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"...And for my next project I'm hoping to not actually bullshit it like the rest."

Jimin sat atop Jungkook's lap, thighs bracketing his hips as the taller male's hard on pressed against the front of his sweatpants. Jungkook was getting frustrated with how little he was getting from Jimin, but in all honestly Jimin found it kind of amusing; the furrow in Jungkook's brow, the flushed look to his face.

"Well yeah." Jungkook mumbled, pressing his fingers into Jimin's hips. "Gotta actually try if you want to graduate." Jimin bit back a whimper as Jungkook's fingers pressed into the still lingering bruises there, but there was a playfulness to him that day that didn't quite want to give Jungkook what he wanted right off the bat.

Jimin hummed in response, pressing closer to Jungkook and grazing his lips against his neck. His actions were agonizingly gentle, nearly having Jungkook squirming where he sat. "Jimin." He huffed, rolling his hips up to find any form of the contact that Jimin was depriving him of.

"How can I help you?" Jimin asked cheekily, reaching his hand down so that he could palm Jungkook through his jeans slowly. The other male grunted softly, leaning forwards to suck at the skin of Jimin's neck. There were still fading marks there from their last encounter, but Jungkook was more than happy to add more to the collection.

"Why are you playing hard to get today?" Jungkook groaned, bucking his hips up to meet Jimin's barely there touches. It was just bordering on the line of pleasurable but it was just so not enough that Jungkook was slowly being driven insane as each moment passed.

"Because I want to." Jimin shrugged finally giving in and rolling his hips down against Jungkook's. He listened to the sharp intake of breath that the other breathed in due to his actions, teeth sinking further into Jimin's skin and making him hiss.

It was times like these that Jimin was thankful he hadn't been placed with a roommate. It was nice to be able to have Jungkook wherever he wanted without the fear of having somebody walking in.

He liked being able to not have to be quiet, to have Jungkook fulfill the dirty promises he would whisper in his ear, liked having Jungkook able to stay the night, back pressed against the other's toned chest and held securely by his arms.

It was nice, it was so nice.

He couldn't help but wonder if Jungkook still only though of him as only somebody to mess around with, just somebody that would relieve him whenever he asked. That was fine if he did but Jimin couldn't help but hope that he didn't.

Because he'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy Jungkook's soft kisses and warm hugs just as much as he liked the marks he would leave and the salty taste of his skin.

He was quickly realizing that he liked all aspects of Jungkook, but he wasn't sure that Jungkook liked all aspects of him.

"But I like it better when you're nice, baby." Jungkook spoke softly, a smirk on his face as he felt Jimin tense up at the nickname. He wasn't quite sure what his deal was with the nickname, but he knew for sure that it could be used to turn Jimin into putty in his hands.

"What if I don't want to be nice?" Jimin mumbled, Jungkook sighing and shrugging his shoulders.

"Then I won't be nice either." He answered, biting down hard on Jimin's shoulder. He knew he had to be careful because even in his human form his teeth were sharper, but the strangled cry Jimin let out at his actions sounded too good not to do it again.

"Fuck." Jimin hissed, both pleasure and pain coursing through his veins as he felt Jungkook lick at the bite mark almost apologetically. "D-Do that again."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow, dragging his teeth teasingly against Jimin's collarbone. And maybe he was willing his human form away just a little bit, maybe he was allowing his teeth to become sharper than before.

Jimin's hands threaded into Jungkook's hair and pulled hard as the other bit at his skin again, harsher than before, a painfully wonderful sting fizzling across his skin from the place he was bit.

"You like that?" Jungkook asked softly, pressing light kisses against the angry red bite mark that now stood out against Jimin's skin. He couldn't help but notice how mesmerizing Jimin looked like this; skin glistening with sweat, face flushed pink and eyebrows furrowed, thighs trembling as they straddled Jungkook even though he hadn't even been touched yet below the belt.

Jungkook was nearly in awe.

