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"I need to get him back."

Jimin was frantic. His eyes were glossy with tears that hadn't been shed, the ones that had creating trails on his face. His chest was aching, hurting so badly as he knotted his fingers within his own hair. He felt like a part of him was ripped out, leaving a gaping hole that was quickly filling itself with despair.

He wiped his tears, not wanting to let himself grieve yet. If he started grieving, that meant that he accepting that Jungkook was already gone forever.

And he couldn't be. He couldn't leave again when they had just gotten back together.

He quickly stood up, eyes darting to each demon in the room with him. "One of you, please just help me. I can't be without him again."

Jimin watched as the others exchanged gazes, waiting anxiously for them to answer.

"No, Jimin."

Jimin's heart dropped and he looked over to Taehyung, who had been the one to utter the devasting words. His bottom lip trembled, slowly beginning to lose his composure.

"What do you mean 'no'?" He asked, feeling somewhat betrayed by his friends. They knew how much he loved Jungkook, why wouldn't they help him get him back?

"We mean that we're not letting you go down there." Yoongi sighed, not being able to look Jimin in the eye as he spoke. "Don't you get it Jimin? It's a cycle. Jungkook did the exact same thing for you, and look how that ended up."

"You can't do this to me!" Jimin cried, more tears cascading down his face. "You're a perfectly normal demon! You've never experienced love and you never will. I don't need you making decisions for me when you have no idea what I'm going through!"

He watched as Yoongi flinched at his words, the demon looking to Hoseok for help.

"Jimin, I'm sorry but I can't let any of this repeat itself." Hoseok sighed. "It was so absolutely devastating to watch it play out, and I don't want it to happen again."

"It won't happen again!" Jimin countered, Taehyung sighing and shaking his head.

"Yes it will." Taehyung frowned. "He's a demon now, and you're a human. He going to crumble apart just like you did, and then the cycle will continue." He had to look away from Jimin's hurt expression. "I'm sorry. I know that you love him, and believe when I say that I know how much he loves you - but you're just going to keep getting hurt over and over again."

"I don't care." Jimin gave up on wiping away his tears. "I don't care if it hurts, just as long as I can be with him."

"No, Jimin." Seokjin breathed, shaking his head.


"No." Namjoon spoke sternly, causing Jimin to quickly shut his mouth. "It's not happening, we're sorry."

Jimin brought his hands up to his face, sinking down to his knees and crying into his palms as the reality dawned on him. He may never see Jungkook again.

"It's for the best, Jimin. I know it hurts, but in time you'll heal." Yoongi sighed, watching as Jimin uncovered his face, revealing his sorrow stricken expression to the rest of them.

Jimin sniffled, shaking his head.

"This is what I mean when I say that all of you know nothing about love." He squeezed his eyes shut, more tears leaking out past his eyelids. "I'll never heal. He's my absolute everything, without him I'm just a shell of who I once was."


Everything was still painful.

Jungkook kneeled in front of the devil, tears leaking down his cheeks as he sniffled softly. The devil brushed his hair out of his eyes, Jungkook flinching at the gentle touch.  His skin was still at a hotter temperature than normal, aches and pain still spreading throughout his entire body.

How long had he been in hell now? Was it three hours or three days? Would he ever see Jimin again, or was he going to die down there?

"How are you feeling?" The devil asked, disregarding Jungkook's pained expression.

"Hurts." Jungkook spoke, only crying more when he heard his voice. He was trying his hardest to speak up, but it was if his voice had been reduced to a mere whisper; hardly even audible. She had hurt him so badly that she had nearly stripped him of the ability to speak, and yet even then she had not a twinge of remorse on her face.

Was this permanent? Had he truly done so much wrong that he deserve to lose his voice permanently?

The devil chuckled, ruffling up the demons hair.

"Yeah it sounds like it does." She laughed. "That's really all you have left of your voice huh?"

"Is it permanent?" He asked, sniffling and attempting to hold back the rest of his tears. He didn't deserve this, he knew that he didn't.

The devil shrugged her shoulders, touching to back of her hand to Jungkook's cheek; observing the bruises and feeling how he was burning up. He wasn't being given any time to rest, just unrelenting pain that never stopped.

"Might be." She hummed, wiping away a few of his tears. "Now if you think about it, you came down here so, so quickly after Jimin died. So where is he now when you need him?"

Jungkook's eyes widened, his bottom lip wobbling as he held back the sob that so desperately wanted to come out.

"He's coming." He hated speaking. Hated having to hear what she had done to him. "I know he is." His throat began to hurt more and more with each word he spoke, making him become increasingly worried that his voice would soon leave him once and for all.

"Is he?" The devil asked, raising an eyebrow. She knew that her other demons were refusing to let Jimin help, but didn't want to let Jungkook know that. It would be so much more entertaining to watch him believe that the love of his life had given up on him.

"Why wouldn't he be?" Jungkook asked, coughing after he spoke. "He loves me."

"He does." The devil nodded. "Still can't figure out why." She smiled something sick, feeling beneath her fingers the way that Jungkook trembled. "But now you've got no voice. You're broken. Sure he's still going to want you?"

"You don't understand love." Jungkook's voice wobbled as he spoke upon the realization that he was slowly getting quieter and quieter.

"I don't." The devil nodded. "Want my honest opinion? I don't want to. Look how much pain love has caused you. I don't get why it exists in the first place."

Jungkook chose to stay silent, afraid that he'd lose the rest of his voice if he argued against her. "If Jimin doesn't come, I think I'm just going to have you stay down here with me. You're not going to have any impact on earth if you can't talk."

'No!' Is what Jungkook wanted to scream, absolutely horrified when he found absolutely no noise leave his lips. He brought his hands up to his mouth, letting out a silent sob.

He leaned forwards, crying into his palms as the weight of the situation crashed down upon him. He had lost Jimin, he had lost his freedom, he had lost his ability to speak.

He was absolutely nothing.

His tears slipped through the spaces in his fingers, not being able to stop them from leaving his eyes.

'Jimin I know that you're coming' He thought to himself, believing wholeheartedly that Jimin would be there in the next little while.

Jimin would never leave him here, not when he knew that suffering that Jungkook would endure.

Jimin was coming. He was sure of it.


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