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Jungkook and Jimin weren't quite sure what they were going to see as a reaction from Taehyung. Maybe, he would be shocked. Maybe, he would completely shun Jungkook away due to him being angelic. The one option that they weren't anticipating, but happened anyway, was for the demon to burst into tears upon laying eyes on the both of them.

It was as if he didn't even notice the change in Jungkook's appearance, simply throwing himself at the both of them and wrapped his arms around their shoulders. He buried his head into Jimin's shoulder, the latter being left in shock as he felt the demon begin to tremble.

"Taehyung." Jimin mumbled, rubbing his hand against Taehyung's back. "Hey, we're alright okay? We're fine." He tilted Taehyung's chin up, forcing him to make eye contact. "See? We're okay."

Jimin took the time then to observe the most prominent thing that had changed about Taehyung. His once sky blue eyes were incredibly dull, now dipping more into the realm of slate grey. Not the shining grey silver that Jungkook's were; Taehyung's were dull, dreary, and muted. "Are you okay?"

"Of course I am." Taehyung smiled unconvincingly, Jimin watching curiously as he suddenly flinched away from where he had his arm wrapped around Jungkook's shoulder. He glanced down at his arm, looking worriedly at the now reddened and stinging skin there.

"Taehyung..." Jungkook sighed, eyes full of shame. He cast his gaze downwards as soon as he caught sight of Taehyung scanning his entire form, eyes holding both fright and confusion in them as they lingered on the wings folded behind Jungkook's back. The angel actually completely forgot that he still had them in plain view, quickly hiding them away.

Angel wings could be hidden much like his demon horns were able to, simply leaving two scar like areas on his back while they were disguised.

"Jungkook?" Taehyung's voice trembled, eyes widened as he took in his friend's new form.

"Can we come in?" Jungkook sighed softly. "I have a lot to explain." Taehyung look one last look at the burn on his arm before nodding slowly, opening the door wider for the two of them to walk inside. He wiped the tears from off of his cheeks, shaking his head as he attempted to calm himself down.

"Yoongi's in the kitchen." He explained. "He's been keeping an eye on me while you two have been gone, because I haven't really been doing so hot."

As if on cue, Yoongi poked his head out of the kitchen at the sound of two new familiar voices, eyes widening drastically at the sight in front of him.

"Jimin?" He asked, making his way over to the both of them quickly. "Jungkook?" He cupped Jimin's face, and pressed a kiss to the crown of his head, before doing the same to Jungkook. "I knew that you two would be alright. I knew it." His palms stung as he held Jungkook's face, but he simply attributed it to being a side effect from his affection towards him. It blended in so well with the normal burning and stinging across his sting that he felt from kindness, that Yoongi could hardly even tell the difference.

He finally let go of Jungkook, looking down curiously at the irritated and reddened skin of his palms. There even seemed to be small blisters forming on the sensitive skin, Yoongi looking up at Jungkook for answers. And he might not have gotten any, but he sure did get a hint from the glittering silver eyes that stared back at him.

"Kook has something to tell us." Taehyung breathed, patting the spot beside him and motioning for Yoongi to sit. With one last confused glance towards Jungkook, the black haired male made his way over to the couch, sitting down beside Taehyung. The two demons looked at Jungkook and Jimin expectantly, waiting for one of them to explain everything that they could.

"I'm an angel." Jungkook frowned at the way that Taehyung and Yoongi flinched at his words, inching further away from him. "I always have been, ever since you first met me." Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed, and he leaned forwards in his seat as he waited for an explanation. "I'm an archangel, to be exact, and God sent me down here to..." He paused, shame creeping up on him as he tried to think of a way to sugarcoat his purpose.

"To what, Jungkook?" Yoongi asked, absentmindedly rubbing his burnt skin soothingly. "And what do you mean you've been an angel since we first met you? We met a human not an angel."

"He sent me down to earth to destroy, you guys, for lack of a better word." Jungkook breathed, grateful that Jimin took hold of his hand for support. "He caught word of Lucifer's plan for the sins, and obviously didn't want something like that tainting the creations He worked so hard on." He couldn't hold eye contact with Yoongi and Taehyung. "He took my wings and memories, but left me with the powers of each virtue so that I could slowly break all of you apart." He dropped his gaze down to his lap. "I didn't exactly succeed though, because I ended up falling in love with one of the demons I supposed to destroy."

