavier with each word that Yoongi spoke, he could feel the tears start to well up in his eyes.

He was being so kind. Too kind. Far too kind to be healthy for him. Yoongi was dying, and Jimin just didn't want to accept it. "I'll miss you both."

"Please don't die on me." Jimin couldn't hold back his words, tears threatening to spill over as he took a step towards his crumbling friends. "Please, for me, stay alive."

Taehyung's bottom lip quivered and he took a shaky breath in, reaching out and smoothing his thumb against Jimin's cheek.

"Jimin, we would if we could and you know that." He sighed, smiling warmly at the shorter as a tragic juxtaposition to his sorrowful tone. "You, of all people, should understand that there's just never enough time to spend with the ones you love."

Jimin just couldn't do it. He broke down quietly and slowly this time; no loud sobs or gasp for breaths between cries. Just one tear slipping down his face after another, chest aching fiercely as his fingers shook. Jungkook noticed this immediately and quickly comforted him, wrapping his arms around Jimin from behind and making him feel secure and protected almost instantly.

Jungkook rested his head on Jimin's shoulder from behind, making eye contact with him.

"Love you too." He breathed, Taehyung's expression melting at his words.

"Love you three." Jimin managed to get out through his tears, and it was his words that caused the first teardrop to roll down Taehyung's face. "Are you okay with dying? I just need to know before I go."

"I've done my time here." Yoongi shrugged. "I served my purpose as a demon, I got to spend my life with a wonderful group of friends, and now you two are finally happy together." He stuck his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "It hurts, and I'm scared. Terrified actually because I saw first hand what it does to you. But I just don't have a purpose anymore. I don't have a point." He exhaled deeply. "I'm ready to go."

"I'm just glad you won't have to see me in pain." Taehyung muttered, unaware that his words were cracking apart Jimin even more.

"I didn't think that a goodbye would be this hard." Jimin sniffled, reaching out with both hands and curling his fingers around Taehyung and Yoongi's hands.

"You'll be just fine." Taehyung reassured, brushing a few strands of hair out of Jimin's eyes. "No one ever thinks that their ready to leave things that they're familiar with, but the moment that they do, they know that they've made the right decision."

"Is this the right decision?" Jungkook breathed, mumbling the question more to himself than to anybody else.

Taehyung shrugged however, picking up on the quiet words.

"That's up for you to decide in the future."

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