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if bottom!jungkook isn't your cup of tea then get outta my swamp bc that's exactly what this chapter is oops
(also this is the third last chapter ;) )
"What are we going to do about Yoongi and Taehyung?"

Jimin sat in Jungkook's lap, back pressed flush against his lover's chest as they stared out the window. All of the stars were shining brightly, complementing the city skyline rather beautifully. He felt how Jungkook sighed, resting his head on Jimin's shoulder from behind.

"I have to go back up to heaven eventually, I'm going to ask about them." Jungkook spoke, wrapping his arms around Jimin's waist. "They don't deserve any of the pain they're facing. They're good. They really are. I hope He isn't prejudiced against them just because they were once demons."

Jimin nodded, sitting up and turning around so that he was facing Jungkook once more.

"When do you have to go back up?" He asked, Jungkook shrugging and pressing his forehead against Jimin's.

"Very soon." He admitted, thumb rubbing circles against Jimin's hip bone. "Very, very soon."

"Does that mean you're leaving again?" Jimin frowned, eyes growing sad as the weight of Jungkook's words settled on him.

"I'm not sure yet." Jungkook shrugged. Jimin was confused by his words, but chose to leave it alone, deciding instead to press his lips against Jungkook's softly. The contact was barely there, but it was still definitely present, Jungkook inhaling shakily at it. He paused for a moment before pressed his lips against Jimin's with more pressure, pulling Jimin impossibly closer to him.

Being like this together, was their way of escaping. It allowed them to calm down for just a little while, allow the weights of their chests to lighten just a little bit. Caused their worries to slip away for just a second.

Jimin tilted his head and moaned softly as the kiss deepened, fisting his hands into the hem of the white t-shirt Jungkook had changed into. They sat there for a little while, bodies melded together as they drank in each other's soft, hushed noises. Soon though, Jimin was tugging Jungkook's shirt up, up, until it was pulled over his head.

Jungkook wasted no time pressing their lips together again, wanting - no - needing Jimin close to him in that moment. Jimin obviously wasn't objecting, rolling his hips slowly into Jungkook's lap as the brunette held his waist securely.

Jungkook's lips still tasted wonderfully like strawberry and vanilla, Jimin's soft sounds of approval being muffled against them. His hands gripped at Jungkook's waist as he sat on his lap, chests pressed flush together as their hips rocked gently against one another.

"Jimin, can you, um-" Jungkook attempted to get a few words out, quickly catching Jimin's attention. He paused his actions, sending a confused look Jungkook's way as he reached up to cup Jungkook's face. He suddenly looked shy, eyes flickering away from Jimin for a moment.

"What is it?" He asked gently, curiously watching a rosy blush spread from Jungkook's cheeks all the way up to the tips of his ears. The brunette squirmed softly, attempting to keep eye contact with Jimin.

"I don't want to..." He bit his lip lightly, looking down. "Can you.. Can you be on top this time?" He looked so flustered, skin rosy and eyes darting to anything that wasn't Jimin's face. "We haven't really done that since I first met you and I just... I don't know, I want to be as close to you as possible." Truth be told, he felt like he was slowly being crushed by the weight of every single problem around him. He didn't know what was going to happen when he went up to heaven. Did God know what he has been up to? Was he going to be banished? What would happen to Jimin? He was so, so stressed out that he felt it beginning to take a toll on him. He just wanted to be taken care of, right about then.

"If that's what you want, of course." Jimin smiled fondly at his lover, rubbing his thumb against Jungkook's cheekbone lovingly. "I've got you." He leaned forwards again, kissing Jungkook gently and full of unquestionable love as he slowly brought his hand down to run against his boyfriend's smooth skin. His skin was already hot and damp with sweat, chest rising and falling to an inconsistent pace as Jimin tilted his head to the side to deepen the kiss. Jungkook was melting, sighing contentedly as he let Jimin have the upper hand.

