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this was edited really lazily so excuse any mistakes but also this chapter is a dOOZY
now THIS is the chapter you've been waiting for (it's longer than the rest bc I couldn't decide where to cut it off for the next chapter whoops)
Jimin had decided that he was absolutely done with being heartbroken.

He had given himself the day to grieve, had given himself one last day to pity himself and pour out his tears as he snuggled himself into Jungkook's sweater; but he had enough.

If it was so easy for Jungkook to walk away, then it should be just as easy for him to move on, right?

The weren't even technically dating. Jungkook should mean absolutely nothing to him considering that their 'relationship' wasn't even something that either end was fully committed to.

He shouldn't have been so stupid, and gotten attached to somebody who viewed him a nothing but a body to warm his bed.

The way that he was spending his day currently was almost an amusing sight to see, with the way that he was behaving resembling the way a stereotypical teenage girl after a breakup.

All of the ice cream in his house had been eaten, Jungkook's sweater lying on his couch next to a pair of scissors that he planned to cut it up with as soon as he washed the hair dye he had in out of his hair. His change of appearance was simply for a distraction, but the colour he had chosen was already making him feel worlds more confident.

He knew that he was acting fairly childish with the way that the 'breakup' playlist that Jungah had linked him to blasted through his headphones as he set a timer for the dye, but he couldn't care less. After all, he believed that it was a step in the right direction from how he felt yesterday.

He couldn't let Jungkook's actions weigh him down. If he had decided that Jimin meant nothing to him, then Jimin didn't want to waste his time and tears on him.

He hummed in satisfaction as looked at himself in the mirror before taking off the gloves he had used to dye his hair and throwing them in the trash bin.

Whistling softly to the tune that played through his headphones, Jimin walked out of the bathroom and turned the light off, then travelling into the living room and catching sight of the sweater that lay on his couch. The metal of the scissors glinted at him in a tempting way as they rested against the soft sweater, beckoning him to use them to pour out his frustrations.

He walked over to the couch, sitting next to the sweater and hating the fact that he could already smell Jungkook's signature scent wafting off of it. It was taunting him, coaxing him to give into his emotions once more and just let the rest of his tears fall.

But he wouldn't.

He picked up the sweater carefully, knowing exactly what the scent could do to him if he was around it long enough. It was what kept him drawn to Jungkook, and clouded how inconsiderate and insensitive the younger truly was.

He hated it.

Jimin picked up the scissors in his other hand, not thinking twice before bringing them to the soft baby blue fabric.


It was satisfying, the sound of his scissors cutting the fabric at the collar of the sweater, a weight seeming to lift off of his shoulders as he continued to cut through it. It consoled him in the strangest way to see one of Jungkook's possessions be destroyed right in front of his eyes. Maybe, it was a retaliation against how Jungkook had cut through his heart so quickly.

He wasn't hurting Jungkook directly, but the fact that he was wrecking something that he knew the younger was fond of made him happy.

Jimin couldn't help but smile as the sweater was completely cut in half, some stray bits of the torn cotton landing on his black jeans.

"I was nothing but kind to you." Jimin mumbled to himself as he held the ruined sweater in his hands. "I did anything you asked. I would let you over at the latest hours of the night just because you wanted to get off." Jimin scowled, refusing to let himself cry. "You were always the first priority, and this is what I get in return?"

He stood up with the sweater in his hands, walking over to the kitchen and dropping it in the trash bin by the fridge. "What an asshole." He sighed, wiping off his hands.

Jungkook didn't deserve to have hold of his heart anymore.

Not if he was going to hold it clumsily and play with it recklessly.

The timer on his phone for the dye went off, making Jimin snap out of the thoughts that were polluted with Jungkook.

He shook his head softly and walked to the bathroom, turning on the tap in his bathtub so that he could rinse the colour out. He caught a glimpse of it in the mirror already, the new colour making him extremely excited.

He took his glasses off and rinsed it out until the water ran clear, then turning the tap off and reaching for a towel. Quickly drying his hair out as he stood up and turned towards the mirror once more.