The room fell into a stunned silence, Jungkook daring to sneak a glance at Yoongi and Taehyung's facial expressions. They were shocked, definitely, but Jungkook was extremely surprised to see that they didn't look angry. Why didn't they look angry? Surely they should have been, after being told that one of the people they cared about was actually sent to kill them.

"I'm not mad." Yoongi sighed, and those three words were so simple, but they came from Wrath himself and caused a heavy weight to settle on Jimin's chest. The Wrath he knew and grew up with would never utter such words, when he was healthy he would jump at the chance to start a fight about anything.

Yoongi was breaking, wasn't he?

"You didn't know that you were angel when you met us, so I'm going to wholeheartedly believe that you were genuine with us the whole time." He sighed, blunt fingernails scratching at his forearm to try and ease the sensation of his skin crawling. "You were sent to kill us, to break us down, and you've definitely succeeded. I can't find myself to be mad and harbour hatred where it's not needed. Maybe, I'm dying, but I feel more alive now than I have in awhile."

"Being a demon is kind of shitty anyway." Taehyung shrugged. "When I die, maybe you could pull some strings up there for me."

It was such a bittersweet moment. It was forgiveness, but also the knowledge that not everyone in that room was going to have a happy ending. It was acceptance, of the life they knew wasn't going to live on as long as it was intended.

Taehyung looked so exhausted. His eyelids dropped, but he was forcing himself to stay awake. His head lolled against Yoongi's shoulder, a soft smile on his face. "And Jimin, don't you dare ever use me again like you did to get down to hell. I blamed myself, you know. Thought you were going to die and that it was going to be my fault."

Jimin frowned and stood up, pulling Jungkook up with him. He walked over to Taehyung, taking hold of both of his hands, and pressing a soft kiss to them. Taehyung was so important to him, the bond between them being a mutual caring; platonic love.

"Don't blame yourself for the stupid stuff I do." Jimin laughed softly, looking up into Taehyung's eyes.

"Kook." Jungkook tore his eyes away from the scene beside him, meeting Yoongi's eyes. The demon had his arms outstretched, welcoming Jungkook into them. "Come here."

Jungkook hesitated before climbing onto the couch next to Yoongi, leaning forwards and wrapping his arms around the demon. He buried his head into the crook of Yoongi's neck, tensing up at the way he heard the demon hiss. It was hurting him, he knew it was. "It's fine." Yoongi reassured, tears building up in his eyes as he rubbed his hand up and down Jungkook's back. "It doesn't even hurt that bad."

"You're lying." Jungkook countered, pulling away and cringing at the burned and reddened skin that he left in his wake.

"I am." Yoongi confessed, sighing and wiping a few tears out of his eyes. "I knew that you'd let go if I told you the truth."


"He's asleep."

Jungkook was overjoyed to see Taehyung's chest rise and fall steadily as he dozed off on the couch with Yoongi. It was evident how exhausted he was, it was wonderful to see him get the rest that he needed. "I don't want to wake him up. Let's go."

He nodded his head in the direction of the hallway, taking hold of Jimin's hand. Jimin smiled fondly over at the two demons and nodded, standing up with Jungkook and walking over to the hallways as quietly as they could. They wouldn't be able to forgive themselves if they woke Taehyung up.

They tiptoed down the hallway and into the first door on the left, the room that was Jungkook's when he lived there. Jungkook collapsed onto the bed and pulled Jimin down with him, pulling his loved close to his side and singing contentedly.

"Now I know why angels keep themselves hidden." Jimin mumbled as he observed Jungkook's face, his features illuminated by the light from the window. The pastel pink highlights in his hair fell in front of his mesmerizing eyes, Jimin staring at him with a look of nothing but love.

"Why?" Jungkook asked curiously, hand resting on Jimin's waist.

Jimin sighed happily, snuggling further into Jungkook's chest.

"Because you're just too beautiful."


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