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I swear I don't like torturing my characters like when I was editing I actually got hella sad reading what I put Jungkook through but yknow what's done is done
"I'm just so scared."

Jimin and Jungkook were both dressed once more, basically attached at the hip as they sat on the couch in Hoseok's living room. The other five demons were all there now as well, rushing to the scene after hearing the news of Jimin and Jungkook reuniting.

"What are you scared of, Kook?" Namjoon asked, sitting on the coffee table with his hands folded in his lap. He hadn't changed at all either, still looking expensive as ever.

"I saw what happened to Jimin because of me." Jungkook sighed. "Saw him suffer." He rubbed his hand up and down Jimin's thigh soothingly. "I don't want us to be separated again. Is it too much to ask for a simple life where we can be together without complications?"

"When you're a demon? Yes." Seokjin breathed, expression solemn as he rested his head against Namjoon's shoulder. "You fought last time, Jungkook. Now the two of you are going to have to fight twice as hard."

"The devil doesn't want you two together, but you're soulmates." Taehyung spoke up. "There's no other way to put it. Your souls are drawn to each other, no matter how many hardships you face. You were made to be together."

Jimin's eyes stayed fixed on the burn mark on Taehyung's neck again, bringing his hand up to his mouth in shock once he noticed that Seokjin and Yoongi had matching injuries with him. He nearly teared up at the thought of his friends being tortured by the devil's hands, having to avert his gaze to the ground.

"I think the worst part is that we all know that she's listening right now." Yoongi huffed, kicking up his feet onto Hoseok lap from where they both sat on the carpeted floor. "She's just waiting to strike. Waiting until we're fooled with a false sense of safety."

"If I do get taken away again," Jungkook started. "Just know that you guys are both the best and worst things to ever happen to me - and I love that." He smiled softly and pressed a gentle kiss to Jimin's temple. "My life was so fucking boring before I met you all. You ruined my old life, but then gave me a new one. A better one, in my opinion. You're always going to be a part of my life, no matter how many times that she tries to separate us."

It was after he spoke those words that Jungkook realized he had probably made a mistake, a strange sensation spreading across his skin. Like a bunch of little pinpricks everywhere, sweat beading up on his forehead as he felt himself grow hotter.

"You alright, Kook?" Namjoon asked, eyebrows furrowing with worry.

He wasn't alright.

Because it wasn't until it was too late that he realized what he was feeling. The heat, the prickles across his skin - he always felt like this immediately before he went down to hell.

His eyes widened upon the revelation, hand flying down to grab at Jimin's hand.

"N-No!" His voice hardly even sounded like it belonged to him, so panicked as he desperately clung to Jimin and hoped with his entire heart that he wouldn't be dragged down there again.

He did remember the devil being kind to him, but he doubted that she would be now.

It was no use.

He had lost again, just like he always seemed to.

Jimin watched in horror as Jungkook seemed to disappear into thin air, his pleading grasp leaving as well as nothing but a small wisp of black smoke remained where he once was.

"Jungkook!" Jimin completely collapsed against the couch cushions, absolutely devastated as he realized what he had just witnessed.

He had just watched his greatest fear come to life right before his very eyes.

The love of his life was being ripped out of his clutches again.

"Why, why?" Jimin repeated that question like a mantra, shoulders trembling as a cloud of grief completely engulfed him.

And nobody answered him, because there was no simply explanation to justify his suffering.


There was nothing that could compare to how terrified Jungkook was then as he stood in hell once more, able to see the figure of the devil standing only a few feet in front of him. She was so, so close, so terrifyingly close to him that he could already feel tears of fright well up in his eyes.

"Oh dear, why are you crying?" The devil asked softly, walking forwards a few steps and watching how Jungkook coward, hands flying up to protect himself. "Hey now, have I ever hurt you?"

Jungkook gulped, taking a shaky breath before shaking his head - his arms still up for self defence. "Then let your guard down, okay? I just want to talk, sweetheart. Just a little chat, and then I'll send you right back up to earth where I know you want to be."

He smile was sickeningly sweet, almost too sweet to be believable. Especially not when he knew exactly who she was, and what she could do to him. His demon form had been so naïve, viewing her as his creator and nothing else, accepting her affections and ignoring what she was doing to everyone else.

His human soul was logical, knowing extremely well that her kind exterior was a mask for her sick and twisted interior.

His demon soul however, was blindly devoted to her.

The demon soul seemed to linger, and he found himself lowering his arms against his better judgement, staring into her eyes and finding himself to nearly believe the kindness in them.

"What a good boy you still are hm?" She beamed, Jungkook slowly feeling the sinking feeling in his stomach fizzle away. The devil had never hurt him before, she cared for him. She was a mother figure, grooming him to absolute perfection.

She wouldn't hurt her prized creation, right?

"I am." Jungkook smiled, closing his eyes as he felt her hand cup his face like she had done so many times before.


