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lmao this chapter is long asf and it's all smut you're welcome.
also this is the softest smut I've ever written they're so cute
"I love you so, so much."

Jimin cupped Jungkook's face as he sat atop the younger's lap, bringing their lips together for a long deserved passion filled kiss.

Their lips moved in sync as Jimin threaded his fingers into Jungkook's hair, dozens upon dozens of emotions and memories transferring to one another as they kissed each other for the first time in what felt like forever.

Jimin didn't want to let himself cry anymore, didn't want to ruin the moment as Jungkook's hands gripped his waist just as he remembered he used to. Firm, but not too harsh. Protective, and safe. His heart was leaping out of his chest as he allowed the younger to lick into his mouth, tilting his head to deepen the kiss as he caught scent of something sweet.

Vanilla, nutmeg, and maybe a hint of rose. It didn't dawn on him until then that Jungkook was the one with the powers now.

"Jungkook." He gasped out, the younger kissing down his neck slowly. "L-Let me see, what you look like as a demon."

He felt Jungkook's actions stop, and the younger looked up to meet his gaze once more. His red eyes were going to take awhile to get used to.

"Are you sure?" He asked, Jimin nodding immediately and smoothing his thumb against Jungkook's cheek.

"Taehyung says that the devil made you really pretty." He mumbled, playing with a few strands of Jungkook's hair. "She couldn't've done much, you were already perfect."

Jungkook smiled softly, leaning in a planting a soft kiss on Jimin's forehead before finally nodding in agreement.

"Alright." He smiled. "But try not to make a big deal out of it okay? It's still weird to me too."

Jimin quickly agreed, brushing a few pieces of hair out of the younger's eyes and waiting for him to transform. He wasn't quite sure what he expected, Taehyung did tell him that the devil seemed to work hardest on him - but Jimin would be lying if he said that he didn't gasp at what Jungkook looked like.

Jimin took a moment to appreciate the shining horns atop Jungkook's head, then the sharpened teeth that were fairly viable as he sighed.

He was blown away.

"You're so beautiful." Jimin breathed, reaching up to rub his thumb against one of Jungkook's newly grown horns. They sparkled and shone in the most absolutely mesmerizing way. "You were then, and you are now. You'll always be stunning."

He definitely caught the sharp intake of breath that Jungkook took when his fingers touched his horn, remembering oh so clearly how it felt to he touched there. A simple touch would send a bolt of pleasure down his spine, prolonged touches or tugs would cause a mind numbing pleasure that wasn't comparable to anything else.

He sat up in Jungkook's lap, rubbing his hand up and down the horn lazily, feeling as Jungkook began to squirm beneath him and hearing as he had begun to pant. "I bet you remember how much I used to love this, don't you?" He tugged on the younger's horn suddenly, causing a pleasured cry to leave Jungkook's lips. "Now you know why."

Jungkook's hands gripped at Jimin's hips, eyes screwed shut as he nodded. Jimin straddled Jungkook's thighs and raised up into a kneeling position before leaning forwards. He blew a hot breath of air against both of Jungkook's horns, feeling as a shiver travelled down Jungkook's spine due to his actions.

"Jungkook?" He spoke gently, lips so close to the demon's horn that they were nearly brushing against it. Jungkook merely hummed in response, almost too out of it to form proper words. "I love you."

Jimin knew that he was being excessive with the amount of times he was saying it, but he was making up for lost time.

"I love you too." Jungkook immediately replied, voice breathless already. "Always."

A smile graced Jimin's lips, heart swelling with joy as he took in Jungkook's words. It still felt fairly weird to be able to receive affection without feeling pain from it, but he definitely wasn't complaining.

It just didn't seem real to him, the situation that he was in. It was too good to be true, hard to believe that something good was happening to him for once. He was almost too afraid to get comfortable, scared that he would be ripped away from Jungkook once again.

He wasn't sure how he would cope if that happened. Jungkook was his lifeline.

'Please' He begged silently to anyone who was willing to listen. 'Let me have him. Let us be okay for once."

"Missed you." Jimin mumbled, trying to pull himself out of his own thoughts. He pressed a kiss to one of Jungkook's horns, feeling the way that the demon's body tensed up beneath him. "Even when my memories were lost, I dreamt about you."

Jungkook's fingers pressed more firmly into his hips, Jimin shuddering as he felt the sharpened nails of Jungkook's demon form dig into his skin. "I guess I never really forgot about you."

He stuck his tongue out, dragging it up the length of the horn. He found it funny how the horn tasted sweet against his tongue - as if he was licking a candy. Every single part of Jungkook was made to be enjoyable.

The noise that left Jungkook's lips in response to Jimin's actions was absolutely stunning. It was a breathless cry, high pitched and pleading without words for more. "Always wondered if this would feel as good as I imagined." Jimin mumbled absentmindedly as his lips moved in patterns against the horn.

He wrapped his lips aground the tip of it, careful not to prick his tongue on the sharp edge. He swirled his tongue against it, gripping Jungkook's shoulders as he moaned softly at the taste. He couldn't quite place the flavour, but he couldn't care less with Jungkook moaning and panting so close to his ear.