He put his his glasses back on and removed the towel, smile widening at the change in his appearance.

Black hair really suited him.

He giggled softly as he ran his fingers through the raven coloured strands, ruffling up the damp strands and grinning.

If he was going to change his appearance then he might as well go all the way. He thought for a moment before taking his glasses off, reaching into the medicine cabinet to take out the contact lenses that he barely used.

Once they were in, he stepped back again and took in his full appearance.

He somehow looked more like... himself. It was a strange feeling, but the mess of black hair atop his head and the removal of his glasses looked so familiar. The outfit he wore seemed familiar as well, though he had only worn it once.

A loose black t-shirt hung off of his frame, tucked into his black jeans and slipping off of one of one of his shoulders.

He reached up and smoothed his thumb over his cheek, his features looking both extremely familiar and completely foreign at the same time.

It was the weirdest feeling.

He suddenly felt a sharp pain rattle through his skull, gasping as he reached down to grab at the bathroom counter so that he didn't fall. His face scrunched up in pain, his chest tightening up as well as the pain in his head only increased.

It felt like he was dying.

The tightening of his chest made it hard to breathe, the unrelenting pain in his skull making it hard to think and stay conscious.

It caused tears to spring to his eyes, finally giving up and sinking down to the floor as he cursed himself for leaving his medication in the kitchen.

He whimpered softly and held his head in his hands, closing his eyes and attempting to take deep breaths


Everything hurt.

My chest burned, all of my muscles and joints ached and I couldn't move without shooting pain flowing throughout my entire body.

Jungkook's lips on mine were simply a distraction, tears threatening to spill from my eyes as he held me gently and kissed me tenderly. I was in so much pain, but I needed to have him close to me. It was hard to get a breath in, but I needed his arms around me. I didn't care about the consequences and repercussions.

I loved him so, so much.

"Are you alright?" He asked me, voice so caring that it made my heart break.

"I'm not." I answered. "But that's alright."

I just wanted to give up then. Jungkook was all that mattered to me, and he was threatening to leave for my best interest. I didn't care. He was my everything.

And without him, I was ready to go.

"Can I tell you something?" I asked him, knowing that the words I had the time left to speak were limited.

"Of course." He nodded, looking so beautiful as he rubbed his thumb against my cheek.

And with my last breath, I spoke the few words that meant the most.

"I love you."

Because he deserved to know, even if I wasn't there to hear him say it back.


So many emotions crashed into Jimin's mind as his eyelids fluttered open, knees going weak as more tears sprung to his eyes. His breathing quickened, hands shaking as all of the pieces that his mind had been missing came forth and snapped into place.


And so came the images of Jungkook in the past, with his warm, comforting brown eyes. Images flashed through his mind of Jungkook's comforting hold, and then the pain that he felt as he was being punished simply for loving.

His entire body was frozen, head throbbing as all of his suppressed memories bombarded his already fragile mind.

"J-Jungkook." He whispered out, tears steadily falling down his face at this npoint as he remembered every single thing that was supposed to be locked away. He was crumbling apart and being put back together at the same time, every single region in his brain firing off at once.

He didn't know what hurt the most; the way his brain seemed to be throbbing and pounding against his skull, or the intense ache in his chest that was produced from what he was remembering all so quickly.

He sobbed, and he wailed. Tears blurred his vision as he clawed at his chest, wishing and hoping that all of the pain would just go away.

It was when he truly thought about the pain, that a daunting realization was brought upon him.

Why was he alive?

He remembered dying. He remembered the excruciating pain in every single region of his body, remembered so vividly how it seemed as if all of his nerves were going haywire and burning him alive from the inside out.

He knew that had happened. There was no possible way that he could make up something that was so torturous.

He didn't remember anything after that. He vaguely remembered waking up in a hospital, but the real question was how did he get there?

His heart seemed to stop as an even more terrifying question came to the forefront.

"Jungkook?" He called out again, entire body trembling as confusion and fright took over him.

Where was Jungkook?


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