Jungkook's hands were everywhere; in Jimin's hair, on his waist, around his neck. Grabbing, scratching, smoothing against hot skin. Finally they finally snuck up the fabric of his shirt, desperate to get the material off of him. Of course Jimin obliged, pausing for just a moment to pull his shirt over his head, before he was diving right back into the kiss, putting pressure on Jungkook's shoulders so that he would fall back until he hit the soft sheets beneath them. His hair splayed out on the pillows like a halo, Jimin suppressing a chuckle at the accuracy of the thought.

He nestled his thigh between Jungkook's legs, allowing him to buck his hips up against it as Jimin tugged at the skin of his neck with his teeth. He nipped gently, just enough for his presence to be known, not enough to bruise. Jungkook was hesitant as he rolled his hips against Jimin's legs, shyness still present in his mind. The pleasure was undeniable though, breathy groans spilling past Jungkook's mouth as he brought his hands up to grab at Jimin's shoulders. Jimin's lips moved in patterns down his neck, finally sucking marks against his skin. Jungkook's collarbones soon had blooming marks of purple and red, the golden glitter that dusted them highlighting the marks and leaving Jimin breathless.

Heat was swirling around in Jungkook's lower abdomen, almost embarrassed by how needy he sounded as he let out something similar to a whine when Jimin pulled away.

"You're sure?" Jimin asked as he began to tug Jungkook's pants down his legs, cupping Jungkook's face and running his thumb against his bottom lip. Jungkook sighed shakily and nodded, smiling reassuringly at Jimin.

"I'm sure." His voice was breathless, Jimin watching the way he shuddered once his underwear was tugged off as well. He could tell that he was still sheepish, not used to all of the attention being on him in these situations. It was an aspect of their relationship that wasn't often explored. Jimin preferred to be on the receiving end most of the time, and Jungkook relished in watching Jimin fall apart so effortlessly beneath him. However, the night that they did first meet ended up with Jungkook clawing at Jimin's back with each thrust that was delivered to him.

Maybe, it was time to get back to their roots for once.

Jimin wrapped his fingers around Jungkook's dick, smiling softly at the way he could see Jungkook tense up completely at the simple action. He pumped the younger a few times, squeezing the tip with each upstroke and listening as soft curses began to spill past Jungkook's lips.

'What an angel he is.' Jimin thought to himself, a smirk playing at his lips as Jungkook's back arched, fingers gripping at the bedsheets as he bucked his hips up into Jimin's touch, fucking into his grip. "Jimin." He gasped, eyes screwed shut and eyebrows furrowed together. His entire body was taut, stuttering breaths leaving his lips in between the moans that he couldn't find it in himself to silence.

"Relax, Kook." Jimin chuckled quietly, rubbing his freehand against Jungkook's chest to calm him down a bit. His skin was burning hot to the touch, a flush of pink tinting it. "I've got you." His hand travelled up to Jungkook's lips, his ring finger, middle finger, and forefinger all pressing against them and slipping inside Jungkook's mouth. Jungkook whimpered softly around them, swirling his tongue against the digits as he rolled his hips into the grip that Jimin still had on his cock.

"You look so pretty like this, you know that right?" Jimin sighed, removing his fingers from Jungkook's mouth and nudging his legs further apart so that he could settle between them. A soft smile made its way onto Jungkook's lips, bringing his hands up to wrap around Jimin's neck. "The most gorgeous."

"You obviously haven't seen yourself." Jungkook countered shakily, toes curling into the sheets as he felt one of Jimin's fingers prod at his entrance.

"You're literally an angel, Jungkook." Jimin laughed. "You were fine tuned to perfection." He slowly slipped his finger inside of Jungkook, his lover tugging at his bottom lip between his teeth as the muscles in his abdomen tensed up. He let out soft 'ah's as Jimin crooked his finger and wiggled it around inside of him, allowing Jungkook to get used to the feeling. Jungkook was slowly beginning to let go of the initial self consciousness, now just sinking into the mattress, allowing Jimin to touch on him they way he'd like.