He was confused for a second when he felt her touch disappear, opening his eyes to see what was up. Jungkook definitely didn't expect to be met with the sight of her hand whipping through the air straight towards him, landing with a resounding slap on the side of his face.

The slap came with such a force that Jungkook fell to the floor, knees hitting the hard floor harshly as he cradled his throbbing face. He trembled, hot tears building up in his eyes as he became more and more afraid to look back up at her.

She hurt him.

"You aren't good, and you know that you're not." The devil hissed, high heels clicking on the floor as she walked over to him. "So why are you lying to my face?" He drew her foot back, delivering a solid kick to Jungkook's side - the heeled point of her shoe digging into his ribs.

Jungkook sobbed, allowing himself to fall to his side, the non damaged half of his face hitting the warm tiled flooring.

"I'm sorry." He cried, curling himself up into a ball an attempt to shield himself. He knew that he could fight back if he really wanted to, but he was so absolutely terrified that his limbs wouldn't let him move from where he lay shaking on the floor. He knew that she knew everything; she knew that he and Jimin remembered each other, knew that they still felt the same for each other now as they did then, and he knew that she hated it.

"Another lie!" The devil laughed without humour bending down and grabbing a fistful of Jungkook's hair. She yanked his head up by his hair, completely ignoring the pained cry that echoed into the air. "You're not! Because you have your Jimin back, and that's all that matters. It doesn't matter to you that the exact same thing is going to play out again? A demon and a human once again, things aren't going to turn out well for you two simply because you're 'soulmates' as Taehyung put it."

The right side of Jungkook's face was already swollen, stinging so fiercely that he couldn't stop the tears from flowing. "You two are doomed. You have been since the first time that you locked eyes. You've cursed yourself with a life of misery, simply because you can't find somebody else."

"I can't find anybody else!" Jungkook sobbed, head throbbing from the hold that she had on his hair. "Because there's nobody else like Jimin!"

The devil rolled her eyes and let go of his hair, watching as his head fell back onto the floor weakly, smacking against the tiles in a way that sounded painful. Not that she cared.

"You're so absolutely pathetic. You're the reason he died in the first place. If you really loved him you'd leave him alone." She spat, Jungkook flinching at the harshness of her words. She turned around, walking over to her throne and bending down to pick up something beside it. It seemed to be a glass pitcher of sorts, Jungkook's eyes too shrouded in tears to fully make out what it was. "And to think I was proud of you at one point."

He watched with blurry vision as she knelt down next to the river he had heard horror stories about, leaning down to seemingly fill the pitcher with the water. One push and she would be gone. If only he had the strength to stand up.

She withdrew the pitcher from the water once it was almost completely full, hissing as a few drops landed on her skin before she stood back up and made her way back over to Jungkook.

"Sit up." She ordered, and he knew better than to disobey, shakily getting himself into a kneeling position before her. He was shaking so hard, breathing so quickly that he felt like he was going to pass out completely

He didn't comprehend what was happening as she placed her hand on his head and mumbled a few words, until he tried to move his arm and found himself to be paralyzed.

"M-Master." He whimpered, fresh tears cascading down his bruising face. "Please don't do this, I'm so sorry." He bowed his head, choking on a sob. "I'm so sorry."

"No you're not." The devil sighed, tilting his head up and parting his lips with her fingers. Jungkook's eyes went wide as he watched her bring the spout of the pitcher to his lips, heart beating frantically as panic took over.

"No, no, no!" He cried, his paralyzed limbs absolutely useless to him as he attempted to force his mouth closed.

"Stay still." The devil hissed, forcing Jungkook's mouth open again and bringing to pitcher to his lips, not hesitating before pouring the water down his throat. "I've always wondered what would happen if a demon drank holy water. Let's find out." She thought aloud, only ceasing her actions when she saw his eyes begin to glaze over.

She set the pitcher down before lifting Jungkook's paralysis, watching as he fell to the the floor and coughed harshly. He gasped and wheezed as he seemed to struggle to get a breath in.

She watched emotionlessly as his limbs shook, face contorted with immense pain.

He continued to cry, harder than the devil had ever seen anybody cry as he began to convulse; shaking so hard that he couldn't even pass out to escape the pain because his body wouldn't let him. He felt like he was burning from the inside out, his lungs seeming to fail him as his body temperature spiked.

The devil merely watched the demon at her feet as he wailed, tears never seeming to run out as his weakened and damaged body finally stopped shaking. His eyes were cloudy, expression blank as his movements became nothing but a few twitches.

The devil would have thought he was dead if she didn't see the slow rise and fall of his chest.

"Can you move, Jungkook?" She asked, genuinely curious, but not at all worried

Jungkook nodded slowly in response, weakly lifting one of his fingers off of the ground. He could, but it was agonizing, as if the water had gone straight to his blood stream.

He stared expressionlessly at the ground, a few tears still leaking out of his eyes.

It hurt. It hurt so much.

But he would rather it was him than Jimin again.


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