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"How's earth treating you, Jungkook?"

Jungkook had not one drop of fear coursing through his veins as he kneeled comfortably in front of the devil. The ruby tinted light bounced off of his horns, a sheer black button up shirt not leaving much to the imagination. Beneath that, the devil could see the glinting diamonds on a body chain that the male wore, the jewellery accentuating all of his muscles and curves.

According to Jungkook, he had been about to go out before he was summoned down to hell. The devil was impressed, to say the least. He looked even more stunning than he did when she first created him, and an overwhelming sense of pride washed over her because of it.

"Earth is treating me well." Jungkook answered after thinking for a few moments, picking at the rips in his black jeans. "Humans are strange though." He sighed. "Their emotions are so tricky to work around."

The devil nodded and watched him intently, smiling as she stepped down from her throne and approached him.

"Aren't they?" She laughed softly, hand reaching down to run through Jungkook's soft hair. "Are you having any troubles with them?"

She knew that he was. She knew every single thing that had happened between him and Jimin, but she wanted to see if he would admit it - wanted to test his loyalty.

Jungkook nibbled at his bottom lip for a few moments, shivering a bit when the devils fingernails accidentally scratched against one of his horns.

"There was this one human." Jungkook finally sighed. "Jimin. I... I escalated it too far with him, and I apologize. I believe I've broken it off, but if he comes around again I'll shoo him away, I promise."

"Why did you escalate it so far?" The devil urged, kneeling down beside him and leaning her head against his shoulder. "Do you favour him over all of the other humans?"

Jungkook hesitated to answer, not sure if she was going to like was he was about to say.

"He's so beautiful, master." He eventually breathed, ignoring the way that the devil played with the jewellery that hugged his hips. Old and fading marks from Jimin and his other lovers could be seen through the sheer material of the shirt, making him seem that much more enticing. "I had to have him again, and again."

"You can't be greedy, Jungkook." The devil sighed, wrapping her arm around his waist. "That's Namjoon's sin, not yours."

"I know but-" Jungkook was quickly interrupted by the devil, causing a pout to form on his lips.

"'But' nothing." The devil spoke. "I know that you think he's beautiful, but surely there are others that you'd think are just as wonderful, right?"

Jungkook sighed softly, shrugging his shoulders dejectedly.

"I guess." He mumbled. "It was his fault though! He started gaining feelings for me. If he didn't then everything would have been fine!"

"Humans will do that." The devil chuckled softly brushing a few pieces of Jungkook's hair out of his eyes. "And that's okay. Just as long as you do your job properly and don't start reciprocating his feelings, right?"

Jungkook gulped, pushing the thoughts of Jimin's sweet laughter and calming touches to the back of his mind.

"R-Right." Jungkook answered shakily, trying his best to not let his nervousness shine through. She would be able to tell if he was lying. He knew this, and yet he was still going to lie through his teeth.

"Good boy." The devil smiled, pressing a soft kiss to Jungkook's cheek. "I've heard that some of my other demons are giving you a bit of trouble, hm?"

She felt as Jungkook immediately tensed up, quirking an eyebrow at the sudden change. "What have they been doing?"

"Taehyung, Yoongi, and Seokjin." He sighed. "I don't even know what they're trying to do, but I know that it's not good for me." He reached down, playing with the devils fingers. They were adorned with various rings, Jungkook counting each of the gems. "It makes my chest hurt. Makes both my chest and head hurt and I don't know why."

The devil was disappointed, but truly not surprised, an irritated sigh leaving her lips as she pressed another soft kiss just below his jawline.

"Maybe you should room with Hoseok instead." She mumbled. "Out of all of my demons him and Namjoon are ones that cause the least trouble - besides you, of course. My perfect boy." She watched with a smiled as a soft blush rose on Jungkook's cheeks, his lips curling up into a sweet smile.

"I'm perfect?" Jungkook asked, eyes shining as the devil nodded and ruffled his hair.

"I worked the hardest on you, Jungkook." She beamed, watching as Jungkook looked down bashfully, the tips of his ears tinted red as well. "You make me so proud."

"Even more than the other demons?" Jungkook asked shyly, looking up at the devil through his bangs.

"Of course baby, of course." The devil cooed, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him close to her.

"Jimin likes it when I call him that." Jungkook spoke softly, words muffled into the devils shoulder as he nuzzled his head into the crook of her neck.

The devil's lips immediately tugged down into a frown.

"What?" She asked, using her finger to tilt Jungkook's chin up so that they could make eye contact once more.

"Baby." Jungkook repeated. "Jimin likes being called that."