Jungkook slid his hands up Jimin's shirt, feeling how smooth and hot his skin was. He rolled one of Jimin's nipples with his thumb, watching and gulping as the brunette arched into his touch.

He was so, so beautiful.

"Want you to.." Jimin had completely lost the 'playing hard to get' attitude he had been trying to keep up, now just lost in pleasure and rolling his hips down against Jungkook.

He could feel how hard Jungkook was, and his entire body was just burning to have the younger completely take him. "Please, Jungkook."

"Should I help you out?" Jungkook pondered, knowing how his teasing words would make Jimin squirm. "I did say I wasn't going to be nice, after all."

Jimin was about to whine and protest, play his cards right and guilt trip Jungkook into touching him, when there was a knock on his door.

Jimin's widened, fingers gripping into Jungkook shoulders as the other sucked a dark mark onto his neck. "Go get the door Jimin, it's rude to ignore people."


"I'll be nice if you do." He bit down in the mark he had just created, feeling as Jimin struggled to hold back his noises.

"C-Coming!" Jimin called out, silently hoping that the person on the other side of the door wouldn't hear him.

He slowly sat up and climbed off of Jungkook's lap, slipping his flannel off of himself and tying it around his waist to hopefully cover up the bulge in his sweatpants. He knew he probably looked like a mess anyway, from the marks on his neck the way that his white t-shirt was sticking to him in some places with sweat.

He walked over to the door, shooting a glare over to Jungkook who merely chuckled and walked off to hide in the kitchen.

Jimin swung open the door, eyes shooting open at who the visitor was.

"Taewon?" He asked, pushing a few pieces of hair out of his eyes.

His friend's ex-boyfriend stood in front of him hands in his pockets.

"Hey Jimin..." Jimin watched as Taewon's eyes scanned his neck, suddenly extremely aware of how much Jungkook had done. He could still feel some of the bite marks throbbing, and he would've liked that if he wasn't stood looking like a mess in front of one of his friends. "Is this a bad time?"

Jimin also knew that his hair was extremely tousled, face still flushed pink. It was completely obvious what he had been up to.

"Kind of." Jimin answered sheepishly, attempting to smooth down his hair. "If you need something, I can still help you out though."

Taewon cleared his throat, attempting to tear his eyes away from the stark bite mark that stood out against the skin on Jimin's neck.

He had always seen Jimin as sort of the shy, nerdy type. Always wearing oversized clothes and glasses balanced on his nose at all times, fairly soft spoken as well. Seeing him like this with his glasses sat atop his head and tangled within his messy hair, a blush on his cheeks and a mutual knowledge of what he had been doing before; it was a shock.

The even bigger shock, was the figure that he saw moving behind Jimin in his apartment. He looked so familiar, and when he turned around and they locked eyes, Taewon's blood ran cold.

"Just.. um.. Jungah won't answer anything I send her and I know you two are close.." He averted his vision from both males. "So if you could tell her just to answer my calls, I'd appreciate it."

"Alright, no problem." Jimin nodded, sending a nod in Taewon's direction. "I'll see you around."

Taewon nodded, but Jimin couldn't help but notice just how awkward the atmosphere still was.

All of that was erased from his mind the moment that he shut the door though, because he was quickly pressed against it by Jungkook. He giggled softly, pulling Jungkook close and pressing their lips together.

"Wasn't it nice that he didn't take up too much of your time?" Jungkook commented, slipping his hand down Jimin's sweatpants. "Guess he knew that you obviously had better things to do hm?"

Jimin sighed softly and nodded, dropping his head against Jungkook's shoulder as he squeezed at the base of his cock.

"You're so good for me Jimin, you know that?" Jungkook mumbled, pressing light kisses against each of the marks he had left on Jimin's skin. "Couldn't ask for anyone better."

And it might have been spoken in the heat of the moment, but Jungkook words made his heart jump in his chest.

Maybe, just maybe, Jungkook thought of him as more than just someone to use for sex.

That thought alone had Jimin's heart fluttering.


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