Jimin's fingers weren't the longest, but they were chubbier than Jungkook's, having the younger gasping at the stretch as Jimin added a second finger. "God, if you could see yourself right now, Jungkook." Jungkook's hair was stuck to his forehead with sweat, blunt fingernails clawing at the back of Jimin's neck as he began to rock his hips hesitantly back against Jimin's fingers in order to feel him even deeper. His thighs were already trembling, mouth dropped open and lips glistening as soft moans and gasps left his mouth.

The air was filled with Jungkook's breathtaking sounds of approval as Jimin worked him up to the third and final finger, rubbing soothing circles against his hipbone. Jungkook's was being as quiet as he could, aware of the demons that were still in the same apartment as them. Though his responsive sounds were beautiful, they were hushed and breathy, Jungkook restraining himself from being too loud.

"Jimin." Jungkook gasped out breathlessly, digging his nails into Jimin's skin and crying out breathily once Jimin's fingers pressed against his prostate. "I'm good now, please." His chest heaved, exhales coming out incredibly shaky. "Just want you."

"Alright, alright." Jimin chuckled, removing his fingers from Jungkook and moving to tug off his own pants and underwear. He tossed the clothing off to the side, really not caring about where they landed when he was far too focused on the situation at hand. Jimin spit into his palm, using it to slick up his cock even more than it already was from the drops precum that were rolling down it.

He positioned himself between Jungkook's legs, rubbing his hands up and down his lover's thighs. He paused for a moment, taking in Jungkook's appearance right then. His skin glistened with sweat, flushed pink and enticing. His chest heaved, stomach tense and thighs quivering in anticipation. The urge being too hard to resist with it right in front of him, Jimin dipped his head down and lifted Jungkook's leg up, sucking beautiful marks into the supple and sensitive skin of Jungkook's inner thigh.

Jungkook was left a gasping mess, cock twitching and fingers curling into the bedsheets. It was so terribly hard to keep quiet, but Jungkook as trying his very best. It was when his entire body started to tremble that Jimin decided to stop being cruel, detaching his mouth from Jungkook's and lining up his dick.

"I love you, Jungkook." Jimin sighed softly, Jungkook gulping as he felt the head of Jimin's cock press against him.

"I know you do." Jungkook breathed, able to send Jimin a genuinely sweet smile despite how aroused he was. "I love you too."

Jimin grinned at his words, leaning down to capture Jungkook's lips with his as he slowly pushed in. The younger inhaled sharply against Jimin's mouth as Jimin stretched him open, tangling his fingers into his jet black hair and tugging on it hard. By the time he had bottomed out, Jungkook had more sweat heading up on his forehead, hushed sounds of pleasure leaving his swollen lips. He allowed himself right then to just completely let go, pressing himself flush to Jimin as he waited for him to move.

Jungkook truly did forget how absolutely amazing it felt to be completely taken apart by the one you loved the most. Sure, he did bottom for many when he was a demon, but none of them were Jimin. None of them held him the way Jimin did, not a single one knew each of Jungkook's wants and sensitive areas like Jimin did.

"You can move now." Jungkook breathed, allowing his eyes to flutter shut as he felt Jimin pull out of him slowly, inhaling shakily as he felt the drag of his cock against him. It wasn't long before Jimin started rocking gently into Jungkook, hands on his waist and holding him securely. He was slow, knowing simply from Jungkook's actions that the male just wanted to be taken care of, just wanted Jimin's touch and attention.

Each of Jungkook's exhales transformed into a sound of pleasure, trying so hard to try and silence his moans as each of Jimin's thrusts jabbed at his prostate and sent pleasure rushing through his veins. He hooked one of his legs around Jimin's waist, throwing his head back against the cushions and dragging his nails down Jimin's back as he found out that this allowed Jimin to take him even deeper. Jimin mouthed at Jungkook's neck as he pressed into his lover, whispering sweet nothings that had Jungkook blushing an even deeper shade of red.

"A-Ah!" He cried out, eyes screwed shut as Jimin continued to roll his hips into him. His voice was broken, becoming more and more lost in his pleasure as the minutes ticked by. "Jimin-Ah..."