"Jimin-" Jungkook couldn't hope back his soft cries, untucking Jimin's shirt so that he could slip his hands beneath the fabric. He just wanted to feel all of Jimin, wanted to have him as close as possible after being apart for so long.

It was so much for Jimin, the sweet taste on his tongue, the intoxicating smell in the air, and Jungkook's strong hands caressing his sides. He was on cloud nine, hard on straining against his jeans - so worked up even though he had hardly even been touched.

He sucked on the tip of the horn, mouth salivating over how sweet every single inch of Jungkook seemed to be. The air felt so, so hot, suffocating in the most welcomed way possible. Jimin gasped and cried out as Jungkook dragged his fingernails down his sides, the sound muffled by his full mouth. It stung, the sharpened features leaving burning trails in their wake - but Jimin loved it.

It was a reminder that this wasn't a dream. Jungkook really was with him.

"Jimin." Jungkook panted, eyes screwed shut as he tried to keep his noises down to a minimum. "Jimin, enough. Don't want to cum yet, want to feel you first."

Jimin smiled at the words, a shiver travelling down his spine at the thoughts stemming from them. He moved his mouth away from Jungkook's horns, sliding his hand down the younger's chest before letting it rest over his crotch. He squeezed the bulge in Jungkook's jeans once, biting back a moan at how hard he was.

"Miss me that much?" Jimin asked softly, a pretty blush on his face as he popped the button of Jungkook's jeans. He did let out a whimper this time, at the sight of Jungkook's hard cock straining against his black underwear. He pressed his hand against it, rubbing Jungkook slowly through the fabric.

"Missed you more than words can describe." Jungkook sighed, pushing Jimin's shirt up and nudging the older to lift his arms up so that he could tug it over his skin. "Just because you're not a demon anymore, doesn't mean that I'm not still under your spell."

His eyes raked across Jimin's torso, raising an eyebrow at the bruised bite mark that stood out just above Jimin's collarbone. He rain his thumb over it, still able to feel the indentations left from teeth. "I did this, didn't I?" He asked, Jimin nodding and smiling fondly at his lover.

"I like it." He spoke softly, beginning to unbutton Jungkook's shirt as he spoke. "It's like a tangible memory. It keeps you with me, at all times."

"I'm going to be with you at all times anyway." Jungkook smiled, shrugging to button up off of his shoulders once all of the buttons had been undone. "It does look pretty on you though."

He gripped Jimin's waist, flipping him over gently and pressing him against the soft blanket on the mattress. Jimin looked so beautiful then, with his hair splayed out and standing out so starkly against the white sheets

"Fuck, I love you so much." Jungkook breathed, Jimin helping him to slide his jeans off of his legs.

"Love you more." Jimin grinned, bringing Jungkook's head down so that their lips could connect.

"Love you most." Jungkook smiled against Jimin's lips, unbuttoning the older's pants and sliding them down along with his underwear in one go. He was so grateful that he had Jimin so close to him once again.

"Love you mostest." Jimin grinned, bursting into a fit of giggles when Jungkook broke their lips apart to pepper kisses all over his face.

"That's not even a real word." He laughed, reaching down to tug his own underwear off and throw it hopefully somewhere in the direction of the rest of his clothes.

"It definitely is." Jimin beamed, eyes crinkling up as he smiled. He ran his hands through Jungkook's soft hair, feeling how Jungkook's hands started to roam his body. "Besides, real words could never describe how much I love you."

"You're being cheesy." Jungkook laughed softly, bringing three of his fingers up to Jimin's lips and watching how the older's eyes darkened at bit at the gesture. He parted his lips, allowing Jungkook's fingers into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around the digits, slicking them up well for what he knew was to come.

"I think I have a right to be cheesy, don't I?" He asked softly once Jungkook removed his fingers, lips glistening as he watched Jungkook's hand disappear downwards.

"I suppose you have a point." Jungkook hummed, circling his finger around Jimin's entrance and watching how he shuddered due to it.

Jungkook leaned down again, capturing Jimin's lips with his as he slowly pushed his first finger in. Jimin moaned softly into his mouth, hands reaching behind Jungkook's head to tug at his hair. The whines and whimpers that escaped Jimin's lips were music to Jungkook's ears, spreading the older's legs apart a bit further to add the second finger.

"Jungkook." Jimin sighed, an expression of pure bliss of his face as he curled his fingers into the bedsheets. Jungkook was always so good to him - treated him liked he was the most precious thing on earth.

"You look so good, Jimin." Jungkook praised softly, rubbing his thumb against Jimin's cheeks gently as he added his third and final finger. "So, so perfect." He crooked his fingers inside Jimin, loving the way that Jimin's back arched off of the bed in response.

Jimin wouldn't've been able to keep quiet if he tried, not caring that Taehyung and Hoseok could have very well still been in the living room. "Are you ready, baby?" Jungkook's voice was so gentle that it made Jimin's heart flutter, nodding breathlessly because he was already too blissed out to form words.