The devil's frown didn't soften, the expression worrying Jungkook due to that fact that he didn't see it often.

"He likes it, does he?" The devil asked, Jungkook nodding slowly and waiting for her to continue. "Then I don't ever want you to call him it again."


You're overreacting, Jimin.

Telling himself that, was the only thing that was helping Jimin to not break down on the spot.

It was all just a misunderstanding. Just because Jungkook slept around in the past, didn't mean that he couldn't change for Jimin, right?

Jimin sat at his kitchen table, eyes teary as he gaze stayed fixated on the steam that dissipated into the air from his untouched coffee. His eyes and nose were both red, hair messy as he sat in nothing but a pair of boxers and Jungkook's sweater.

He didn't go to class that day, and it might've seemed like a stupid reason, but his head pounded and his chest ached and he just needed a day off. His chest ached with each breath he took, such a painful condition that only brought more tears to his eyes.

He just wanted to be happy.

Jungkook made him glow with happiness, made him shine like a candle in a dark room.

It was also Jungkook, however, that blew the flame out.

Just because Jungkook could change, doesn't mean he necessarily wanted to.

Jimin let out what sounded like a pathetic sob to him, uninvited tears escaping his eyes and rolling down his cheeks as he brought his head down to hide in his crossed arms.

He hated this. He hated how hurt he was over the end of something that wasn't even labelled as a relationship. He hated how he felt as if he needed Jungkook, as if he would die without him.

He didn't even want to answer the door when he heard a knock at it, knowing that he was looking like a mess because of what Jungkook did to him - but not in the same way as when he opened the door to Taewon.

Still he called out a shaky 'one minute!' as he stood up, grabbing a pair of sweatpants off of the floor and slipping them onto his legs clumsily.

He silently hoped that it was Jungkook behind that door. But then he opened it, and of course it wasn't Jungkook.

The male who stood there had messy brown hair, emerald green eyes looking so insanely mesmerizing.

"Jimin, right?" The male asked, Jimin immediately nodding and wiping his eyes better. "I'm Hoseok, Jungkook's roommate." The simple mention of Jungkook's name had Jimin's heart squeezing with emotion.

"Oh." Jimin nodded slowly. "How can I help you?" He asked, adjusting his glasses and hoping that he didn't look as horrible as he felt.

"Jungkook wants his sweater back." Hoseok spoke softly, eyeing the obviously oversized one that Jimin was wearing then.

Why did that sentence crush Jimin more than anything else? Was it the fact that it confirmed for him that it wasn't just a misunderstanding? Jungkook tossed him away as if he was nothing, and was so done with him that he couldn't even come back and ask for his sweater back himself.

It stung.

Hoseok watched as a hurt expression immediately washed over Jimin's features, and it was so hard to pretend that they were strangers. He couldn't believe Jungkook was doing this to him. He made him suffer in his demon life, why did he have to in his human one as well?

"If he wants it back so badly, then he can walk his sorry ass over here and get it back himself." Jimin spat, his bottom lip quivering as he gripped the hem of Jungkook's sweater.

Hoseok opened his mouth, but quickly shut it as he decided he didn't want to add fuel to Jimin's anger. "What? He can't even come here and face me? Probably because he knows what he did was wrong, and he doesn't want to own up to it."

"Listen, he's just really busy-"

"Busy." The laugh that Jimin let out lacked all humour. "Tell me Hoseok, was he with someone else last night? Is he with someone right now?"

"He, uh.." Hoseok gulped. "He came home with two girls not long before I came here to see you." He immediately regretted telling Jimin after he watched a few tears fall down his face.

He looked so broken.

"Couldn't even wait a full day." Jimin shook his head, bringing his hands up to cover his face due to the fact that he didn't want to start sobbing in front of a complete stranger.

He wiped at his eyes quickly, blinking back the rest of his tears before looking at Hoseok again. "Tell him he's got a day to come get his sweater before I fucking burn it."

His voice was soft, but the strain from all of the pain he was being put through was still evident.

"You won't." Hoseok answered, Jimin immediately narrowing his eyes at the other.

"Excuse me?" He asked, looking Hoseok up and down with an offended expression.

"I said that you won't." Hoseok repeated, leaning against the doorway and looking at Jimin with a somewhat fond expression on his face.

He had only seen Jimin once since he was brought back, but it was safe to say that he missed him. He missed his snarky remarks just as much as he missed his contagious laughter.

"Why are you looking at me like you know who I am?" Jimin asked softly, hand on the doorknob as he took a few steps back.

"I don't know you." Hoseok shrugged. "But I knew someone like you once."


- Charlie :)

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