"So good for me, Jungkook." Jimin breathed out, soft groans leaving his lips as he snapped his hips into Jungkook's tight heat. "You take me so, so, well." He pushed a few sweaty pieces of hair out of Jungkook's eyes, cupping his face and pressing a kiss against his forehead. "Love you so much."

Jungkook wasn't able to do anything but nod vehemently, too completely blissed out to even form words. His cock was throbbing against his stomach, leaking a sticky mess against his skin. He tugged at his bottom lip harshly to keep his moans back, though they just kept creeping up his throat with each well aimed thrust, each soft bite to his skin, each pressed of fingers into his hips.

"Kiss me, Jimin." Jungkook gasped out, his sensitive cock slapping against his skin with each thrust that Jimin gave him. "Please kiss me."

He sounded so absolutely wrecked, voice trembling and cracking, and Jimin would have to be stupid to refuse him. He quickly pressed his lips to Jungkook, drinking in the sweet noises that wouldn't stop spilling out of his mouth. He was so far gone, so pliant in Jimin's arms as Jimin gave him absolutely everything that he could. It wasn't often that Jimin got to see Jungkook like this, so unapologetically submitting to him, completely and utterly Jimin's to do with what he wanted.

Jungkook sucked on Jimin's bottom lip as the older held up his buzzing body by his waist, using this as leverage to pull Jungkook's hips back against his thrusts. "I'm gonna cum." Jungkook groaned quietly against Jimin's lips, his chest heaving with each breath. He was throbbing, teetering on the edge of release with each moment. Jimin circled his hips, head of his cock pressing so wonderfully against Jungkook's prostate and causing the brunette to see stars, back arching in a way that looked somewhat painful, fingernails digging into Jimin's shoulder blades.

"No one's stopping you." Jimin rubbed a soothing hand against the small of Jungkook's back. "Go on and cum for me, Kook."

It only took a few more well aimed thrusts for Jungkook to be spilling against his own chest, some of it landing on Jimin as well. He called Jimin's name softly as he rode out his orgasm, making it extremely clear what was on his mind then. Jimin truly did want to take a picture of Jungkook's facial expression right then, because he looked so absolutely far gone that it was mesmerizing. It was an expression of pure bliss, one that drove Jimin even closer to his own release. Jungkook was so damn beautiful it was astounding, and it continued to amaze Jimin that this beauty was all his.

He came into Jungkook with a muffled groan against the brunette's lips, fingernails sinking into Jungkook's waist as his hips stuttered to a halt.

"Some angel you are, huh?" Jimin asked as he cradled Jungkook in his arms. He pulled out slowly, taking notice of the way Jungkook shuddered at the sensation. "That was definitely the most holy thing I've done all day."

He could feel the scar like areas of Jungkook's back where his wings hid, running his thumb against the leathery skin.

"Oh, shut it." Jungkook laughed breathlessly. He curled himself into Jimin's arms, tucking his head into the crook of his neck. "God doesn't keep tabs on us like Lucifer did for her demons. He just checks up on us once we come back up to heaven, he can immediately tell if we're lying about something, so you can basically get away with anything as long as he doesn't ask you about it."

"What's it like?" Jimin asked, pulling the blanket over Jungkook and himself. They were sweaty and sticky, but a shower could wait because of how content they were in each other's arms. "Heaven, I mean. Is it all that it's cracked up to be?"

Jungkook thought for a moment, humming softly.

"I'm going to say both yes and no." He answered, tangling his and Jimin's legs together. "Its beautiful up there, definitely nice, but there's this... unspoken strictness. Rules are never verbally expressed, but you always kind of have to walk on eggshells up there. Everyone is scared that one day they might misstep and get their wings taken away. If not that then they could get their wings clipped, which sucks to because it takes away your ability to fly."

"You said that you have to go back soon." Jimin reminded, Jungkook closing his eyes and nodding.

"I do." He sighed. "And I think I'm going to try and take you with me."


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