Jungkook smiled, pressing a kiss to Jimin's forehead as he removed his fingers. He slicked up his cock with his precum and some of his own spit, whispering sweet nothings into Jimin's ear as he pushed in slowly.

A long drawn out moan left Jimin's lips with each inch that Jungkook pushed in, wrapping his legs around the younger's waist to get him as close as possible. Even as Jungkook paused for a moment to let him adjust, small whimpers still left Jimin's lips. Just the feeling of Jungkook stretching him open so well, his cock pulsing inside him and resting snugly against his prostate had Jimin's entire body fizzling with pleasure.

"You can move now." Jimin breathed, pulling Jungkook's head down so that their lips met once more as the younger pulled out to the tip, before burying himself back deep inside Jimin.

He rocked his hips at a slower, more drawn out pace, allowing Jimin to savour every single one of his movements. Jimin choked out his moans against Jungkook's lips, seeing stars with each jab against his prostate. Jungkook was just the right size to hit it every single time, and it was perfect.

"Oh my god." Jimin let out what he's sure was the filthiest moan that ever left his lips, pushing his hips back to meet Jungkook's thrusts.

"You sure you want to say that while you're doing this with a demon?" Jungkook teased, pulling Jimin's legs apart further and lifting his waist up a bit so that he could achieve a deeper angle.

"Shut- ah!" Jimin threw head back against the pillows, eyes screwed shut as his retort was interrupted by a moan as Jungkook suddenly picked up the pace. Jimin's entire body was buzzing, each exhale turning into a sound of pleasure as Jungkook snapped his hips forwards expertly.

"Can I tell you something?" Jungkook asked softly as he leaned down and pressed kisses against Jimin's collarbones, his hips never faltering.

"I-I don't know if I-" Jimin let out a sound that sounded similar to a sob, as Jungkook continued to hit his prostate with every single thrust. "If I'll give a g-good reply but go for it."

"I've always wanted to fuck you from behind." Jungkook mumbled, Jimin not missing the soft groan that left his lips afterwards. "But I think I'd miss seeing your pretty face too much." He pressed a kiss to Jimin's cheek, relishing in how irresistible Jimin sounded as he moaned directly into his ear.

A steady stream of precum dirtied Jimin's stomach, his cock jolting with every single thrust Jungkook delivered him.

"You can see my pretty face any other time, Jungkook." Jimin's words ended off with a high pitched cry, his hands clawing at Jungkook's back as he felt warmth begin to pool in his lower abdomen. "You can have me anyway that you'd like."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow, a smirk making its way onto his face. Jimin knew that face; he was about to take up his offer.

The few seconds that Jungkook was out of him as they changed positions had pitiful whines leaving Jimin's lips, his cock dripping and begging for attention as he pressed his face into the cushions and waited for Jungkook's touch once more.

"So perfect, Jimin." Jungkook mumbled, pressing a kiss to the small of Jimin's back before pushing his cock back into Jimin in one swift motion.

Even like that, with Jimin gasping against the pillows as Jungkook's strong hand gripped his waist, his actions exuded love and affection. His lips whispered nothing but praises, his hands being gentle as they held Jimin's quivering form.

Jungkook's name quickly became the only word in Jimin's vocabulary as Jungkook quickly started their rhythm back up, hands fisting into the bedsheets. His back arched as his arms gave up on keeping him held up, moaning shamelessly into the pillow as he felt himself grow closer and closer to his release.

"Jungkook," Jimin gasped out, hardly even able to form words. "I'm gonna-"

"Go on, baby." Jungkook breathed, smoothing his hands against Jimin's sides. Three simple words were all if took for Jimin to be letting out his longest moan of the evening, cum dirtying Jungkook's bedsheets.

Jimin shuddered with the aftershocks of his orgasm, still in a daze as Jungkook thrust into him slowly to finish himself off. He could barely even pay attention to the overstimulation with how absolutely out of it he felt.

It didn't take long for Jungkook to be coming to his own climax, releasing into Jimin and groaning against his lover's shoulder blades. He pulled out and collapsed beside Jimin, smiling goofily and brushing a few pieces of sweat covered hair out of his eyes after the older had rolled over to face him.

"Still as good as ever, huh?" He laughed, wiggling his eyebrows and grinning when Jimin scoffed and slapped his shoulder playfully.

"No comment." Jimin giggled, moving closer so that their chests were touching. "Don't want to fuel your ego."

Jungkook merely chuckled, closing his eyes for a moment as he sighed.

"Jimin, I really don't know what I'd do without you." He spoke, voice suddenly incredibly solemn. "I don't know what I did to deserve having you back, but I'm so grateful."

Jimin smiled softly, leaning forward to press a kiss against Jungkook's forehead.

"Don't worry about what you'd do without me." He sighed. "Because that will never become a reality."

can you guess how many words this chapter was (hint: it's about twice the length of my normal chapters wow)

- Charlie :)

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